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originally posted in: Xbox Players, you mad bro?
10/30/2014 10:31:46 PM
[quote]Hmm, sure you get the expansion but you aren't getting all of it and you'll be paying full price. Lmfao. This is too funny.[/quote] This kind of attitude is why people despise you. [quote]Edit: You people really need to stop using Halo as an excuse to why the Xbox is better. It's just sad. We have The Last of Us, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, God of War, Killzone, Uncharted, Bloodborne, The Order 1886, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Drive Club and Gran Turismo. All you have is Halo, Forza, Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive. Another Edit: Someone stated to leave PC completely out of this. Okay, then let me continue. PlayStation has Warthunder, Black light Retribution, Daylight, DC universe Online, Final Fantasy 14, Planetside 2, Primal Carnage, Transistor and Mercenary Kings. Xbox One has Project Spark, Dead Rising, Ryse and Titanfall.[/quote] You could go on to list any number of exclusive titles/series for the 360 or Xbone that would bring the numbers closer together. Especially if you're going to go to the trouble of listing games as shitty as Killzone and Infamous. Other Xbox exclusives include Crackdown, Gears of War, Fable, etc. [quote]Edit three: You people truly don't understand hackers do you? They don't attack because the network is "weak", no, it's because there are a lot of people to affect. They don't care about the network, they care about -blam!-ing with people. The more people they piss off, the more happy they are. If they cared about the network, then they would attack a lot more. Sony's fan base has a lot more than Microsoft's and that's why they attack Sony over Microsoft. Get a grip people, the Xbox isn't worth their time when there is bigger game out there.[/quote] Considering most of the attacks that people usually use to fuel their arguments happened last generation, when the Xbox 360 was the obvious cock of the block, your point here doesn't even begin to tread water. Though I hold no real torch in this fight, as I mostly stick to PC gaming these days, I have to say it is curious as to why you feel the need to get on here an rile other players up. To even go so far as to laugh at other players not receiving the same amount of content as you while paying the same price seems to imply you're bitter about something, and trying harder to convince yourself that your preferences are justified than anything else. I guess at the end of the day, all I'm really trying to say is that there's always someone better than you. For instance, no matter how much you want to argue that your precious Playstation is better than some other dude's Xbox, all I really need to say is... #PCMasterRace

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