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12/20/2014 12:05:54 AM

What I'm looking for in Destiny 2 (or why Destiny sucks)

I, like many others, really like the basics of Destiny but are extremely disappointed. We expected, and were promised, so much more, and we know this shell of a game could be so much better. As of now, I will not be pre-ordering Destiny 2, or even buying it right away. Instead, I will be waiting for reviews and anything less than stellar and I won't go near it. Here's what I am looking for: [b]1. Fix the RNG system[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is the most important for me. As it works now, it is addicting - it's like RPG gambling. You're literally gambling that you'll get the best gear from some of the hardest and longest challenges. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, and the knowledge that you could win keeps you coming back for more. I, and many others, do not want to be artificially sucked in to a game that has so many other problems. It gets you frustrated and takes over your life, just like real gambling. RNG also ensures that many players are not adequately rewarded for their hard work. Moreover, the best players shouldn't be stuck with no rewards while the worst get exotics. [b]In short, it is both bad gameplay, and immoral.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) have set rewards for different bosses or activities. 2) have a greater chance at better rewards for harder bosses or activities. 3) have a greater chance at better rewards for playing better (fewest deaths, most kills, most points, etc.). 4) the game can keep track of how long you've gotten "bad" rewards and increase your chances for "good" ones. [b]In short, stop making it totally random all the time.[/b] [b]2. Timed Restrictions[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The only time we can get good rewards should not be restricted to once a week. The fact that the nightfall, weekly heroic, xur, and raids are the only "reliable" (see #1) ways to get good rewards, AND they're timed is a problem. First of all, what about those people who have lives outside of Destiny? Those that can't do 30+ hours a week on Destiny, or who can't spend 3 hours at a time in a raid, or miss Xur are screwed. There's just no way for them to get many of the best stuff. Of course, the RNG system compounds this problem. Because they have limited time and chances to get the rewards, each activity needs to get them something decent. Moreover, it makes it feel like a mobile game - you can only play a little bit at a time. [b]In short, it is bad, cheap gameplay form which screws over casuals.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fixing the RNG system will keep this from being so awful. 2) we should also get better rewards from things that are not on timed restrictions (strike playlists, crucible). 3) Let Xur stay all week, just change his inventory once a week. [b]In short, other things are probably causing Bungie to do this (#1 and #3) and making this worse, so fix those first.[/b] [b]3. More Content[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The problem with this is obvious, there's not enough stuff to do, and not enough gear to get. Moreover, the lack of content is probably why Bungie implemented #1 and #2 to artificially slow us down. Another problem though is that everyone is using the same weapons and trying to get the same gear - it's boring. It makes the game way too grindy and nobody is unique. [b]In short, the game is a shell.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] [b]Add more stuff![/b] [b]4. More variety[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is pretty clear and directly related to #3 - [b]it's too repetitive.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] Give us different missions, different weapons and armor, different shaders, different class items, different perks, different patrols and bounties, different crucible playlists, etc. [b]Just give us some variety.[/b] [b]5. Better story[/b] [u]The problem[/u] Nothing makes sense! What's the deal with our guardian, all the currencies, the enemies, the locations, the tower, the NPCs, the Traveler, the light, the darkness, how we level, how gear levels, etc? Others have discussed how we know absolutely nothing, yet are expected to do all these tasks, but a bigger problem is, as others have pointed out, all the different systems don't seem to make sense. For example, why do we get motes of light when we gain experience, but then only use it as currency? Shouldn't we be putting that light into our gear? Also, why do we have to get grimoire cards which we have to access on the website for the story? [b]In short, the story is nearly non-existent and the parts that do exist are hard to access and inconsistent.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us missions that advance the story and tell us something about the Destiny universe. 2) make systems consistent with the story. 3) make grimoire accessible in game. 4) let us talk to NPCs. [b]In short, take some tips from good RPGs.[/b] [b]6. Fix the systems[/b] [u]The problem[/u] There are way too many currencies and materials for upgrading. Crucible and vanguard marks and commendations, spirit bloom, helium filaments, relic iron, spinmetal, strange coins, motes of light, glimmer, ascendant energy and shards, radiant energy and shards, exotic shards, runed core, embalming orbs, black wax idol. .. (I'm sure I'm missing something). Then there's the whole problem of gear progression and resets - especially since it's tied to Xur (see #2). The worst part of this though is that there is no reason according to the story that it should be this way. So, it feels like another artificial way to keep us from leveling too quickly (see #3). [b]In short, it's way too confusing and makes leveling artificially longer.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fix other things (especially #3 and #5) 2) simplify it and just make certain things cost more 3) level our best items (exotics) automatically - just give us some extra nodes to level [b]7. Make it more massive/public[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is supposed to be an MMO. Where is it? The most at one time is 12 in the crucible, or a few more if you get lucky on patrols. Moreover, it's ridiculously difficult to communicate with others. [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us more ways to communicate - proximity chatting, shouting, preset phrases to tell others what we're doing, etc. 2) allow more people in zones. 3) have bigger strikes/raids/crucible playlists, etc. [b]If I could boil it down to one thing, it's make it more like an MMORPG. It's what many of us expected, and it's what we want.[/b] [b]Let us use our ships and sparrows more[/b] [u]The problem[/u] We have these awesome ships and sparrows that are hardly used. [u]The solution[/u] 1) Let us race. 2) space battles. 3) give sparrows weapons. 4) let us hijack vehicles. 5) use ships to also physically fly to locations. In the comments I will post an example of what I think the game could/should be. Let me know what you guys think about what I've said, any other issues you see, or any other solutions! P.S. I don't care about fanboys who love everything, sheep who think we should just get over it, or people who think it is worthless to try. This is for those who like Destiny and see both its flaws and potential.

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  • bump

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  • How is RNG's supposed to be random

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  • Stopped reading when you said rng is immoral You are a tool

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    14 Replies
    • I just want a story and RNG to be fixed since its so -blam!-ing insulting in this game.

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    • Edited by Players vs Ads: 12/22/2014 11:48:47 PM
      The things you put though much overlooked actually make the game better, especially the timed events i would have gottwn bored long ago without time restrictions, if the game was this easy it would suck. The boring makes the fun even better.

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      1 Reply
      • If this game was what we were promised at e3 2013. It would be up for goty. A better story. More planets. More content. From what an article I read on here said. This game is 60% what it was supposed to be. Had we gotten the 100% we'd all be capping gold bricks and rich in happiness

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        2 Replies
        • It's how companies make money… sigh

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          3 Replies
          • I like the rng just feel it shouldn't be rng for bosses.

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          • Jesus h christ. It's month 3 or 4. No one cares. Play something else if the game bothers you so much. I didn't make it past paragraph one. If theres anything legit in your post, too bad. You're losing most people at what you were promised.

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            4 Replies
            • To help give you an idea of what I think the game could be/should be, here's an example for the Dark Below: You start off by going to Eris in the tower. She tells you a little about who she is and that she was stuck in the Hellmouth. She then tells us that the Hive are planning an attack on Earth and that we must defend ourselves. (For those of us that like more story, we have chat options to learn more about her - her fireteam, the Hive, what happened to her eyes, how long she survived, what she did before she went into the Hellmouth, etc.). She begins by giving us a few short missions to investigate the extent of the Hive's preparation for attack. We quickly find out that they're mobilizing and have begun the first phases. Then, she sends us on a couple of missions to gather supplies and perhaps help Rasputin get set up. In doing so however, we find that the Hive have begun the first waves of attack. Minor troops have destroyed parts of the Cosmodrome (or other locations) and have penetrated the Seraphim Vault, exposing Rasputin. Nonetheless, we get our supplies and save Rasputin. Then, Eris gets worried and tells us that we need to mobilize. She fears that the attack is coming sooner than expected and we need guardians. Your job is to find guardian outposts and ask them to band together to save Earth. Of course, the Hive attack has progressed so you end up saving them in order to recruit them. Once you've done this, you're onto your last mission before the raid. This one requires 20+ guardians. You gather your friends (and randoms) and start the mission. Interestingly, it sends you to the tower. Nothing has changed, everything looks fine. People think "wtf?" and go running around the tower. Some do chores like getting bounties, going to the vault, buying ammo synthesis. Others try to talk to Eris to see what's going on, but she keeps blabbering about how the Hive are coming. Everything seems totally normal. Then suddenly the sky goes dark! The sun has been blocked out and your controller vibrates violently! The sky then turns an orangish red and you hear a loud, piercing screech - the atmosphere is burning up! Everybody puts their helmets on and automatically switch to first person mode. You look up at the sky and you see a giant Hive mothership - the front end is glowing green, the atmosphere is still burning, it's still dark, your controller is still vibrating, and you still hear the screeching that is distinct to Hive ships. Now, you see Hive drop ships behind the mothership. Everyone is freaking out in the mics and the Tower is going crazy. Sirens are going off, Alert is being yelled over the PA system, and NPCs are running around - you still have no idea what to do. Then, the green glow blasts off the mothership and hits the tower! The screen goes dark, the controller vibrates one last time, and when you can see again, your health is almost completely down! The tower is now a mess. NPCs are dead, the tower is on fire, and there is rubble everywhere. You now have an objective though - get to the hanger and grab your ship. You see some of the vanguard leading the way, others herding and tending to the wounded. You and your fireteam run straight to the hanger, dodging fire and navigating rubble. Once you arrive, you find that Hive have entered and are sieging the tower. Unfortunately there are too many and the Tower is not for you to defend. You search and find your (yes, your equipped) ship. You hop in and depart. From the sky you can see the chaos in the tower, but guardians are valiantly defending it. With your fireteam and many NPCs, you speed towards the mothership. Suddenly, you hear another loud screech! Fighters have just exited the mothership! Hundreds of them. They're easy to kill but there's too many. Your objective? Kill the dropships so that Earth doesn't get overrun. Everyone is frantically fighting trying to take down the dropships! Some get close enough to drop off troops so you shoot at some the troops from the sky! NPC guardians are dropping but so are the Hive fighters and dropships. After a while, the objective changes - you've done enough damage to the fleet, it's time to take out the mothership. Everybody focuses fire on it while dealing with the fighters which seem to be endless. Unfortunately you're not doing any damage - it has a shield. Eventually you take its shield down and do some damage and bust a hole in its hull. Some idiot thinks he's Luke Skywalker and tries flying into it. It works! He's boarded the mothership! Unfortunately the shield comes back up and everyone else is stuck outside and he's stuck inside. Those outside work to repeat the process while the guy inside explores. He finds it eerily quiet - everyone must be invading. He flies around and finds what looks like a control station. At this point, a few others have made it in and have also reached the control station. The ones inside jump out and head to the controls. As they do, they are ambushed by Hive! They fight their way through and make it to the controls. They have a number of options for controlling the ship and decide to remove the shield - this is it! Unfortunately, those on the outside inform them that almost no damage is being done - this would take too long. So Luke Skywalker comes up with a brilliant idea again; he decides to set it on a collision course with Earth. Once he does so, alarms go off, the controller vibrates, your pushed to the walls as it speeds forward! You need to make it to your ship! As you do so, you realize that the Hive have come out and are getting to their ships as well. You fight through them and shoot down the fighters as you make your way back out (the objective now is for all players to survive). As you make it out, you look back and see the mothership explode against the Earth. A cloud of smoke and fire hurls towards you - you're not going to make it! The controller vibrates and everything goes dark. You wake up and you see you've crash-landed in the Cosmodrome. Everything looks different - Hive are running around shooting Fallen and NPCs. There's lots of rubble and fire. (Incidentally this is the way the Cosmodrone looks if you do patrol. Expansions should change the game) Your final objective is to kill the Hive general Omnigul. You fight your way through the Cosmodrome, find her, and kill her (basically a longer, cooler, harder version of the strike). Now it's time to get revenge on Crota... As for rewards, you would get them along the way. Yellows would get you better chances at better rewards and the two bosses would ensure at least 1 exotic or two legendaries, with better chances at other loot, and getting to your ship would just give you another better chance at better rewards. Essentially, everybody would come out with something good.

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              14 Replies
              • [quote]I, like many others, really like the basics of Destiny but are extremely disappointed. We expected, and were promised, so much more, and we know this shell of a game could be so much better. As of now, I will not be pre-ordering Destiny 2, or even buying it right away. Instead, I will be waiting for reviews and anything less than stellar and I won't go near it. Here's what I am looking for: [b]1. Fix the RNG system[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is the most important for me. As it works now, it is addicting - it's like RPG gambling. You're literally gambling that you'll get the best gear from some of the hardest and longest challenges. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, and the knowledge that you could win keeps you coming back for more. I, and many others, do not want to be artificially sucked in to a game that has so many other problems. It gets you frustrated and takes over your life, just like real gambling. RNG also ensures that many players are not adequately rewarded for their hard work. Moreover, the best players shouldn't be stuck with no rewards while the worst get exotics. [b]In short, it is both bad gameplay, and immoral.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) have set rewards for different bosses or activities. 2) have a greater chance at better rewards for harder bosses or activities. 3) have a greater chance at better rewards for playing better (fewest deaths, most kills, most points, etc.). 4) the game can keep track of how long you've gotten "bad" rewards and increase your chances for "good" ones. [b]In short, stop making it totally random all the time.[/b] [b]2. Timed Restrictions[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The only time we can get good rewards should not be restricted to once a week. The fact that the nightfall, weekly heroic, xur, and raids are the only "reliable" (see #1) ways to get good rewards, AND they're timed is a problem. First of all, what about those people who have lives outside of Destiny? Those that can't do 30+ hours a week on Destiny, or who can't spend 3 hours at a time in a raid, or miss Xur are screwed. There's just no way for them to get many of the best stuff. Of course, the RNG system compounds this problem. Because they have limited time and chances to get the rewards, each activity needs to get them something decent. Moreover, it makes it feel like a mobile game - you can only play a little bit at a time. [b]In short, it is bad, cheap gameplay form which screws over casuals.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fixing the RNG system will keep this from being so awful. 2) we should also get better rewards from things that are not on timed restrictions (strike playlists, crucible). 3) Let Xur stay all week, just change his inventory once a week. [b]In short, other things are probably causing Bungie to do this (#1 and #3) and making this worse, so fix those first.[/b] [b]3. More Content[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The problem with this is obvious, there's not enough stuff to do, and not enough gear to get. Moreover, the lack of content is probably why Bungie implemented #1 and #2 to artificially slow us down. Another problem though is that everyone is using the same weapons and trying to get the same gear - it's boring. It makes the game way too grindy and nobody is unique. [b]In short, the game is a shell.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] [b]Add more stuff![/b] [b]4. More variety[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is pretty clear and directly related to #3 - [b]it's too repetitive.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] Give us different missions, different weapons and armor, different shaders, different class items, different perks, different patrols and bounties, different crucible playlists, etc. [b]Just give us some variety.[/b] [b]5. Better story[/b] [u]The problem[/u] Nothing makes sense! What's the deal with our guardian, all the currencies, the enemies, the locations, the tower, the NPCs, the Traveler, the light, the darkness, how we level, how gear levels, etc? Others have discussed how we know absolutely nothing, yet are expected to do all these tasks, but a bigger problem is, as others have pointed out, all the different systems don't seem to make sense. For example, why do we get motes of light when we gain experience, but then only use it as currency? Shouldn't we be putting that light into our gear? Also, why do we have to get grimoire cards which we have to access on the website for the story? [b]In short, the story is nearly non-existent and the parts that do exist are hard to access and inconsistent.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us missions that advance the story and tell us something about the Destiny universe. 2) make systems consistent with the story. 3) make grimoire accessible in game. 4) let us talk to NPCs. [b]In short, take some tips from good RPGs.[/b] [b]6. Fix the systems[/b] [u]The problem[/u] There are way too many currencies and materials for upgrading. Crucible and vanguard marks and commendations, spirit bloom, helium filaments, relic iron, spinmetal, strange coins, motes of light, glimmer, ascendant energy and shards, radiant energy and shards, exotic shards, runed core, embalming orbs, black wax idol. .. (I'm sure I'm missing something). Then there's the whole problem of gear progression and resets - especially since it's tied to Xur (see #2). The worst part of this though is that there is no reason according to the story that it should be this way. So, it feels like another artificial way to keep us from leveling too quickly (see #3). [b]In short, it's way too confusing and makes leveling artificially longer.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fix other things (especially #3 and #5) 2) simplify it and just make certain things cost more 3) level our best items (exotics) automatically - just give us some extra nodes to level [b]7. Make it more massive/public[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is supposed to be an MMO. Where is it? The most at one time is 12 in the crucible, or a few more if you get lucky on patrols. Moreover, it's ridiculously difficult to communicate with others. [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us more ways to communicate - proximity chatting, shouting, preset phrases to tell others what we're doing, etc. 2) allow more people in zones. 3) have bigger strikes/raids/crucible playlists, etc. [b]If I could boil it down to one thing, it's make it more like an MMORPG. It's what many of us expected, and it's what we want.[/b] [b]Let us use our ships and sparrows more[/b] [u]The problem[/u] We have these awesome ships and sparrows that are hardly used. [u]The solution[/u] 1) Let us race. 2) space battles. 3) give sparrows weapons. 4) let us hijack vehicles. 5) use ships to also physically fly to locations. In the comments I will post an example of what I think the game could/should be. Let me know what you guys think about what I've said, any other issues you see, or any other solutions! P.S. I don't care about fanboys who love everything, sheep who think we should just get over it, or people who think it is worthless to try. This is for those who like Destiny and see both its flaws and potential.[/quote] Forgot who posted it, but it was a video on why not to buy the dlc, and the promises destiny made but never fulfilled. I love this game, but he made some good points. An in game economy and gambling for different loot would've been great.

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                • bump

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                • Dirty vex bump

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                • Bump

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                • [quote]I, like many others, really like the basics of Destiny but are extremely disappointed. We expected, and were promised, so much more, and we know this shell of a game could be so much better. As of now, I will not be pre-ordering Destiny 2, or even buying it right away. Instead, I will be waiting for reviews and anything less than stellar and I won't go near it. Here's what I am looking for: [b]1. Fix the RNG system[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is the most important for me. As it works now, it is addicting - it's like RPG gambling. You're literally gambling that you'll get the best gear from some of the hardest and longest challenges. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't, and the knowledge that you could win keeps you coming back for more. I, and many others, do not want to be artificially sucked in to a game that has so many other problems. It gets you frustrated and takes over your life, just like real gambling. RNG also ensures that many players are not adequately rewarded for their hard work. Moreover, the best players shouldn't be stuck with no rewards while the worst get exotics. [b]In short, it is both bad gameplay, and immoral.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) have set rewards for different bosses or activities. 2) have a greater chance at better rewards for harder bosses or activities. 3) have a greater chance at better rewards for playing better (fewest deaths, most kills, most points, etc.). 4) the game can keep track of how long you've gotten "bad" rewards and increase your chances for "good" ones. [b]In short, stop making it totally random all the time.[/b] [b]2. Timed Restrictions[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The only time we can get good rewards should not be restricted to once a week. The fact that the nightfall, weekly heroic, xur, and raids are the only "reliable" (see #1) ways to get good rewards, AND they're timed is a problem. First of all, what about those people who have lives outside of Destiny? Those that can't do 30+ hours a week on Destiny, or who can't spend 3 hours at a time in a raid, or miss Xur are screwed. There's just no way for them to get many of the best stuff. Of course, the RNG system compounds this problem. Because they have limited time and chances to get the rewards, each activity needs to get them something decent. Moreover, it makes it feel like a mobile game - you can only play a little bit at a time. [b]In short, it is bad, cheap gameplay form which screws over casuals.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fixing the RNG system will keep this from being so awful. 2) we should also get better rewards from things that are not on timed restrictions (strike playlists, crucible). 3) Let Xur stay all week, just change his inventory once a week. [b]In short, other things are probably causing Bungie to do this (#1 and #3) and making this worse, so fix those first.[/b] [b]3. More Content[/b] [u]The problem[/u] The problem with this is obvious, there's not enough stuff to do, and not enough gear to get. Moreover, the lack of content is probably why Bungie implemented #1 and #2 to artificially slow us down. Another problem though is that everyone is using the same weapons and trying to get the same gear - it's boring. It makes the game way too grindy and nobody is unique. [b]In short, the game is a shell.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] [b]Add more stuff![/b] [b]4. More variety[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is pretty clear and directly related to #3 - [b]it's too repetitive.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] Give us different missions, different weapons and armor, different shaders, different class items, different perks, different patrols and bounties, different crucible playlists, etc. [b]Just give us some variety.[/b] [b]5. Better story[/b] [u]The problem[/u] Nothing makes sense! What's the deal with our guardian, all the currencies, the enemies, the locations, the tower, the NPCs, the Traveler, the light, the darkness, how we level, how gear levels, etc? Others have discussed how we know absolutely nothing, yet are expected to do all these tasks, but a bigger problem is, as others have pointed out, all the different systems don't seem to make sense. For example, why do we get motes of light when we gain experience, but then only use it as currency? Shouldn't we be putting that light into our gear? Also, why do we have to get grimoire cards which we have to access on the website for the story? [b]In short, the story is nearly non-existent and the parts that do exist are hard to access and inconsistent.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us missions that advance the story and tell us something about the Destiny universe. 2) make systems consistent with the story. 3) make grimoire accessible in game. 4) let us talk to NPCs. [b]In short, take some tips from good RPGs.[/b] [b]6. Fix the systems[/b] [u]The problem[/u] There are way too many currencies and materials for upgrading. Crucible and vanguard marks and commendations, spirit bloom, helium filaments, relic iron, spinmetal, strange coins, motes of light, glimmer, ascendant energy and shards, radiant energy and shards, exotic shards, runed core, embalming orbs, black wax idol. .. (I'm sure I'm missing something). Then there's the whole problem of gear progression and resets - especially since it's tied to Xur (see #2). The worst part of this though is that there is no reason according to the story that it should be this way. So, it feels like another artificial way to keep us from leveling too quickly (see #3). [b]In short, it's way too confusing and makes leveling artificially longer.[/b] [u]The solution[/u] 1) fix other things (especially #3 and #5) 2) simplify it and just make certain things cost more 3) level our best items (exotics) automatically - just give us some extra nodes to level [b]7. Make it more massive/public[/b] [u]The problem[/u] This is supposed to be an MMO. Where is it? The most at one time is 12 in the crucible, or a few more if you get lucky on patrols. Moreover, it's ridiculously difficult to communicate with others. [u]The solution[/u] 1) give us more ways to communicate - proximity chatting, shouting, preset phrases to tell others what we're doing, etc. 2) allow more people in zones. 3) have bigger strikes/raids/crucible playlists, etc. [b]If I could boil it down to one thing, it's make it more like an MMORPG. It's what many of us expected, and it's what we want.[/b] [b]Let us use our ships and sparrows more[/b] [u]The problem[/u] We have these awesome ships and sparrows that are hardly used. [u]The solution[/u] 1) Let us race. 2) space battles. 3) give sparrows weapons. 4) let us hijack vehicles. 5) use ships to also physically fly to locations. In the comments I will post an example of what I think the game could/should be. Let me know what you guys think about what I've said, any other issues you see, or any other solutions! P.S. I don't care about fanboys who love everything, sheep who think we should just get over it, or people who think it is worthless to try. This is for those who like Destiny and see both its flaws and potential.[/quote] Words...can not...describe...just yes please yes!!!!

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                • What do you think about my example below? Would you like that as an expansion?

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