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originally posted in: IGN slams Destiny and TDB
12/22/2014 5:17:05 PM
I posted this as a response to someone, but felt I took enough time that I could repost it here. I play destiny daily. I play because I'm monetarily invested until at least House of Wolves and because every other AAA title flopped. I have well over 300+ hours gameplay. I agree with this review 100%. [b]Story -[/b] Poorly written. I understand the concept of what they are trying to do by releasing chunks of the story bit by bit to extend over their 10 year plan. But this story is poorly written. I've seen better dialog in porn. [b]Gunplay -[/b] It's good, poorly balanced I think. But nothing revolutionary it's pretty much a copy/paste of other FPS [b]PvP-[/b] Maps are aweful, if you don't conform to the weapon "standards" your just hurting yourself. Supers clutter the gameplay and overshadow the gun game. [b]Raids -[/b] Buggy, feels like they skipped or skimmed through the development a bit. Mechanics are ment to be "hard" but there not. Only hard part is figuring it out the first time, which is true about other games but I've experienced mechanics that are still interesting even if you know what is going to happen [b]DLC -[/b] If you break it down. We got like 5 new rooms, handful of weapons, and a raid. [b]Customization -[/b] Still waiting for it to be added.

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