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originally posted in: WTF is with the story?????
12/22/2014 10:30:29 AM
Although I do agree to an extent in terms of the story, I think it's the delivery that is lacking. Two things though: 1. I believe there is a lot of intentional ambiguity within the story. A lot is left unexplained or unsaid. I have likened this to the first chapter of a book... The first chapter sets the scene, introduces main characters, gives a hint as to the overarching narrative perhaps. It does not give you the full story. This is a game with a 10 year plan, lest we forget. We just read the first chapter. 2. The story, each and every mission, needs to make sense in terms of structure to a fire team as well as an individual... This is why they are so similar in terms of construct, go here, defend this, activate this and so forth. I think this set up is quite jarring and doesn't allow the delivery of story in any meaningful way. Cut scenes are also kept to a minimum, again because three people don't want to sit through reams of video. I still think the delivery is weak. The Grimoire is a great idea, but is relied on too heavily. We all know Destiny isn't perfect in this respect, far from it.

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