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1/3/2015 2:57:37 PM

VOG Suggestions?

Hey guys, I was sitting on the toilet the other day and all of a sudden... A great idea (IMO) for the Vault of Glass raid to revive it's excitement! Imagine a harder difficulty with, HIGHER LEVEL ENEMIES, UPDATED VOG LOOT DROPS, and MORE RAGING :D, but then again, were guardians of SPACE AND TIME WE GOT THIS!!! Anywhoozies, to get into detail here's some numbers for y'all - This new difficulty requires lvl 31 or higher - VOG weapons brought to 331!!!! - Maybe make the armor give light to lvl 33? - And MORE CHANCE FOR EXOTICS!!! This new difficulty will unlock more paths to lvl 32 or 33 ESPECIALLY NON DLC PEEPS! I feel your pain guys just sayin' imagine how many people will start playing again and feel the excitement, fear, regret, and finally getting past the gorgon's maze! (you know who you are lol) Feel free to like, hate, comment, and give high fives to your pet turtle!

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