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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/30/2014 10:41:50 AM

Thanks for not listening about Atheon Bungie

[quote][b]Today's Patch Notes[/b] Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass[/quote] 1. This was not an "issue". The gates sometimes not letting people through, that's an issue. 2. The people who cared enough to be vocal about this over the past 11 days were imploring you not to do this. (Overwhelming majority was against the "fix") 3. We asked for an reason behind the decision to fix this "bug" and received nothing. CORRECTION : DeeJ did respond, see below Thanks for listening Bungie. Its nice to know the Feedback Forum is nothing more than a graffiti wall. EDIT: Deej [b][url=]posted a response[/url][/b] in the Destiny Forum [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."[/quote] Ok, I'll buy that you spoke to them. This is the worst though: [quote]This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Really? Up until this point nothing, zero about the raid was about "changing battle conditions" You could do it the same way everytime so I call Shenanigans on that one. From the mob spawns to the bounties, nothing is dynamic. The only changing conditions we have in this game are the maps that were selected on playlists or the RNG loot drops. That is a piece of insulting PR fluffery. [quote]the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them[/quote] Umm, no they didn't. The Timestream gates are still broken. The Raid does not have a countdown timer at the end. [b][url=]There are tons of other things we have pointed out to you[/url][/b] but I will confine my comments to the Raid. EDIT2: I wanted to share this as well from [b]Wiznux[/b] who has been commenting on each patch from a software development perspective and [b][url=]has done so today[/url][/b] as well. [quote]As a developer, I cannot wrap my head around how this [Atheon's old/non-random Timestream method] could have ever been an issue. That functionality has to be written into an algorithm and tested to see if it functions properly, it would be immediately obvious that this does or does not work. There's no way this was an issue, and I'm truly disappointed to see that you incorporated this after the community expressed that they did not want it. [/quote] EDIT3: One of things I was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. TL;DR: DeeJ just let you all know that Dev intent will outweigh player feedback everytime. FINAL EDIT: With the Monkeys gone my team hit the patched raid last night and finished it with no trouble. 7 minutes behind our best time (largely due to bugs see below). We had a plan going in and my well organized team had no issue with the randoportation. No wipe occurred. Given that I can see how an unorganized team will have a measure of difficulty adjusting to this. As a group we said "this was no more difficult than it was before". However we did run into a bug. Twice coming out of the portal Time's Vengeance was not activated. When the oracles in the time stream where killed the buff did not activate at all. I am assuming this is an actual bug that Bungie should be looking into.

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  • I wouldn't even mind this if we knew what kind of loot we are going to more or less get. Like it specifically saying weapons or armor and it actually being weapons and armor. But ships and shaders are into play and that to me seems like they are making you go through all the trouble of beating the raid even on hard and they give you crap. What is the pint in making the raid harder if your going to get ascendant shards or a ship or shader. Its ridiculous.

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  • I knew Bungie was heading down the wrong road when they capped levels in Halo: Reach, and had RANDOM "cR slot machine" XP. I never dreamt they could be even MORE dumb by RANDOMIZING everything humanly possible. Thankfully MCC is out in 2 weeks and I will have a new game to play, as this game is entirely too repetitive and based purely on luck.

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    • Edited by F0x: 10/28/2014 10:11:01 PM
      Ok well if the raid was never supposed to be easy, why give us random loot? You ask Bungie why a trading system wasn't implemented, they replied with "You have to earn your loot" What the -blam!- does that mean. How can we earn RNG random loot. Learn to make a game bungie. Jesus Christ. I'm so tired of doing the raid 15 times plus, and I have 109 shards with not a full raid set yet. Pathetic

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      2 Replies
      • Edited by Arkyzim: 10/28/2014 7:24:11 PM
        Bungie and Activision are "f"ing up this really amazing game... It's half released... I feel ripped off to the maximum as this should have been half off with half the content legally not allowed to be incorporated into the game they had...

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        4 Replies
        • I honestly believe they hired ex CCP devs after they shut down the dust514 project. That's the only logical explanation,

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        • Bungie really are slowly killing their own game. Only a matter of time before it's empty.

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        • Lol I'm gonna go play wow. I want to experience something that's actually successful.

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        • Bungie is a bad loser, they spended some time thinking how to make a challenge, did it, then we beat it and now they say "fix a bug"...

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        • Congratz bungie on screwing us over with this update Achievement unlocked- Make millions of your fans hate you

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            Of course they didn't listen... It's not PVP.

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              So they don't want to listen to their target audience wtf are we still doing playing this game ', they should get all the money they have made off the game and fix it or bend over and jam it where the sun don't shine also they seem to have more animals then a zoo

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            • and now we get monkey non stop. if they think they deserve to have their final boss just right, they need to not ruin the game with nonstop disconnects.

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            • they should have fixed actual problems with the game before they even touched the areas gamers could exploit. now they have a "monkey" on their hands that they have no idea how to fix because they were too worried about atheon falling off the map and who he sends through the broken teleporters.

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              • +1 . . . I thought the whole point of the raid and why they are not doing match making is because it is a strategic environment for teams to tackle. If a well structured team is doing the raid they will have specific roles for people to play. Randomising who gets teleported through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass goes against their argument for not allowing match making . . . if the VoG is going to be every changing and dynamic just let us rock it with randoms as having a startergy doesn't mean shit.

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              • I'm really not happy about this update. This encounter just went from challenging to extremely hard for no reason. 1) Positioning: people position themselves and their team to effectively handle the boss, the dumb harpies, and the gates. Now it's just going to be utter chaos for the entire fight. "Bob is heading right, but wait, is Steve there? Where's Mike at?" Then boom, back into the slipstream. Sounds fun, can't wait (sarcasm). 2) Weapons choice: if I'm on oracle/relic duty, I like to use a pulse rifle with void damage. If I'm fighting Atheon, I like my Icebreaker. Since I can't just "switch" quickly without dying and retain my ammo, this is going to be a nightmare. Also, ammo synthesis cooldowns. Which one should I use since now I'll just get randomly tossed into some dimension? 3) cleansing after leaving the timespace: PITA 4) could you have least addressed loot drops in this? Normal mode forces Chatterwhite shader or Found Verdict shotgun down my throat. Hard mode gives me ships. Thanks. 5) Relic: if the space team screws up in any way, it's a wipe. Lets just start tossing ransoms in the dimension and we'll just call the new moronic design choice as "enhanced gameplay." I'm willing to bet the developers' favorite flavor is windex from licking the windows on the short bus. Absolute morons. Also, please ban me. I'll be able to better explain to my friends why I'm not playing this trainwreck this way. #DestinyTheCrap #feedback #garbage #thanksForTheLiesWithYourHype #BestSevenOutOfTenOnTheMarket #TheDestinyOfDestinyIsInMyTrashbin

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                • I completely agree.i wish bungie world listen

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                • Edited by Skull 141: 10/28/2014 8:05:48 PM
                  The raid or Vault of Glass has become a farce and a joke to even attempt now. The baby bumpers I can see and understand but the random teleports is pointless we set up teams for the teleported and the not so we could coordinate. Now it is pointless to do the raid. Unless a raid vendor is put in this makes doing the raid a insult then a challenge. Look i thought it was a exploit knocking atheon off but randomly selecting people to be thrown in time. That is a insult because things have yet to be fixed which are more important then the random teleporting should have been done was that people getting stuck in the portal when the people with the relic come out and the portal does not reopen leaving the other people stuck on the other side. Also the fact that the loot system for killing atheon is garbage to done the raid properly 3 times and got a shader i have twice in a row. Atheon is broken. He was hard on hard but on easy was a chore but not easy. Being level 30 has no meaning the way the raid is now. I think that the raid should be taken down until it is fixed properly. all they are focusing is on PVP problems not the raid or single player problems. They are killing their community but not listening to the community as whole. Bungie you have fallen since Halo. You listen to all the pvp complaints but not the protests against the changes to the raid. You encourage people to find exploits by making changes like the random teleporting. Make the Raid balance first and formost before making a severe change like this. The raid is worse than just hard right now. it is a abomination.

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                  20 Replies
                  • Will change everything

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                    2 Replies
                    • Who needs a girlfriend bungie -blam!-s me every update.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Adapt and win the raid. Its easy as it is

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                      • I just did the hard mode , was easy!

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                        2 Replies
                        • Just come up with a strategy beforehand. Rank everyone's use of the Relic, person who has the most experience picks it up, or the highest level, and continue the fight just like before. Wow so easy.

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                          16 Replies
                          • Bump

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                          • Best God damn post on the forum

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                          • [quote][quote][b]Today's Patch Notes[/b] Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass[/quote] 1. This was not an "issue". The gates sometimes not letting people through, that's an issue. 2. The people who cared enough to be vocal about this over the past 11 days were imploring you not to do this. (Overwhelming majority was against the "fix") 3. We asked for an reason behind the decision to fix this "bug" and received nothing. CORRECTION : DeeJ did respond, see below Thanks for listening Bungie. Its nice to know the Feedback Forum is nothing more than a graffiti wall. EDIT: Deej [b][url=]posted a response[/url][/b] in the Destiny Forum [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."[/quote] Ok, I'll buy that you spoke to them. This is the worst though: [quote]This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Really? Up until this point nothing, zero about the raid was about "changing battle conditions" You could do it the same way everytime so I call Shenanigans on that one. From the mob spawns to the bounties, nothing is dynamic. The only changing conditions we have in this game are the maps that were selected on playlists or the RNG loot drops. That is a piece of insulting PR fluffery. [quote]the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them[/quote] Umm, no they didn't. The Timestream gates are still broken. The Raid does not have a countdown timer at the end. [b][url=]There are tons of other things we have pointed out to you[/url][/b] but I will confine my comments to the Raid. EDIT2: I wanted to share this as well from [b]Wiznux[/b] who has been commenting on each patch from a software development perspective and [b][url=]has done so today[/url][/b] as well. [quote]As a developer, I cannot wrap my head around how this [Atheon's old/non-random Timestream method] could have ever been an issue. That functionality has to be written into an algorithm and tested to see if it functions properly, it would be immediately obvious that this does or does not work. There's no way this was an issue, and I'm truly disappointed to see that you incorporated this after the community expressed that they did not want it. [/quote] EDIT3: One of things i was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. TL;DR: DeeJ just let you all know that Dev intent will outweigh player feedback everytime.[/quote] Well no more fun in this raid!! Crap we get more patches then dlc and they keep Doctoring the fun out of the game.I'm done sorry guys they should spend more time making this game fun instead of this crap.. this isn't patchfield4! Ps fix the mythoclast gun already for PVE already.....

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                          • Bungie's response

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