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Edited by Omnitron310: 12/4/2014 9:39:31 AM

How can anyone defend the exotic reset?

Warning: long post It baffles me that there are people out there that are okay with this proposed way of handling the exotics. Seriously, I don't understand how anyone could think this was an okay thing to do. So, with the greatest possible respect, allow me to explain why you are wrong. First off, let me just say that I am not one of the whiners that cries for a nerf every time I get killed by a gun, or bitches at Bungie for every little thing, expecting it to be fixed right away. I love this game, and despite a lot of the complaints about it (some valid, some less so), I still enjoy playing it immensely. Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn't care about this ridiculous reset at all. I actually think that many of the changes and patches Bungie have done have been for the best (with the exception of a few, and of course the bugs they introduced). For the most part, the nerfs and buffs to exotics have been good, especially in this last patch. The ability to buy materials for marks is also great addition. I don't agree with removing the old exchange of materials for marks (why not have both), but I definitely prefer the new option to the old one. I also approved of the new way of levelling exotics. It allows you to get them powered up quicker than legendries, which is fitting as they are meant to be more powerful, but it still forces you to work if you want to max them out. The fact that it will now cost strange coins to fully level them up also creates more interesting decisions and means that people may stop just buying everything Xur sells every week as they need to save their coins for upgrades. My point with saying all this is to prove that I actually think about my opinions and what I'm saying, and this is not just a knee-jerk reaction to what Bungie has said. I have read all the notes, and now want to make an informed argument as to why Bungie's plan to reset all exotic progress is extremely stupid. Now, the argument I see most proponents use is that it is optional. Your exotics are not hard-reset, you need to voluntarily go to Xur and but the upgrade to reset them. This is true, but these people seriously need to reconsider their definition of the word "optional". It's also an "option" to just keep on using green gear all game. It's an "option" not to level anything at all. It's an "option" to stay at lvl 20 by not equipping armour with light. The point is that just because these things are an "option" (as in, they are possible to do), no one in their right mind would ever do any of them. The whole point of this game is to make progress, and that means getting better gear and levelling it up so you can do harder challenges and remain competitive, in order to get better rewards. Rinse and repeat. The other thing is that people want to finish their collection. There is a set amount of the 'best' (exotic) gear in the game, and each piece can be upgraded a fixed amount. Therefore, of course people are going to want to collect all of them and max them out as much as they can. It's called being a completionist, and it's the main driving force for most people to keep playing a game after they have already experienced all the content. Let's face it, In Destiny, once you are high-levelled, that is all there is to do; get all the upper legendries and exotics and upgrade them. So, the "option" of leaving your existing exotics sub-par and watching them all become obsolete is not really an "option" at all. Want to do the new raid? You'd better have re-upgraded all your exotics. Want to have any chance in the next Iron Banner? I hope you re-grinded to max all of them out because otherwise you will be taken apart by people that did. Calling it an "option" is a total fallacy and if you think about it for even half a second, you will realise that it is a flawed and irrelevant argument. So, what should Bungie do? The second argument I see is people saying something like "you just want to be handed powerful stuff for no effort?", or "you want good gear, you have to work" or any number of things along those lines. That's another dumb response. I don't think anyone is saying Bungie should just upgrade all your exotics to DLC level for free. Of course not. Like I said already, the fun in this game comes from working to improve your gear. So handing out free upgrades would be almost as self-defeating as resetting. I think it's obvious that the best solution is to add one or more upgrades beyond those that are there already, WITHOUT ALTERING WHAT PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY UNLOCKED. I actually cannot believe I am having to say this when it's so, so obvious. Why would anyone even consider an alternative solution, like resetting all your progress? You want a weapon to power up beyond its exiting level? Add some more upgrades to unlock. Now, make these upgrades hard to acquire, for sure. People shouldn't just be handed things for no effort, so make these last one or two nodes a real investment of time and resources. Make them cost more XP, more resources, more exotic shards. Heck, make them take 10 exotic shards if that's what you want. People don't mind grinding, as long as they are actually progressing. What Bungie seems to fail to understand is that people will NOT want to grind just to get back to the same level they were at before. Taking everything away and forcing people to re-earn it is not adding new content or improving the game in any way. All it will do is frustrate and infuriate people who worked hard to get to where they are now. This brings me onto another point, which is the unforgiveable, slimy, insidious way that Bungie announced these changes. So a few days ago, with the new patch, they changed the way exotic upgrading works, making you now need exotic shards but no ascendant mats. I, along with I expect many others, went "oh wow, great, I can finally max out a bunch of my exotics". I had a load of spare ones lying in my vault already. I didn't want to just break them down for a small number of ascendant mats, when legendries do that just fine, and I was thinking I might give them to one of my other characters when they are levelled up. This update comes out though, and I immediately pull them out, break them down for shards, and max out three of my exotics in one go. Who wouldn't in this situation? Bungie has given us a new tool, so of course we use it. Then, a few days later, once they are sure that everyone has done that, they announce that actually all the pre-DLC upgrading we do is meaningless, and will be lost with NO COMPENSATION if we want to get our guns to the actual max level. So all those exotics we just broke down are essentially gone forever, and if we want to go through the nightmare of resetting and levelling up everything again, guess what, we have to grind even more to get more exotics or strange coins for exotic shards. It's just another way of artificially inflating the time people play, and it is done not by adding more incentive, but by deleting progress. Bungie may as well have just wiped every spare exotic from everyone's vault; it would have had the same effect. So, that's my rant. Long, I know, but I think it had to be said. I really wish people who are defending this decision would open their eyes and realise we don't just have to settle for whatever Bungie feeds us. They HAVE shown that they are willing to listen to feedback, and I am positive that if we as a community are united in our opposition to this laughably bad idea, Bungie will alter course and give us a proper solution. I will say it again here for clarity: JUST ADD SOME EXTRA, HARD TO OBTAIN UPGRADE NODES TO EVERY EXISTING EXOTIC WITHOUT WIPING OUR PROGRESS. To anyone who is still in favour of the reset, I want to hear a good, well-reasoned argument for why you think a reset is PREFERABLE to simply adding on more upgrade nodes. tl;dr: Bungie are screwing us over, not just with their planned exotic reset, but with the way they announced it after the change to the way exotics are levelled. We don't have to just accept it when there are infinitely better solutions out there.

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  • Over 10 paragraphs about a simple weapon swap and completing a new tree smh

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    12 Replies
    • People need to deal with it Destiny is essentially highschool. You're going to a higher grade and have to restart the year, with a new GPA, new teacher, new assignments etc. New exotics are the new grade levels so deal with it! Don't be technical with (this is my life compared to a video game.) Well then shut up and stop "playing" the damn video game. Enough said :)

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      3 Replies
      • I just don't understand how they could say that they want to "respect the time we've invested into our gear" and at the same time turn around and force us to reset our weapons that we poured hours upon hours into upgrading, farming for shards and energies. That makes me feel like I have wasted all the shards and energies and experience that I spent time pouring into my favorite gear only to have it completely reset just so I can gain an extra two levels. I feel like the new patch should just add an extra two levels to figure that I have so I only have instead of going completely back to the beginning. yes I understand it's quicker now to level up exotics but it still takes time to level them up, time and glimmer and I still have to wait until the weekend to get a shard from Xür which I have to spend even more of my limited supply of strange coins. I just feel like this is an extreme attempt to force or hours out of the game from players who have already beaten it. I don't have the time to invest to go back through all of my gear again in order to be on par with everyone else. I love this game they really do I don't even have issues with any of the other patches I know that there are issues but I don't care about any of them but I really do care about this one. And makes me feel like all the time I've invested into the game has been for nothing and I have to start over again

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      • Because it makes sense. By not resetting the weapon they'd literally be handing you a max damage gun at launch and that would be kind of whack.

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        • ALL current gear will be "low level" next week level 30's with full raid gear will be low level compared to available gear. SUPER glad I can keep upgrade my exotics & not have to replace them like I will with my all my legendary gear.

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          • Hell they could have made it like any other mmo expansion were all of your old gear exotic or not is made worthless and you get to start from scratch getting the new gear to make you legend in the dark below. so all in all it could have been a hell of a lot worse than just spending 3-4 hours to make what you have even better stop crying and deal with it.

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            2 Replies
            • I couldn't care less about the reset. If this type of thing bothers you at all you need to go the -blam!- outside and get some fresh air.

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            • Annoying scrubs defending the exotic reset is the same in every MMO need to shush. Yes, gear gets replaced when new expansions release. This expansion is releasing THREE MONTHS since launch! WoW releases a new expansion every 1-2 YEARS, not to mention you don't need to level up every pice of gear you use.

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              6 Replies
              • Do you know its...optional????

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                4 Replies
                • I have done Vault of Glass with all exotic and legendary weapons, that were at their base attack values. So when people say it's optional, it is indeed optional. Not everyone cares about min-maxing their gear. All you loose is the perks and you even gain 2 attack, they could of just left your old exotics in the dust.

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                • Bump

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                • its good and bad 1. i dnt need to bash the raid and hope all my works for nothing when i get 0 shards after i carry some team cause i would need 18-21 shards for armor or energy for the guns. 2. i can earn coins but sadly i can only earn a limited amount even doing the 3 characters and you shouldnt need to bash that much to earn in a game its pathetic i should be able to do strikes at 28 for coins and get to buy what i need to be limited to 3 maybe 4 shards per week unless i get a lucky exotic drop

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                • Because everyone has their own opinion.

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                • It gives me more damage and if its not enough to upgrade then I simply won't upgrade and besides its just one heroic worth of coins and I use it anyways so going through another upgrade tree shouldn't make a difference.

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                  • They could of made old gear obsolete and completely unusable in the dlc. Imagine the cryfest then. Be happy there is a way to bring old gear on par with dlc gear. And really how are you even complaining your upgrading a weapon to make it more powerful. Why would you assume that would come free of charge. They also said it will be a quicker lvl up and after upgrade it starts at 302 att.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Are you going to complain in two and a half years when another Destiny is released, presumably? You know, because all of the time you spent leveling EVERYTHING in Destiny will mean nothing when you start over in Destiny 2? I am presuming though, that Destiny 2 will not carry over all of your goodies. Games are time sinkers, you gain nothing in reality from playing them, and in a decade or so you'll look back on this and laugh. Because you'll realize that leveling a couple of exotics again isn't that big of a deal. That the difference in time it takes you to re-level them is nothing compared to the amount of time that you'll spend playing Destiny. I know, myself, that if I want to carry on enjoying Red Death to its full potential that I'm going to have to work for it. I love that weapon, and I'm prepared to make that sacrifice. If these exotics are so beloved to you, then why are you not prepared to do the same?

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                    • I will defend it bent over with my pants around my ankles

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                    • Better damage.

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                    • Because I like change.

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                    • Edited by Meilf: 12/5/2014 8:09:46 PM
                      You should probably throw into the OP an EDIT concerning the 'new model' debate. My answer to this is, "Yes, that's fine and all and totally understandable in Real Life. But people, this is a Video Game. Time spent 'working' in virtual reality has very little precedence. A good game developer shouldn't be concerned with 'How can we make people spend more time playing our game,' it should be, ' How can we make our game more enjoyable to the player.' Yessss, ooook, you [i]will[/i] feel 'more accomplished' regrinding your weapon out, but why? It makes more sense to make that weapon you've worked so hard for, better. OP's debate here kind of covers this already. If the issue comes down to 'time spent', then the perfect middle ground (almost like a facade) is to add another tier to the weapon's tree for extra damage and make that upgrade cost whatever you feel is 'enough time' spent. That way you don't feel like you've lost the weapon you've spent so long and so many currencies on aquiring the max level, AND you still have to put forth a great deal of effort to achieve. Not only that, but weapons like Thorn, Bad Juju, and Super Good Advice are rendered nearly useless from losing their ability. Thus, the 'new car model' debate dies and I never hear about it again?"

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                      7 Replies
                      • Oh shut up and find another game to play.

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                      • Edited by Big 12 incher: 12/5/2014 7:18:40 PM
                        For all the people who are welcoming this change let me put it this way for you. Imagine the bank knocked on your door and said your mortgage is void and you have to pay it all again. They give no explanation for this, just pay it again. Now, you can rent out a different house but the house you got your mortgage on is your home, you are attatched to your home and have a special connection to it. You question the bank but get no respone, you say "but it will take me forever to pay for it again...whats to say when i re-pay it you won't take it away again?" To which the bank's only response is..."you're reaction to our statements are wrong." How would you feel hmmm? All that time and effort wasted...and with no explanation as to WHY! heck they might even make you do it ALL OVER AGAIN and whats to say they won't? \to all the people who blindly defend this product like they are a shareholder.

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                      • Shut up. Your tears are overflowing my glass, you boob! Get over yourself! You want it to be different, THEN DESIGN YOUR OWN DAMN GAME, YOU TOOL!

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                      • I can defend it because it could be much worse. I dislike it because I feel it could be better.

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                      • A guy here on the forums put it on the most simplest of forms . Think of your exotics as a car . You bought the 2014 model . It works , it's wonderful , you had fun and had a blast in it , But then You see the 2015 model has better performance and better mileage . Does it mean that your model suddenly becomes deffective ? No , it works fine , it runs the same and will still do the job , but If for some reason you realize that you need that performance then you will have to buy the new one , now do you need it Right of the bat no, but you might look into upgrade later on down the line , the problem here is that we are looking at this problem like this , dude I just spent 15k buying that new car and now the new model just came out , now my car can't compete against the new model . I want the dealership to upgrade my new model but I don't want to pay extra for it and I want them to add those fancy leather seats as well .

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                        7 Replies
                        • I love how people still use th word "optional" I dont think you know what that be ird meNs when you want to pass th he curv for weapons pass 30.

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