Leave your other suggestions in the comments!
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Obama in titan armor
Call it a prison shank!!
a giant version of the walker
Randal the Vandal
If it's a giant Shank with arc shields, I'll crap myself
Why doesn't anyone think of Master Raul? When disturb the remains in the cave on Cosmodrome.
Giant shank named hank yeah yeah hank I like that HANK THE SHANK DESTROYER OF WORLDS fear him
Edited by Praedyth: 3/5/2015 9:08:02 PMPre Raid is Sparrow "race" through bits of the ruined Reef and ending in the cargo bay of a Ketch, all the while being shot at by Shanks and Fallen Jumpships. There are various tunnels leading to the Ketch and the correct tunnels (identified by Fallen Light sticks) change every playthrough. But the first one can be used to figure out the pattern throughout. (Ex if the first is Tunnel 1 then the next ones will always be 3, 2, 2, and 1) "Mini"-Boss is Wolf Walker and Archon Spider Tank w a Servitor as it's main gun Escorted by a Archon Priest looking "Captain" wielding a Wire Rifle, although he's on got Gorgon health, he flees early in battle, if you kill him you get 2 of a Random Radiant Mat. or the Raid Class Item. The battle is essentially the Devil walker battle but with Servitor blasts (near death if hit because he's a boss) and it's legs are protected so you have to shoot the Servitor gun while it's charging to force it to open the Weak spot. Final Boss is Kaliks Prime Exiled Servitor Involving use of the environment to down his shield, he can then only be Precision Hit, this needs to be done about 4 times on Regular Raid - 6-8 on Hard. Raid Exotic is Lord of Wolves Shotgun. Essentially Advanced Devils Lair.
I hope its the queens prick brother. Id so love unloading all my weapons into him..
A big, badass Archon.
An undead rocking out with a guitar on the back of a t-rex on top of a giant flying shark with lasers and rockets.
Randal the vandal dual wielding shock rifles, on the back of an archon priest, who is riding a giant shank
Plot twist: queens brother is the one behind the uprising
I was hoping it would be the secret agent of the nine.
I thought it would be Cayde-6s over protecting mother. Always keeping him locked in the tower. That's why he always mutters "take me with you."
Being titled "The Arena" leads me to believe that it could be some type of trial. I'm think that the Prime for the House of Wolves has surfaced and is creating a rebellion against the Queen. We already know we "owe" the Queen a favor. This could potentially be us representing her as champion to maintain her leadership control over the house. Could be the Prime is the boss or with their technological ability maybe it's found a way to reproduce an Ahamkara. Looks like one is flying around Venus on a cut scene
It's a survivor style raid, so it's hard to say.
A square servitor ~PVP_Raptor
Servitor.. if not a kell or however you spell it.
It will be a servitor
Though it would be cool to fight her brother, I have a feeling it will be a shield whoring servitor, a tad bigger than my dog Sepsky Primo.
I can guarantee the HOW raid boss is gonna be a giant Captain/Archon Priest. Each "House" of the fallen are led by an Archon Priest/Captain. Im pretty sure thats what it will be. If its not a Captain then itll Be a Servitor.
I bet it'll be a giant dreg that spams grenades and has two devil walkers with some vex spawns
I hope its the prison of elders and its like a gauntlet.
I'd rather it not be Randal; I don't want his legend to end here! But if it was, then I hope we only defeat h and he becomes our NPC companion. Hey I can dream!
Whoever the boss is......I hope he doesn't have snipers all around him. They can be a overwhelming.