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Discuss all things Destiny.
11/28/2014 8:13:32 AM

The people who play Destiny are awesome.

Tonight, I came back to my controller after a break. My Warlock was where I left him, in the Tower enjoying the lawn near the Postmaster. Seated around him in a semi-circle were three other Guardians. I broke into a dance and they leaped to their feet to follow suit. And, that's how I came to play a Raid with five total strangers. The simplest of interactions led to the most complicated challenge in the Director. Granted, we had plenty in common. We were all veterans of the Vault of Glass, with the exception of the one among them who was being taught the art of raiding in Destiny. I followed their lead while they explained the basics. The front door was popped in no time, and we were on our way. This was my (I think) 9th raid across two platforms - and the first time I had jumped into hell alongside unknown human elements. At every stage, patient tutorials were given. Death was met with words of encouragement and quick revives. These people were working together so well. Even teleportations that didn't go as planned were adapted to as they improvised to sudden shifts in battle conditions. In the end, we triumphed over evil. People like to talk a lot about this community. They say that we're toxic. They say it's too hard to find good allies. I don't believe it. I have invited many of you to play Destiny with me, and I've never been disappointed. Tonight, I accepted your invitation and it was awesome. Certainly, we can always try to be a little more excellent to each other, but you don't have to travel too far to find great people who need friends to join them starside. Sometimes, they're staking you out when you come back from post-Crucible intermission. Good games, wherever you are. Thanks for the boots and the shards.

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  • Thats fantastic. Glad you had a great run =)

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  • "Alright, line up maggots!" Lord Shaxx roared at the twelve recruits that stood before him in the ruins of Twilight Gap. At his order, they rushed to line up and attempted to uniformly snap a salute. Unfortunately one titan's forearm blade sliced a warlock's armor. Said warlock reflixively blasted in the titan's direction with void light, causing the offending titan and several other recruits to fall like dominoes. Shaxx sighed and hung his head. -blam!-ing recruits. "You there," Shaxx said, pointing at the titan who was picking himself up from the ground, "what's your name?" The titan hopped to his feet, and after looking both directions to be sure he was clear, snapped a salute. "My name is Dinz Sun, sir!" the recruit yelled. "I thought you had a different name," Shaxx said, sounding genuinly confused. Dinz paused, looking to his squad mates before he answered. "No sir, my name is Dinz Sun." The warlock beside him snickered silently, shaking his head. "Well you really seem like a -blam!- UP TO ME!" Shaxx bellowed at the recruit. He turned to look at the other recruits standing in line. "From now on his name is -blam!- Up. I hear anybody call him different, they answer to me." "Sir, yes sir!" the recruits yelled uninimously, including -blam!- Up. "And you!" Shaxx said, pointing at the warlock, who thought he had escaped attention. "My name is--" "SHUT UP DREG!" Shaxx yelled."I didn't ask you what your name is. But because you so dearly want one, your name is now Dreg. You and your buddy -blam!- Up there will be cleaning sparrows when we arrive back at the tower." After waiting a moment to be sure Lord Shaxx was finished speaking, Dreg said "Yes sir!" and snapped a salute. "Alright. Anybody else want to piss me off this morning? There's plenty of sparrows for everyone." Silence. "Okay then." Lord Shaxx turned away from the recruits to face the ruins surrounding them. Most of the buildings were collapsed, all of the metal was rusted, and bones of different varieties lay all about. "Today marks the true beginning of your training to become a Guardian. Today you begin to apply all that you've learned. Today I welcome all of you here to The Crucible. But before we begin your training, I have a question. What do you see before you?" The question was greeted with the recruits sharing puzzled glances and shrugging. One Hunter ventured boldy forth and said "I see ruins, sir. I believe that this is to be our battleground, sir." Shaxx turned his head slightly, catching and reflecting the sunlight with his horn. "You are correct recruit, and in more ways than you know. This is both the battleground of today, and the battleground of humanity's yesterday. It is the place where humanity won one of its greatest victories. Around you stand the ruins of the Battle of Twilight Gap." Shaxx lowered himself to one knee, placing a palm on the earth. Before you step into this sacred place, and into my Arena I will tell you of heroes whose bones lie here. Then you may see what the order you stand for really represents." Lord Shaxx lowered himself further to cross his legs in a seated position. "Be seated and gather round. We will be here for some time..." ----------------------------------------- Thanks for reading! There's probably going to be 3 more parts, in which heroicness shall happen. Also I'm gonna make a poll to see exactly what people want to read Bump to share :) Tale of Kabr The Rose Wilts: Last Word and Thorn Toland's Legacy: The Forging Short story i wrote (not Destiny related)

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    1 Reply
    • Deej needs a nerf, he's way op!

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    • Deej how are you liking that deviant gravity machine gun of yours?

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    • Edited by Abell: 11/29/2014 11:00:53 PM
      I wonder if they pushed off Templar. Lol. Pretty cool though. I've had similar interactions.

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    • Agreed! Those who made/manage Destiny though? Not so much...

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    • Hell yeah Deej! Happy to see a more personal post. Hopefully I'll see you around!

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    • Come on deej. You really think these idiots that you've breed did that because they didn't want to ride you? Oh sweet naive deej

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    • Were you playing on DeeJ_BNG? If you were, you probably didn't get some legit interactions. Sorry.

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      2 Replies
      • Just bought fc4 to enjoy a amazing story but I'll still come back to destiny on reset days

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      • The real question is did you push the Templar off

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      • Edited by IcedCaesar81: 11/29/2014 6:54:11 PM
        Deej, Thats good to hear. If you played it on hard you would fully understand how easy it is to do the raid with all the "little glitches and exploits". Perhaps that would be a better way to really understand just how easy this raid is to Cheeze your way through. I am sure you never imagined the hard raid actually being completed in under an hour. Legit, its pretty tough however it just seems that most cheeze through it at some point or degree. However, to your point I did it with random last night and well - it was the fastest hard raid I have ever done (1 hour or less). Yes, believe it or not 4 30's and 2 29's was all it took. RNG'sus was nice to me and now my last character is on his way to 30 (warlock just as you are). So congrats Deej, and when you get 30 feel free to invite me sometime and my team would be obliged to show you just how broken and easy the hard raid really is. The only plus side is that for the most part Atheon is killed legitimately and typically in 2 runs now. I hope you get some good knowledge when players show you all the re-spawn check points, shoving off bosses, and etc. People should not just show you the legit raid but the way that 90% of people play it - on Hard it is a completely different story.. I enjoyed your post and like I said, this is the best way for you to get a feel for how players are dealing with the end game content. Cheers and Happy Raiding!

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        9 Replies
        • So deej explain how matchmaking for the raid won't work when you literally just teamed up with total strangers and completed it? Really dude .

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          • ...... Wait you're surprised that a bunch of people didn't go off half cocked and start yelling the N word nonstop in a raid with a bungie employee?? If you think any experience you can have as a forward facing bungie employee is at all reprasenative of the average destiny player, you're crazy. Make a new account where people don't know who you are. Better yet do it with a female character and instead of having people come sit by you, they will teabag you and try to twerk with you.

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            • Edited by Din the Dancer: 11/28/2014 7:42:39 PM
              DeeJ! A friend pointed this post out to me - I was that newbie in the raid last night. That entire group was a bunch of strangers to me (I had gotten an invite from someone I had found on Reddit) so I was a bit anxious. We saw you and others decided to send you invites - I don't think any of us actually expected you to accept! You made my first VoG possible since we had already spent probably a good 10-15 minutes (maybe longer, I'm not sure, it felt like awhile) trying to find a 6th person to fill out the party. They had actually talked about the possibility of 5-manning it before you joined up. I was so giddy after that raid I had problems falling asleep. I don't think I managed to get to sleep until sometime after 3am (I decided to stay up to see what Xur had at 1am since this would be the first time I had enough currency for anything). I'm honestly kinda surprised I'm conscious right now. I'm planning on making a post on Reddit at some point, because I feel like too much good stuff happened to *not* share. And I have no idea how many people will actually see this edit but - No we did not cheese Templar.

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              22 Replies
              • Great post Deej. Everything else aside, there's one thing that Destiny [b]has[/b] managed to do that few other online games accomplish - people talking to each other (especially on PS) in a civil manner. The more friction free Bungie can make this process, the better imvho. If you're interested in having more like-minded allies (and you're a PS player), feel free to add me. PSN: Jangla

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              • Edited by Sniper Spec Ops: 11/29/2014 8:10:26 PM
                Deej its obvious you dont think the xbox community is awesome because you treat them like shit

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              • Edited by Deacon: 11/29/2014 7:39:57 PM
                ....SMH @ OP

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              • If there's one thing I've noticed, the forum community and gaming community are so different, it's ridiculous. lol DeeJ, Glad you found some cool people to play with. Always a good experience.

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              • Edited by Wonderbanana: 11/30/2014 7:39:00 AM
                @DeeJ Glad you posted that. I have, through other gaming communities plenty of people Ive played with and befriended over the years. But through Destiny I have met so many new people, more than any other game in recent years. We've raided, we've cursed our RNG luck, we've celebrated each others good fortune (and imo dont make drops easier, a good drop is more exciting when preceded by numerous poor ones). We've created a Facebook group and new members drop by regularly. In short its been fun, we've made new friends and continue to do so. Thank you. #DeeJ

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                3 Replies
                • So does that mean you're putting in matchmaking because u insisted it would take a team of people who knew each other? Lol

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                • Lol, only took 3 months for a 'great' experience to happen worthy of posting, and even then it was something that is common to 29/30's. [spoiler]Or if you're name is DeeJ_BNG ; )[/spoiler] Where's the story about how it took 5 hours grinding and having to take a food break, but the whole party stayed from start to finish and had an epic last second of Time's vengeance when you killed Atheon with a melee attack..

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                  • Ps4 looking for 3 people vog. Add xxsolidsnake420x

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                  • So far I have only met good people.... I have been nursemaided through the Raid twice....and have made some excellent friends from all over the world.....great game...great community...

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                  • Honestly it's moments like this that make Destiny really fun; just the interaction between players out in the dunes of Mars or the jungles of Venus! I once was running the daily Heroic story for the Gate Lord boss fight and as I drove past the Waking Ruins, I noticed a group struggling to open the vault! So I decided to halt my current objective and arrive in style and arc bladed some Vex to the shadow realm! After some intense firefighting the door opened and they all saluted me before descending into the depths of Venus! I just wish the community on here acted more like those guys, or hell even the ones DeeJ encountered!

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                  • Well, you never invited me

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