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Edited by Classy Snowman: 12/22/2014 6:38:54 PM

Please Don't Lie (Small Edit)

Please. You guys and gals know what I'm talking about? When you load up the VOG and see a group full of 30s and 31s. You go to inspect their armor, and most of it is Vanguard Light 33. "Have you done/beaten the hard raid before?" "Yeah all the time!" *[b]15 minutes later[/b]* "How do we kill the Templar?" "What's a gorgon?" "What side is Venus?" "There's a Conflux at Gatekeeper?!" "Wait, those Harpies explode?" "Why am I detained?!" And my favorite: "There's no revives on hard?" People. Please be honest. Personally, I [i]love[/i] explaining the mechanics of the VOG to new people. I love helping VOG virgins through it for the first time. It's awesome. But please don't lie about it. If you say you know what you're doing, we won't explain it because we assume you've done it. Now, what happens if you say you've never done it and get kicked from a group? Well that's a good thing. Because those people have no tolerance and patience (and time). You don't want to raid with people like that. You want a group that is forgiving, loose, chill, and can help others. I love helping people. But please, don't lie. It makes it easier on everybody. EDIT: Wow love the feedback! One thing I keep seeing over and over is asking me for my help. I'd love to(: My Gamertag is: Classy Snowman I play on the 360! Feel free to ask!

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  • That's what you guys get! I try joining VoG Raids on Hard as a level 29 and people shun me away even though I clearly state that I have Maxed Raid Weapons and plenty of experience, but no, you'd rather go for the player that has the fancy armor and no Raiding Experience :)

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    7 Replies
    • I agree about not lying. That being said, it is telling that people feel they have to lie to get a chance to experience a part of the game. Unfortunately there are too many elitest groups out there that feel like they have to have an all star cast and have shut others out for it. Real skill comes from adapting with the team you have and evolving your gameplay and that of others. Doing the same things with the same people (all the time) does not prompt growth because you're always in the same roles.

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    • I have beaten the hard raid legit at least 5 or 6 times. I ended up in a group of 30-31's and they were so happy when we beat atheon after just 2 times vengeance. It felt good to help them through their first hard raid.

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    • That's the problem with Tower 31s. Ran the VoG on hard yesterday. 1st party struggled on the Confluxes. During legions 2 of them didn't know what to do. The only other guy with experience left. So I followed suit. Went to another party and I asked if everyone had done it multiple times before. Everyone said they had. Nope, only 3 of us knew what to do. Fortunately, the other 3 played smart and quickly learned each step. We also got past the gatekeepers on our first shot. Albeit, we had 2 left when we did.

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    • It's called YouTube people. Watch and learn...

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    • I just play Atheon and templar to get chest on normal and leave. But 9/10 of the people I play with are garbage and I quit to find a new team

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      • The "there's no revive on hard?!" is the best one ever from 'experienced' players

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      • Happened twice this weekend. 30 & 31's having ZERO idea what is going on in VoG. Kind of frustrating

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      • I completely agree lol. *if you inspect me for proof, my weapons, including my Crota's End gear are on my Titan. I'm not lying.* Raid completions were on my hunter.

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      • Lol... I find it surprising that some people are playing the VoG for the first time. It's not even people who just bought the game, like, what were you afraid of?

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      • Yeah the new light level armor can be a big pain in HM. I spent 2 hours one night trying to explain the raid to 4 level 31s. The sixth slot kept dropping due to frustration. We finally made it, but now I require proof of fully leveled raid weapons for the HM raid

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      • trying to get into CE raids with my 30's is rough... I just equip my raid weapons to show that I have beat it and hope people catch on and invite me... I am working on getting my titan and warlock to 31... Pretty sure both just need class materials then all will be good.

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      • Whenever I play VoG on Hard, the first time I do need a reminder. Plenty times I forgot the Detainment during Atheon, causing an early death.

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      • It's getting to the point now where I'm considering lying just to get into a raid. I mean I never would, but it's tempting. I've yet to do the raid at all, no one is willing to take someone with no experience at all. Just on normal obviously, not hard. I missed doing it initially as I wanted to level up and to be honest didn't know how to go about getting a group, this is my first game with other people and I have no friends on psn previous to destiny. Then i got ill and it wasn't possible, now I can talk again but I'm struggling to find anyone who'll let me join. I won't lie of course, I don't want to be a burden, but I can se why people do it.

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        33 Replies
        • The worst was 3 level 31s and 2x level 30s who didn't even know you had to kill the oracles at Atheon, they just kept running out of the portals. I didn't think much at first and I was just like, "come guys, you'll get them next time" thinking they knew what I was referring to. After 3 wipes I got ported and I saw a guy just waltzing down the steps to get cleansed whilst I was tearing the shit out of them. Literally had no words. Evidently they've never even completed the Templar stage on normal as otherwise they'd have known you'd have to kill oracles. I've got no problems taking new people through the Raid, I actually enjoy it as the majority spaff at getting the cloak and chatterwhite. My issue is with them not saying they're new. All it would've taken is "Hey none of us have done this, have you?" And I would've talked them all through it. It actually took me to ask them if they had. It's nothing to be ashamed about, just let people know

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          • Sadly... As many times as I've been told I always forget which side Venus is on. Even though I know where Mars is.. I know. I'm a retard. But I've had so many problems with vog since crota came out. So many noobs. No offence to those who don't know better

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            • All of this 100%. I was trying to help a crew through VOG Normal yesterday and when they started ignoring me, I stopped explaining things or even warning them. Events that ensued in no particular order: 1) 'Fed' a Titan to a supplicant 2) Retrieved the shield and revived four teammates when the Shieldbearer tried to jump-slam Atheon 3) Held down two sync plates at the entrance while people cried about not knowing what to do after I explained it three times. 4) Explained multiple times that Atheon could no longer be pushed off the edge and if it was their first time they need to learn how to do things proper 5) Watched a Shieldbearer (aforementioned) try to jump-slam the Templar There's a lot more. Honestly, I could start a whole new thread about how fun the Labyrinth was. After we killed Atheon (finally) they (a group of 26 and 27s) proceed to go, "Hey, let's do it on Hard now!" I wanted to punch a baby seal. Bottom line: Don't lie. (Granted they didn't.) Listen to those who've done it before and have the knowledge and know-how. Practice. Beat it once this week? So? Do it again and again. Most positive thing about that experience? When they finally listened and stopped screwing around. Watched a fresh fish get the relic for the first time and own it. Feeding a Titan to the Supplicants (because I'm an asshole).

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              • Depends on how much time I hve to raid. If it's a leisurely Sunday afternoon or something and I plan on gaming all day, I have no problem talking people through the raid. If it's a weekday night, and all I wanna do is cheese and run it in 40 minutes, I'm less apt to join non-31 groups.

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              • What do you mean what side is Venus? You sound like a noob because any true player knows both sides are Venus one is in the past and one is in the future. I think we found the true noob

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                • I worked my ass off collecting the raid gear to be level 30 when the expansion released. As soon as it released, the best thing you could do was buy vanguard/crucible armor to get to lvl 31.. Now, everyone is lvl 30/31. Sadly most of them havent done the raid before the dlc. They are all big noobs and i get them everytime when playing strikes. You can achieve a higher level by doing nothing at all than working your ass off in the raid and that is where destiny totally failed for me. You dont need skill/experience to reach a higher level. You just have to wait for the next dlc

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                • Can't really go by that either. I have watched numerous videos of VOG raids, but have never done it myself. I understand what to do, so wouldn't be asking stupid questions. then again, I would never lie about it. There's no point. Pretty much everyone that has not got the new raid gear is going to have some vanguard or crucible light 33 gear.... Seeing that doesn't mean they never completed the VOG before.

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                • Wait so there is portals that need to be opened? I thought the red things in the air were buff bubbles we had to jump through to increase damage to the boss? Idk why the guy even grabs the relic to pop a bubble the Titan has the same thing?!

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                • Agreed. I love taking new people through the vault because it's a blast but don't lie to me. Just tell me the truth and I won't get frustrated when we keep wiping because you say you know what to do

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                • A three man team invites me to their party after I post about wanting to do a quick hm run from the templar, (asking for 30+ with xp). two of them are 27s. They jumped on my fireteam so I can boot them, I boot them, they are in the party and are bitching, I explain that the raid lvl is 28 and that they are both 27s, they answer: ITS EASY YOU JUST HAVE TO SNIPE HIM. (As if they've easily sniped him with 27s a ton of times). Lie

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                • I'm a level 29 Hunter and I finished the raid for my first time on hard today. I wasn't even expecting to finish it on normal, but HARD!? Man I was thrilled when I beat Atheon!

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                  • Dude.....I wAs playing Atheon last week on hard, and we kept wiping for some reason. After about 6 tries, everyone outside the portal died except this one kid, we said "go open the Venus portal" his reply.........."how do you open the portal" Kicked. Beat Atheon next time around, got the Vex, retired Vog

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