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Edited by Troldier: 12/27/2014 7:38:33 PM

No Land Beyond: Buff Hub

I look down at this thread and see a bunch of No Land Beyond buff topics. I'd like to try and start an unofficial hub for No Land Beyond buff suggestions that Bungie can look at for all the No Land Beyond buff ideas. Let’s begin with my thoughts on it. [b]Lower the zoom[/b] First and foremost I'd like to be able to use it. By this, I mean improving the awkward zoom that its currently at. It's a bolt action rifle with iron sights, the first time you use it you think its going to be a close range type of sniper...It's not. It zooms in WAY too much for my liking, it makes it awkward to acquire targets, it makes it seem like my sensitivity has been raised, and it makes it feel nothing like an old WW bolt action. You know what I'm talking about if you've ever played a WWII shooter that features a bolt-action. If you wanna know what I'm talking about, look at the game Heroes and Generals, its F2P right now on steam. I'm talking to you too devs, it's not wrong to take inspiration from other games. [b]Get rid of the lens flare, there's no lens[/b] That sort of explains itself, there is no need for other snipers to be able to see you across the map when you're at such a disadvantage at range. [b]Damage/Perk changes[/b] I read that the precision damage and just base damage has a way lower stat than regular snipers, which also needs to change. That needs to change. Think about it being a one shot kill, just for a second, just to the chest/head. How OP would it really be? It's hard enough to hit a shot already, this would make it an Exotic. It's not unique enough as it currently is. If this doesn't happen, then I think the main perk for it should be a stun affect, much like the Titan's grenade that disables abilities. Of course, it wouldn't be as effective as the grenade, but I'm thinking something like just slowing the enemy down long enough to pull the bolt back and get a second shot off. If you miss the second shot, your target has probably escaped already. This would also make it more like an Exotic weapon. Why not just redo the weapon completely? I think it needs it. [b]Ammo pool[/b] This is more of an issue in PvE than it is in PvP (PvP you spawn with primary ammo every death). Yesterday I ran through a daily story with it and constantly ran out of ammo. I even used an ammo synthesis for it. I think the total capacity is something like 24. 24 shots is simply not enough, I think it should have the same ammo pool as hand-cannons. Around 12 in a mag and around 90 total shots. [b]Rate of Fire[/b] Ok, it's a bolt-action. We get it. But that doesn't mean the pullback needs to take that long, it’s a video game. Idk if the flared magwell affects this or not, I didn't look that up. If it does I'll just delete this section if it does. I'll leave it open for discussion though. There's a couple more things probably, but I can't think of them. Since Xur is selling it right now, I'm sure there's a lot of people with some suggestions, leave your suggestions below. No opinion is wrong, it’s your opinion. All in all, I like the gun. It has potential, it’s got a nice visual design but just does not perform.

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  • Edited by Pilot8091: 1/4/2015 6:17:17 AM
    Here is what I thought. The suggestion about the lens flare, didn't even know that was a thing, BUNGIE FIX IT The ammo pool should be around 60 or higher, at least the amount of a shoddy hand cannon. BUNGIE FIX IT The rate of fire lacks something to be desired however FUN FACT ABOUT THE NO LAND BEYOND= it is modeled after the PTRD-41 Russian anti tank rifle (grimoir states it is pre-golden age, hinting at the fact that it is from our time period roughly) . Seeing that it is an ANTI TANK RIFLE I think, as an Exotic it would be realistic to do massive amounts of critical damage. (Maybe around 7-9k) but lack in normal damage. (Since if you hit a Dreg in the leg with it it would probably just go straight through [or just rip it off]) this would make it good for boss fights but impractical for just about everything else like a real anti tank rifle, just like Deejay said "feels powerful but not game breaking". [edit1: rate of fire- it's fine as long as it gets a damage buff. I would really hate this gun to become a COD sniper with an irrationally quick rechamber. It is an anti tank rifle, the bolt assembly is going to be big and clunky, just like it is in the game. I think this could be one of the coolest exotics if Bungie stays true to its real life origins. edit2: Clip size: tbh you are lucky it has a clip, many of the models of this gun are single shot, where you have to reload every time. Again it should be fine with the damage buff and I think Bungie should stay true to its real life origins. edit3: zoom should be less dramatic, nuff said.] I love the No Land Beyond. It looks awesome and feels great, it just isn't practical for anything! I would love to see a lot more damage and for the gun to feel like a PTRD. Big Bang, Recoil And DEVASTATION IN ITS WAKE, BLAZING THE PATH TO RECLAMATION ONE SHOT AT A TIME!

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