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Edited by Kilroy: 12/25/2014 10:24:20 PM

I recorded the results of 1K blue engrams. Here's the results.

Sometime after the cryptarch patch, i decided to help any of you numbers people (and myself) and get an idea of the chances of what 'rare' engrams would turn into. (If you don't believe me, my Titan's CT level is proof enough.) Copied directly from my notes: ________________ Blues- Blue items: 838 = 83.8% Purple items: 16 = 1.6% Motes/coins: 146 = 14.6% ________________ Long story short, you have roughly a 1.6% chance to get a Legendary out of a Rare engram. (I don't know what it was pre-patch, it might have been under 1%.) While i was at it, i took note of what any Legendary engrams turned into (out of 100): Purple items: 64 = 64% Exotic items: 6 = 6% Upgrade items: 30 = 30% ________________ EDIT 3: Updated Legendary numbers. This should be a little more accurate than the previous numbers. So there you go. You can take these numbers into consideration before you decide to talk about how lucky (or unlucky) you were. Enjoy. SIDE EDIT: I may update this with results from Legendaries if i get enough between now and a possible update to the CT. EDIT 2: A few answers to some questions: -Yes, upgrade items are ascendent shards/energy. -Titan's current cryptarch level is 106. (dat nightfall bonus) -I couldn't tell you how many hours it took to do this. I know i started around week 5 or 6. A third or so of those blue engrams came from Tiger strikes, completion or obtained during, and at least half the legendaries were heroic or strike completions or package rewards. -I doubt CT level has any effect on odds, but at some point you might get a package with 3 legendaries. I did at 87, one of each weapon slot.

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  • I've only gotten 5 total purple engrams with 3 characters and 120 hours played

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  • Shameless Xmas bump, Legendary percentages have been updated with the results of 100 engrams. Should be a bit better of a sampling on that.

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  • Edited by TaquitosNbeer: 11/17/2014 10:28:06 AM
    External validity problems with your findings. You can't apply your specific situation across thousands of others. No matter if you collected 1,000,000 engrams. Example: I could flip a coin 50 times & have it come up 40 heads, 10 tails. Doesn't mean that 80% of the time heads will land.

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    • Future note, any updates i do to the legendary odds may take awhile, as legendaries are as scarce as ever. (but then again i did a tiger strike to get a bounty done and got the Universal Remote, so there's still hope.)

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    • Edited by Dooodley: 11/17/2014 2:49:54 AM
      You actually got 45 purple engrams in the same amount of time it took you to get 1000 blue ones? That strikes me as incredibly high because with +500 logged hours I can still count my purple engrams on both hands. On top of that I've never seen an exotic drop in my 600 strikes/crucible matches.

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      4 Replies
      • [quote]+1[/quote]gg [spoiler]-blam!-[/spoiler]

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      • My Cryptarch rank is 82 and to be honest I don`t know why I`m still bothering. Seeing your results has put me off trying anymore.

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      • For some superstitious reason I always do my purples last......some have been good gear/weapons and some.....not so much!

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        • Edited by INFAM0US9188: 11/17/2014 10:42:25 PM
          You sir are awesome, this is a nice rough estimate on the chances of receiving loot. Sure it could differ a Lil from person to person but I would bet this is pretty accurate

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        • Very impressive work on your part. Must've taken some commitment. Will you continue recording in order to increase your sampling?

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          • CT is 106? what in the bloody blue blazes!!!!!

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            • Edited by strider367: 11/17/2014 1:14:45 AM
              Nice work. Just shows this has nothing to do with being random. But this so-called new bungie mathematical formula. That hasn't been working right long before the release. Now it seems they care less whether it works or not. (typical xbox live attitude they still have) With well over a 100 hours in. I've only received one epic item from a tiger strike. I saw one epic engram drop (I looked very closely at it). Only for it to turn green when I picked it up. I'm now sitting on [b]142 shards [/b]and 62 energies. Energy is low because I have upgraded several of my weapons. That's not including all the armor and weapons I've collected that I don't need to break down now. I can't get raid armor gear at all. Other people in the raids I've been playing with get two boots or two gloves. Leaving me out every time. So as I see it, the frustration level for almost everyone left playing this game (the population has dropped big time) has gone beyond the pale. My advice is to move on to AC, COD or whatever. These people were more interested in fixing atheon on hard. So over 98% of the population can't kill him at all. The old bungie's pets and punches attitude. (I'm a long time halo vet) Which hurts the warlocks the most because the helmet is there. For me its clear the next raid will be another absolute waste of time. Thank god I didn't preorder the expansion packs. But that doesn't help those who did and are now stuck playing this bugged mess. Who'll will be dealing with a very low population by then. Zebra anyone lol... Added note; My friend just played a raid on normal. Whereas they weren't transported to the relix during atheon. Which sounds great but you don't get bonus damage without that transport. So now even the normal atheon fight is as bugged as hell and their not going to fix it at all. Why not? They made their money from that and they moved on to the next raid. Free from doing it your way I'm sure. Problem is can you do the next raid without being a 30? Great work bungled what's next, sugar in everyone's gas tank? Thanks for wasting my time...

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              18 Replies
              • I have got more purples out of blue engrams then I have even had purple engrams.

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              • So I've found 4 legendary engrams and bought two exotic helmet engrams. I've gotten ascendant shard, a legendary warlock armor piece and two legendary titan armor pieces (I'm a hunter). The exotic helmets turned into titan and warlock as well. So I'm sick of the engrams. That said, I've been randomly gifted a legendary hand Cannon, legendary auto rifle, legendary machine gun, exotic scout rifle and the gjallahorn exotic rocket launcher during crucible play. Turning in bounties I got two exotic bounties (thorn and good advice machine gun). bountids So I've had to buy all my legendary armor (and lucky raspberry from xur) from vendors, plus a fusion rifle and sniper rifle.

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                5 Replies
                • So are people complaining at these %'s? I don't think it sounds that bad, but that's coming from someone who loved playing/grinding Diablo 3 for RNG gear.

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                • Yeah its terrible. Tons of materials. Especially since that's all the raid drops. It would be nice to actually be able to play and grind to get stuff that you want/need. I want an arc fusion rifle. My best bet to obtaining one is if xur sells plan c. I would prefer a legendary but I don't for see that dropping anytime in the near future with this games system.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Feels about right these statistics. I just never expect to get anything from the blue engrams i get for tiger strikes, chances are way to low. And drop rates for legendary engram's seem way worse since that cryptarch patch. Haven't seen a single one drop for me since, and only once for a fireteam member. Only get legendaries from strike rewards and levelling the cryptarch. Would much prefer seeing the legendaries drop. Seeing them roll over the ground for a bit, instead of just seeing them on the rewards page. Feels much better. Ow, and I really doubt exotic engram's even have a chance of dropping, think those are just a myth.

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                    • sorry nothing about the post (that was great, and congrats for the hard work) , but about the comments! i see a lot of guys complaining of having blue itens on blue engrams? wtf! u want a purple item fight for it, get vanguard coins and crucible coins to get yours! 4% for exotics on legendary engrams (i think that is over rated, should be 1% too) that rarity makes the happiness when we get the surprise, i hate when i get a blue engram and usualy appear a green one, in the beggingi of the game, now is OK!

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                    • Finally! Someone has done it. Someone has found what really happens with the chryptarch. For blue items, I had some luck with legendaries but when it comes to purple heavy weapon engrams, the ones I need, I get ascendent shards at the worst time. Rare engrams are alright but they need to fix the legendary ones.

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                    • **Runs up and hugs** Actual intelligent information in the forums. Oh how I've missed you. You are an island of hope in a sea of complaints and whinge threads. *end of gushing* Thank you this is interesting information to keep in mind. Have you observed any increase in strange coins from engrams on Thursday and Fridays in the lead up to Xur? That seems to be the only time I pick any up from engrams. But this this only my limited sampling.

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                      • Not to mention majority of those legendaries will be for another class.

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                      • Wow Wow.... I can still count the legendary engrams I've picked up off the ground on my left hand. And all legendary engrams on both hands. I've had more exotic engrams than legendary engrams (Love you Xur) By the way, my legendary armor is bought from Dead Orbit.

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                      • Edited by Twohothardware: 11/17/2014 7:00:55 AM
                        I can tell you with certainty the Rare to Legendary conversion rate was higher pre-patch than it is now. I got a bunch of Legendaries from blue Engrams the week or two when the Loot Cave farming was so popular and I've turned in way more blue's since then from running Tiger Strikes but I rarely get anything outside of a very rare legendary armor piece. I've also yet to get a single Exotic from an Engram drop since the patch and I got 3 or 4 in one week farming the Loot Cave. The conversion rates, Legendary engram drop rate, and the rate at which you get a Legendary in the Cryptarch packages all suck now.

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                        3 Replies
                        • My crytarc lv is like 112 and I got that mostly tiger strikes and have gotten nowhere near 1000 blues. If I were to guess, I would be very , very , generous to say I've found 500.

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                          • What exotics were they?

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