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Edited by ENG1N33R FIVE7o: 11/11/2014 7:24:48 PM

Raid Matchmaking? Yes or No





Should there be matchmaking for the raid? Yes or No? No in between answers or "Yes but ......" YES = matchmaking, just matchmaking, no filters, options, or kicking. Matchmaking as it is in the strike playlist now. NO = no matchmaking IF YOU SAY "YES MATHCMAKING BUT WITH......" YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE NO BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT MATCHMAKING THE WAY IT IS If matchmaking was made available it would be just like the current strike playlist matchmaking. No filters, options, or kicking. If it is kept the same then raid and weekly strikes will continue without matchmaking. Those are your options. Leave any comments below Sensible Logic - [url][/url] Guardians Make Their Own Fate

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  • I guess if one does not want the matchmaking for raid, nobody forces him to use it. So, just yes in any case.

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  • Yes because it doesn't matter to me. I have my team but why not allow other players who want to do it to be able to? It doesn't affect me if they want to Q up for a raid.

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  • Yes!!! Please read my post on this:

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  • Edited by TDS jump you: 11/6/2014 6:45:46 PM
    Thing about raid sounds cool and all......but :/ raids are already bad enough as it is with people lying. You ask them if they know what they are doing and they say "Yes"....then you ask them if they are on mars or Venus and they say..."huh? I dunno" :/ :/!" You will just be paired with a bunch of retards who don't know what they are doing....sure, you could stay and teach them....or you could find a real team. Nuff said

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  • Maybe you could have it where raid matchmaking isn't available until you have successfully cleared VoG

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  • All the good experienced raiders would not use MM and you guys would be paired with other noobs. I say someone post a comment like " raid match making: First 5 people over level 25 comment, get invite and we jump in." See how it goes.

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    6 Replies
    • Normal-Yes Hard-No Weekly heroics-Yes Nightfall-No And add lvl 30 strikes to playlist.

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    • YES YES YES. I am not a big fan of "online gaming" simply because of the trolls. But, I think it sucks that because I don't have 80 random people in my friend list that I cannot do something. I would also like to see Nightfall and Weekly strikes capable of matchmaking, not a necessity . I tried to do anything on the VoG by myself and was unable to do anything but kill a few random enemies. If you have matchmaking on the Raid, you have to use Mics. From what understand is the Raids are too large not to be communicating with one another.

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      2 Replies
      • Copied to my main suggestion post to Bungie. Good thread dude!

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      • maby also make a more detailed matchmaking for example being able to put in a level requirement i mean matchmaking for nightfall would be awesome but it kind of sucks if you get 2 lvl 26s with you. they should also add this to the herioc and raid if they ever give those matchmaking. maby also make it so that you cant matchmake in the raid if you dont wear a headset. in other words no headset no raid matchmaking for you. a matchmade raid can be done but if not everyone is using a headset it will take allot longer then is necesary.

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      • Nightfall and weekly would make more sense but the raid would be the biggest cluster -blam!-

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      • Matchmaking would take away the option to do 3 man or 2 man raids. Having the option to use matchmaking wouldn't bother me but just add it and force everybody to use it would suck

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      • I don't really think it's need, but I've also got no reason to want it excluded from the game. If you need random people use destinylfg or one of the many other matchmaking sites. I've never had to wait more than 10 minutes to find a group that way.

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      • Duplicate post inbound, but it seems appropriate for this thread as well: Matchmaking should absolutely be implemented for all activities, but it should be optional for people who want to solo and it should also be strict about who it matches together, with all the detailed player stats they have it shouldn't be that hard to match similarly skilled/experienced players together. To everyone saying it wouldn't work or is a bad idea, I refer you to CoD: Black Ops 2 Zombies mode. There were other iterations if Zombies in CoD games but I only played Black Ops 2's Zombie mode so that's what I'll be talking about. In Zombies you have to survive unending waves of undead that get harder and more numerous with every wave, and the goal is to go on forever every time you play, which means you need a team of dedicated and skilled players with at least 5-6 hours on their hands, if not days of free time to keep playing (my longest game was 8 hours I think, but you always hope to go as long as possible). The first thing was finding a match, which was often the hardest part but still doable if time consuming. The matchmaking was crap and just threw people together at random, but because there were pre-game lobbies you could always just keep backing out and searching again until you found a group you liked. Also there were ranks based on skill, Crossbones for newbs, a Skull for decent players, a Skull with a knife through it for skilled players and a Skull with two shotguns was the highest rank for the best of the best. I was a Skull with knife (or just Knife for short) and I leveraged that to only accept games with 2 other Knives or better, preferably 3 other Knives (most people with Shotguns only got them by treating their K/D like their baby and quitting out any time they start to die, so not always the best teammates). Once you have a group of 4 skilled players who all have mics, then before the game even starts you have to talk things out and plan who will do what and run where and where are these traps going to go and which door do we open first and who gets what staff and all sorts of little questions to make sure everyone is coordinated and ready to go. And then there was the leaderboard, which stopped counting progress for everyone if anyone backs out or gets disconnected, so making sure those people were there for the long run was one of the most important things, if anyone had less than 6 hours to play then there was no point playing with them. And in the game there were all sorts of things like buildables and Easter eggs and all sorts of complicated things that players would have to do in a coordinated manner to get super-weapons that helps kill Zombies and keep the game going longer. All told the Zombies experience was not unlike Raiding in this game, except that this game is easier because it has a definitive end point and a good team can easily beat it in under 2 hours, a great team can beat it in around 1 hour, which means I could easily do 3 raids, maybe more, in the time it would take to have one decent Zombies match. If this game were to give us matchmaking that actually paired skilled users with mics together, there would be no need for pre-game lobbies like in Zombies and experienced players could easily run through the raid with a match made team. Anyone who's seen wave 40+ of Zombies with a matchmade team knows all this talk of matchmade teams not having a chance in a task this complicated is bullshit, all that's required is good matchmaking, and even without pre-game lobbies I think matchmaking can be made to work by making use of all the player stats Bungie is clearly collecting in all activities. Everyone saying matchmaking wouldn't work, all I can say is: you are so very, very mistaken, it absolutely can work, and not even letting us try to make it work is a slap in the face from Bungie to each of its fans, telling us all that we're not good enough (either that or Bungie just doesn't think they're good enough at matchmaking to make it work, which if there's any reason it wouldn't, it would be shoddy matchmaking). Of course not everyone will have the skill level to beat the VoG and if similarly skilled/experienced players are indeed matched together then most matchmade games will indeed end in failure, but that's not the point. The point is that with proper matchmaking, all the people who are good enough to beat it will be matched with others on their level and they will mostly be successful, and not letting those of us who are good enough have matchmaking just to cater to everyone else who mostly suck is incredibly messed up and in no way constitutes a proper reason for us not to have matchmaking. tl;dr: Matchmaking can absolutely work for all activities in this game if Bungie designs it right, anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.

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      • You don't have to play with random people. Still setup a fireteam before joining. If you 1 person short you can find someone quick

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      • I said no, because I don't like playing with total ransoms that are at level 26 and have no clue what they are doing in the Vault of Glass. The raid is meant to have absolute teamwork. Being placed into a session with no one you know isn't really teamwork. You also need a good strategy to get through it instead of going off on your own thinking you're badass. Teamwork and strategies are the best way to get through the raid. Nothing will change my mind about it.

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      • How are people voting yes!?!?! If you could just jump into a raid it takes away the point of team building and complete communication + focus, you'd get a bunch of people going in without a mic! matchmaking for heroics, maybe...but not the raid!

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        8 Replies
        • Edited by Nibo1340: 11/5/2014 1:38:33 PM
          This really should be a no-brainer. If you want to do it with your friends/clan then just do it! If I want to spend all day with a pick up group then let me! that's for daily, weekly, nightfall, and yes even the raid most just get a random group from forums anyway

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        • Matchmaking like in strikes? No, absolutely not. For the sole reason that completely random teams are unlikely to succeed let alone finish the VoG. Imagine a team for Vault with people having no mics, do not work together / cooperate to strategy, leave because dinner is ready, play loud music, etc... An in game system e.g. a board in the tower where is it easier to assemble a team (including communication prior to enter), yes absolutely! (NB since the tower can only hold 16 at a team such a board should include multiple/all active towers)

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        • Yes, I want #gaming back. [spoiler]And I'm getting tired of seeing all those LFG posts anyways[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by GiZZiLLa: 11/5/2014 11:46:04 AM
          We Have raid matchmaking, it's called the forum. "Raid finder post here" lol

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        • Edited by I Pye: 11/5/2014 11:59:32 AM
          I voted yes just so that everyone can give it a go. I would not use matchmaking to find it though as it would be to frustrating. the forum search that we have now is quite good although I have had a few games were people have some stupid ideas of what to do and then will not budge on those ideas.

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        • Your question is pointless. It's obviously No in its current state due to so many issues and constraints and Yes if they implement some things that overcome those issues

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          2 Replies
          • We need matchmaking filters like... Has mic... Etc

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            3 Replies
            • I have had enough with random people in crucible. Not again in VoG.

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            • I used to think it needed it, until I did it. It isn't just another run through killing bad guys. While it's true finding a group on the forums is sort of manual matchmaking, it also gives the ability to decide on the people. Instead of just being force fed a random group.

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