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originally posted in: Developing The Dark Below
11/26/2014 10:51:38 PM
57 we go again This time, I have personal beef. Beef I don't have to share with anyone, because I bought this burger with my own money! ***nailed it*** <High Five!> Here's what I'm trying to get at. Sure, I like the Optimus Prime painted speeders like the next guy, but maybe...JUST MAYBE DEEEEE JAAAAAY you could spend a little more time developing the soccer field in the Tower. First, you, (most likely you, DeeJ, personally, you sick bastard) put a soccer ball in the Tower, probably as a teaser for things to come, and then you do nothing. Where are my goal posts? Where are the over enthused crowds? Where are the hot chicks that obviously want to sleep with me? Where are the cops, arresting me for telling one of the moms that she's a MILF that obviously wants to sleep with me? Nowhere! That's where! Last Time I was at DeeJ's house, he was standing in his kitchen, wearing his finest French Maids outfit, and trying to serve alcohol to miners! I sat there asking if he was going to improve Destiny's soccer experience in the Tower. He said, and I quote, "The best part of my annual physical is when they check my prostate, because then my wife can't accuse my of cheating!" I'm. Dead. Serious! Cross my heart, and hope to never have to work in the mines with the miners that DeeJ serves alcohol to...because I'M. DEAD. SERIOUS!!! Point being...the most recent time the FBI caught me with a minor amount cocaine (one freight car worth), all he did was drive me home (front seat...because I called it), and then tuck me in after reading me a bedtime story...because bedside manners count! In conclusion, I'm forced to conclude conclusively that I'm not done writing. I vote (the only vote that counts...amiright, Obama?) that as we are able to enhance and upgrade our weapons/armor, we be able to custom name the items. It stands to reason...something I'm not entirely comfortable with. As in, as I develop a..."Crypt Dweller" Scout Rifle above and beyond its default upgrades, I may want to put my resources into increasing range, or rate of fire, where as DeeJ may want to increase length, and/or girth. After said upgrades, we now have two completely different weapons, and as such we should be able to name them accordingly. Mine being the "Asian Is The New Racist", and DeeJ's being the "I Didn't Have To Increase My Length Or Girth At All To Be Bigger Than Hate By Numbers, And I also Think That The MILF Never Wanted To Sleep With Him" Scout Rifle. My second point obviously being, Santa is just a pedophile that played his cards right. If Cocaine's So Bad, Then Why It Look Like Sugar, Hate By Numbers

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