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originally posted in: Divide your cost by playtime
10/30/2014 6:38:07 AM
Per hour is a stupid way of measuring the value of a game, and I suspect the OP knows it. I can buy a 2 hour Blu-Ray and watch it 100 times, thus giving me 200 hours of service for £15, but I'll be bored stiff because I'm doing the same thing over and over and over and... That doesn't mean I have 200 hours worth of content, it means I've forced myself to revisit the same content multiple times - you can make the argument that ANY game has a potentially limitless amount of hours you can play it for - we all know they only have X amount of hours of new experience, but we can replay the old experience at any time - this, however, does not equal new content, or make up for the lack of original longevity. If that content it poor, the quality of what you are paying for, regardless of how many times you may theoretically be able to play through it, is low and you are quite right to criticise the game for it - especially when a core component of that game is the idea of recycling game play in an endless loop

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