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12/21/2014 5:05:04 PM

Melee Weapons?





Dont care.


Hey friends! So, as the topic indicates. This is about adding Melee weapons as an item, and before people start saying, NAY. Its not going to become a constant Arc Blade item. I hope to hear constructive feedback and feel free to ask any questions, and keep in mind, im just one of you guys, that want to enjoy destiny even more. So, let me start of, that all the people i've talked to about destiny loves the moon mission when you get to slice up hive with the blade of crota, and even more so now that we are able to find the rituals and get to slice people on the go in patrols. I started feeling like having all these swords placed around and included in the crotas end, just adds to some kind of testing for posible future plans about melee weapons, but i cant just leave that to hopes, so im writing this topic in hopes of either hearing that they are already planning this, or maybe in my wildest fantasy, make them see that this could work. Part 1: Melee weapons and Mechanics. So this might be the boring part of the topic, but very important none the less. How could the melee weapon work in destiny. Lets start with the attacks, Just like blade of crota, R1 = Light attacks and possible dashes. R2 = heavy attacks plus possible small jump forward. Melee weapons dont have ammo, therefore it runs a stamina as resource. As example, we will use the Blades of Crota to demostrate how the stamina could possibly work. wielding the blade of crota lets you have 100 stamina as "ammo" the sword is capable of a 3 slash light combo, using that will deplete your stamina pool, which means 1 light slash costs 30. Regenerating stamina 0 to 100 could take about 3 seconds, so after 3 light slashes you still have 10 stamina left, this only allows you to do a late 4 light slash after 1 second. Heavy slash costs 50. In another case, a dagger might not have a heavy slash but a light slash only costs 20. Part 2: Melee weapons as a item. To start it all off, i think the melee weapon could fit as a special weapon, as it is very "special". A very niche weapon just like the shotgun and sniper. I mean, you would'nt use the shotgun on long range unless ur using Universal remote, and even then, its still not incredibly good compared to other exotics. So with that in mind, please understand that melee weapons is just like any other weapon. It has its area of expertise. Considering the melee has no ammo. Part 3: Melee weapons and characteristics. As many might also think, the types of melee weapons are very different from one another ofcourse. Some types could be Hammers, Swords, Axes and Big daggers perhaps. And these have very different characteristics...everyone knows this. But lets bring up the sword that we are all so familiar with. Using the blade of crota, R1 = Light slashes with dashes and perform a three hit combo that one shot most trash. R2 = Heavy Slash plus a small jump forward, ending with a small AOE to kill a couple of trash and leaves bigger mobs reeling. This is a good template of the sword, but lets say that a normal legendary sword might not have the heavy slash until properly leveled. Or perhaps not even a heavy slash cause it has a small life steal effect instead. So lets continue to the Hammer perhaps, in the future it might have rocket propolsion, and doesnt have a R1 Light slash. but instead a heavy slash plus a dash, but has no combo and maybe a short cooldown, but does considerable amounts of damage. And lastly a dagger might be more about just having light slashes and being really quick to pull out from using primary or heavy weapons, and might have a 5 hit light slash combo with small quick dashes. Part 4: PVE and Balance Well, now we are getting to some of the more difficult parts of the introduction of melee weapons. The point of the melee weapon is obviously not to nullify everyones normal melee ability, or render other short range weapons useless. Simply put we can make a list of perks and cons. But lets say the Regular sword that has the same level as a shotgun and your attacking thralls, those that you would usually one hit with a point blank slug from a shotgun. The sword would pretty much do the same. But the sword also leaves you very vulnerable since ur up in the thick of things, so it might not be very smart to jump into the fray of alot of thralls but if u know its three you will be able to quickly dispatch of them. While the shotgun can keep its distance and take them out one after another even if they are more than 3. But sooner or later, you will have to reload, thats where the sword might shine again, since you never need to reload. But you will have to wait for your stamina to regenerate before cutting some more up. The stamina usage will also deepen the skill of a good swordsman, how to effeciently use the stamina get out of danger and get back in when the stamina has regenerated. Or perhaps that particular sword might refund your stamina if it killed a target, allowing you to slice one more time. But as mentioned before, melee weapons leave you very open, and needs to be used with caution. But it will reward with quick dispatch of trash. Part 5: PVP and Balance This is for me the hardest part, as i am a avid PVP player. I probably spend more time in the Crucible than anywhere else. So when i played against guardians with Vex, i got pretty frustrated being so overwhelmed by the power of that weapon, so im very keen on keeping this balanced. But we all know that being oneshotted when running around a corner, isnt big news. People blast other with the shotgun or the fusion rifle without no problem. So what does the melee weapon add to PVP? Well, it obviously depends on the melee weapon, but for the sake of everyones imagination, lets say we had the blade of crota. So it has a three slash combo and then the stamina needs to regen for a few seconds. Or Perhaps 1 light slash and 1 heavy and then a depleted stamina pool. So, how much damage does a light slash do? I was thinking that it would do about the same as or more than a normal melee attack. While the heavy can one shot. I know the word oneshot might scare some, but remember that they have to be in your face, and you might have the chance to blast them with fusion or shotgun. So in theory, one could either close up the distance with light slashes for the dash maybe zig zaging to avoid incoming fire, and hope they will reach them with two light slashes to get the kill, or one light slash and combine with normal melee attack, or lastly closing up the distance and ending with heavy to instantly kill. So this is just an example of the blade of crota. If we were talking about the dagger perhaps, we could use 3 light slashes and end up hitting 2 light slashes to end your opponent. This is about as far as i've gotten with this idea. Feel free to come with feedback, and hopefully some new cool ideas from you guys will be added on here. And maybe....JUST maybe, a dev might see this and forward it to another dev. Best regards -Rain

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