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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/30/2014 10:41:50 AM

Thanks for not listening about Atheon Bungie

[quote][b]Today's Patch Notes[/b] Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass[/quote] 1. This was not an "issue". The gates sometimes not letting people through, that's an issue. 2. The people who cared enough to be vocal about this over the past 11 days were imploring you not to do this. (Overwhelming majority was against the "fix") 3. We asked for an reason behind the decision to fix this "bug" and received nothing. CORRECTION : DeeJ did respond, see below Thanks for listening Bungie. Its nice to know the Feedback Forum is nothing more than a graffiti wall. EDIT: Deej [b][url=]posted a response[/url][/b] in the Destiny Forum [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."[/quote] Ok, I'll buy that you spoke to them. This is the worst though: [quote]This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Really? Up until this point nothing, zero about the raid was about "changing battle conditions" You could do it the same way everytime so I call Shenanigans on that one. From the mob spawns to the bounties, nothing is dynamic. The only changing conditions we have in this game are the maps that were selected on playlists or the RNG loot drops. That is a piece of insulting PR fluffery. [quote]the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them[/quote] Umm, no they didn't. The Timestream gates are still broken. The Raid does not have a countdown timer at the end. [b][url=]There are tons of other things we have pointed out to you[/url][/b] but I will confine my comments to the Raid. EDIT2: I wanted to share this as well from [b]Wiznux[/b] who has been commenting on each patch from a software development perspective and [b][url=]has done so today[/url][/b] as well. [quote]As a developer, I cannot wrap my head around how this [Atheon's old/non-random Timestream method] could have ever been an issue. That functionality has to be written into an algorithm and tested to see if it functions properly, it would be immediately obvious that this does or does not work. There's no way this was an issue, and I'm truly disappointed to see that you incorporated this after the community expressed that they did not want it. [/quote] EDIT3: One of things I was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. TL;DR: DeeJ just let you all know that Dev intent will outweigh player feedback everytime. FINAL EDIT: With the Monkeys gone my team hit the patched raid last night and finished it with no trouble. 7 minutes behind our best time (largely due to bugs see below). We had a plan going in and my well organized team had no issue with the randoportation. No wipe occurred. Given that I can see how an unorganized team will have a measure of difficulty adjusting to this. As a group we said "this was no more difficult than it was before". However we did run into a bug. Twice coming out of the portal Time's Vengeance was not activated. When the oracles in the time stream where killed the buff did not activate at all. I am assuming this is an actual bug that Bungie should be looking into.

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  • Bungie's response

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  • Boo effin hoo, get over it. It's a game, not your life.

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  • Bungie Fails

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  • I'm Bungie, I don't care about community, they stink.

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  • Listen don't worry about the patch because we all know there good at fuking things up and it will only take a few day till someone work out another way to pass the vault similar to befor the patch you watch becaus ill tell you now they haven't fixed it properly.

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  • Bump.

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  • [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] and since when game is a real life and if u wanna be so smart to changing battle conditions why those relics don't teleport to us imidiately the atheon can make a mistake don't u think? that would change battle conditions or no? oh wait i have better! to change battle conditions repatch templar fight with phillars so we can snipe it from there that would do the job! but no we CAN'T change battle conditions cause since we do this the patch is coming up....

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    2 Replies
    • I mean it makes the raid hard not impossible. Is a random teleport REALLY that hard for your guys? Do guys not know how to kill the adds and have a relic carrier? I mean, it can get knocked out in 45 minutes with decent communication and a fair amount of wipes. So what's another 45 minutes of getting dudes trained up on this random teleport? Honestly if something like a little variable comes up like this and you can't get through it with communicating to your dont deserve to pass the raid in the first place.

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      17 Replies
      • Edited by kryple: 10/28/2014 6:08:09 PM
        Well. Goodby destiny. Had enough of bungies bullshit and refusal to listen to its community. Real glitches are being ignored so bungie can slow down progression of players to keep them hooked on playing for new gear while we wait for content we already paid for. I can do every part of the raid legit no problem but ignoring real issues to deal with this is straight stupidity. I wash my hands of this nonsense. Hello assassins creed, oh how I miss ubisoft!

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        • Blah blah blah just play it learn a new way of playing my clan already was getting people use to running the shield If they did this from the beginning would you of never attempted the raid ? Gives us a better reason to get better gear and a better challenge Ya I agree we should have a raid vendor but who knows they might do that but think about it guys that vex will mean so much more

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          • Now all 6 people get to deal with walking through the timestream gates only to realize you never teleported, how fun!

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            1 Reply
            • Yeah. I hate that they called the teleportation a bug. Seemed to me like it was a mechanic. Random teleport hurts whatever strategy could be incorporated. Oh well.

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              • Great -blam!-ing idea to patch the game on the same day as ps4 firmware update.

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              • It's really not hard to run it with the random. Just have one person focus on the oracles, while the other person takes out the minotaur, if it's the jungle side. The shield carrier takes out the goblins. Easy

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              • My god you are a spoiled little brat. "GIVE ME A RESPONSE!" "YOU AREN'T LISTENING IF YOU DON'T RESPOND TO ME!" "I DESERVE TO BE HEARD". You get answer you didn't like and now it's "THEY'LL NEVER LISTEN TO ME!". Honestly, if you don't like it, stop playing. It's not your right to complete an end game raid. You seem to have neither the dedication, not the patience to end game raid. And since they didn't cave to your whiny ass, you act like they don't listen to anyone. L2Play and maybe you wouldn't be as concerned about who gets sent into the portal. If pressing a button to cleanse and a button to attack seems insurmountable to you, then again, the end game isn't for you. You are what's wrong with this community.

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                4 Replies
                • It will be tough for some, but most players will adapt. VoG was never meant to be easy, and with the way it was everybody with enough time could finish it. The bosses were just damage sinks and with one or two veterans on the group it was fairly easy to complete the raid (on normal diff anyway). I for one am curious to see how difficult it is after this patch. And to be honest, I'll keep playing Destiny untill the disc cracks. Not because it is the flawless and perfect game I had hoped for, but because I like it.

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                • the only thing they are going to understand is us not playing the game. then the dumb asses will say what happened what did we do. i will be starting Shadow of Mordor tonight it was fun the first time through but the grind and all the bullshit fixes all the while not fixing many problems are just to much for me.

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                  4 Replies
                  • DeeJ may have spoken for us, but the Devs are pissed about the mistake they have made with atheon and how he can be pushed, and the random teleport being the "intended" way the game was meant to be played is in actuality just a punishment for us doing it and sharing checkpoints. Because I could be wrong, I'm sure its harder to program furthest away rather than random

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by Wiznux: 10/28/2014 6:12:06 PM
                      Appreciate the mention, but to clarify, I'm not a game developer. I am an enterprise level CRM developer though, and any skilled programmer will agree that once you know a few programming languages, it's easy and quick to pick up a new language because syntax is very similar across languages. I do realize that there are extra components that I have no experience with that relate to game development, however, the issue at hand is random teleportation. And I can tell you without a doubt, that the logic required for that would require testing to verify that it was originally working as intended. You can't just write that algorithm and not test it, expecting it to work properly. So someone dropped the ball, here.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Bungie its bad enough you didnt fix the glitches in the vault (the gates) but you make it to where you cant decide your own teams?Thats nice. By the way thanks for f**king up the servers with this stupid patch. Please check your connection and try again. And fix the underpowered exotics. You need to bring these up to par (Bad juju, thorn) and actually FIX your broken ass game before you nerf anything else. I bought the expansions in advance because i didnt think youd f**k me over with a lame story full of holes.

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                        4 Replies
                        • The reason they did it was to "fix" randoms check pointing Atheon, nothing more, it is half hearted, but the idea is now players will be less likely to team up with randoms to cheese the raid for the loot drop. The reason for that is clear to me, the coding time to lock players that have not done the raid was more than this random fix.

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                        • Couldn't agree more I'm finished playing destiny until the expansions drop simply because I paid for them otherwise I'm pretty disappointed with how it turned out. Hopefully assassin's creed and dragon age 3 will be better.

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                        • random teleports? its not random, it takes the 3 closest to the entrance, if nobody is back there then it takes 3 at random. its the same for hard as well

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                        • Bungie's thought process: "Make them work even harder for the same junky reward. Muahahahaha!".

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                          • I welcome the change, BRING ON THE PAIN TRAIN CHOO CHOO.

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