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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/30/2014 10:41:50 AM

Thanks for not listening about Atheon Bungie

[quote][b]Today's Patch Notes[/b] Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass[/quote] 1. This was not an "issue". The gates sometimes not letting people through, that's an issue. 2. The people who cared enough to be vocal about this over the past 11 days were imploring you not to do this. (Overwhelming majority was against the "fix") 3. We asked for an reason behind the decision to fix this "bug" and received nothing. CORRECTION : DeeJ did respond, see below Thanks for listening Bungie. Its nice to know the Feedback Forum is nothing more than a graffiti wall. EDIT: Deej [b][url=]posted a response[/url][/b] in the Destiny Forum [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."[/quote] Ok, I'll buy that you spoke to them. This is the worst though: [quote]This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Really? Up until this point nothing, zero about the raid was about "changing battle conditions" You could do it the same way everytime so I call Shenanigans on that one. From the mob spawns to the bounties, nothing is dynamic. The only changing conditions we have in this game are the maps that were selected on playlists or the RNG loot drops. That is a piece of insulting PR fluffery. [quote]the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them[/quote] Umm, no they didn't. The Timestream gates are still broken. The Raid does not have a countdown timer at the end. [b][url=]There are tons of other things we have pointed out to you[/url][/b] but I will confine my comments to the Raid. EDIT2: I wanted to share this as well from [b]Wiznux[/b] who has been commenting on each patch from a software development perspective and [b][url=]has done so today[/url][/b] as well. [quote]As a developer, I cannot wrap my head around how this [Atheon's old/non-random Timestream method] could have ever been an issue. That functionality has to be written into an algorithm and tested to see if it functions properly, it would be immediately obvious that this does or does not work. There's no way this was an issue, and I'm truly disappointed to see that you incorporated this after the community expressed that they did not want it. [/quote] EDIT3: One of things I was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. TL;DR: DeeJ just let you all know that Dev intent will outweigh player feedback everytime. FINAL EDIT: With the Monkeys gone my team hit the patched raid last night and finished it with no trouble. 7 minutes behind our best time (largely due to bugs see below). We had a plan going in and my well organized team had no issue with the randoportation. No wipe occurred. Given that I can see how an unorganized team will have a measure of difficulty adjusting to this. As a group we said "this was no more difficult than it was before". However we did run into a bug. Twice coming out of the portal Time's Vengeance was not activated. When the oracles in the time stream where killed the buff did not activate at all. I am assuming this is an actual bug that Bungie should be looking into.

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  • IMO, I believe this patch has effectively killed off their casual base. With the Atheon "fix", now when people search for raiders, they'll only want experienced players. That'll leave a lot of people out in the cold. Those who'll be lucky to get in more than likely won't finish it. The random selection adds another level of frustration (NOT difficulty) and casuals don't have the patience for that. What is further pushing off casuals is these rampant disconnects. So far, Bungie's fixing self-proclaimed bugs had had unforeseen consequences. Trying to fix Atheon (and their ego) has further broke the game. Casuals and some hardcore have had enough and will move on as soon as the next big game drops. BTW, as usual, a great and concise topic by the TC yet again.

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    5 Replies
    • ok guys get this. a guy on this forum tried to defend this game by saying that 3 million players play a day "Still probably 3 million players a day". when this game sold 5 million copies the first couple of weeks it was released....... thats a lot of players not playing this game!!!!lol...

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      6 Replies
      • i was so hyped for this game in 2013 and i played the beta.... the mother flucking 2013 destiny game looks better than this. 1. where are the ship animations that drop players off into the game. 2. what happened to being able to fight bosses in explore mode and then continue exploring the world. 3. what happened to bosses dropping loot 4. what happend to open world, i feel like i'm on a sidewalk and i cant walk on the grass and explore the cool mountain on the other side of the grass. 5. where did the 500 million dollars go into? the coding? gta didn't even need that much money to make their game open world and good. i feel like the game i was looking to buy was just a dream and i wake up to find this in its place. and as i'm awake it keeps getting worse over time! 10 year plan... more like 5 month plan. this game wont survive 10 years if it can barely hold itself up on the first 3 months.

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      • Bump!!!!!

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      • Bungie Should have just called the game RNG

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      • Dear Bungie, The only reason people were cheesing atheon is because it isn't worth spending the time to beat him correctly when the rewards are bullshit. I have beaten the hard raid probably 10 times. You know what i got for gear....8 Titan Raid Gear Helmets ( no complaints about the speeders). Meanwhile i have friends that got the Mythoclast 5 times. WTF is up with that. Since the changes have been made to the raid I see no reason and have no motivation to play the raid until you fix your bullshit loot system. Quit giving me that same damn thing every time and stop giving me the same damn piece of raid gear everytime. You made a mediocre game, but i did enjoy playing it until you started to suck everything that was fun about it out of the game. You have really given me no reason not to forget about this game in the coming weeks when some decent games out. Nice job with the server de-stability update. I get kicked every 5 minutes. how about some QAQC on your updates. If i play tonight after work and get kicked once i am going to take my digital copy and figuratively toss it in the trash.

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        2 Replies
        • Omega bump

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        • Meh beat it on hard last night it really wasn't that bad with the portals

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        • Help fix bungie!!! #bungie2.0

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        • This entire thread is based on the assumption that Bungie knew this was a problem before millions of people did the raid. Do you honestly think your argument is valid?

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          25 Replies
          • Now the raid is not about teamwork anymore. Now everyone that raids needs to know everything about the raid. Including all aspects of the relics. Maybe bungie should pay more intention to other RPG game that have succeed for more 5 years. All raids should be teamwork not randomness.

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              Sad bump.

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            • Edited by anthrax99: 10/29/2014 2:21:16 PM
              bungie doesnt listen to feedback because they are too busy with activision using our money to have a circle jerk. they see gamers as cum dumpsters and little else. wipe your mouth, accept it, and move on to the next predatory gaming company who will gladly defile your innocence without hesitation. its the nature of the business, less you give up gaming all together, but some other degenerate will just come along to fill the void. theres always another eagerly waiting around the corner sadly.

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            • So I was introduced to this little bit of information today, and felt it was a good example of Bungie doing a complete 180 in regards to this Atheon teleportation matter. It comes from an old Halo update, but really emphasizes what we've been saying all along within the community. [url=]Bungie Weekly Update: 02/08/08[/url] "The Fatal Flaw" [quote]Any time you have a game system which players cannot understand, it might as well be random. No matter how fair the tiebreaker may be, if a single Assault Rifle bullet can slip by and decide the outcome, it might as well be random. [b]And randomness is a poor substitute for tactics and skillful execution.[/b][/quote] Please feel free to discuss. Full thread: [url=]Update - Patch Notes [NEW UPDATE][/url]

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              1 Reply
              • bump

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              • Bump

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              • I can't believe this game. It's such a disappointment in every single area. Gun and armour drops - once you buy or get the raid armour or raid guns or even any of the exotics this whole fun system is totally useless. There is no point grabbing engrams except for the reason of getting materials to upgrade the few good guns in this game. Raid - I think this post covered most if not all the problems. Crucible - realize how after you nerf the hell out of auto rifles, everyone started bitching that they were getting killed by scout rifles??? I think I see a pattern forming. You have to realize the majority of gamers are not that great due to age or skill or just years of experience. Of coarse people who are not as good are going to complain when they get killed. The rest that is wrong with this game is just simply lack of content. I had seen everything destiny had to offer in 2 weeks of playing this game. The campaign is beat in a day? But the worst thing by far! Is the fact that with every "patch" or "update" they fix 2 problems that actually mattered, 5 problems nobody cares about and adds 8 problems to the game. I shouldn't have to deal with getting kicked at all! Especially once every strike or 3 minutes. Bottom line bungie should have quit in total after halo. You should have died with a strong name. A great name even! Now it's a tainted version of what it was before.... I really am done with destiny. I will play it when the DLC comes out when they fix real problems and more content. Oh but then I will play it for a week see everything it has to offer and get bored with it again.

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              • I just did the new patch raid on normal.. Took a few attemps but managed to finish it.. Hate the teleport patch!! It's stressful.

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              • Bump. I don't know what Bungie is playing at. They don't listen. It doesn't matter how much we rattle the cages, they're going to do their own thing because they don't truly care what the players think. Guaranteed, their Xbox crowd is leaving Nov 11. Dropping Destiny as soon as I get my hands on the Master Chief collection. Same with all the rest of my buddies. Not to mention the crowd that will leave as soon as CoD comes out.

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                3 Replies
                • [quote]I'm [b]SO[/b] happy they fixed Atheon's teleportation. What a pain that whole "farthest from him" thing was. Here's to tactic and teamwork by random chance![/quote] Said no one. Ever.

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                • Bump

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                • [quote]EDIT3: One of things i was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. [/quote] I keep Icebreaker and switch to a Void based Rocket or LMG when the relic carrier is having a tough time. IE the -blam!-ing Mino teleporting like mad or glitching all over the place

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                • Edited by Spectyral: 10/29/2014 12:39:39 PM
                  Even with DeeJ suggesting have random teleports just for hard mode shows that bungie will not listen to reason or common sense because their heads are so far up their -blam!-ing ass. But I thank you DeeJ for your effort in voicing our concerns, atleast you genuinely care about what we think.

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                • Well i been playing destiny alot then this patch hit and i think i managed about a hour today before i couldnt be asked anymore.....between the rng lewt tables with no way to reroll (hard mode gave me a ship and 3 shards thats it) the severs kicking group members, atheon picking dead players or only taking one guy into teleport, relic not working or unabke to pick up, teleporting mobs, gun nerfs! Cartering to pvp crowd without anything for pve, and many many other things i just lost all will to play!! Will see what happens over the next few weeks to see if i trade my copy in or just burn it incase it infects other games with its lazyness

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                • Edited by PleaseJustKillMe: 10/29/2014 12:34:46 PM
                  Lol, all you whiny little babies. It's their game. It was supposed to work the way they fixed it, but it originally didn't. You're complaining bc they made it how it was intended to be & therefore harder so your panties are in a bunch. & I'm not surprised one of you trolls brought up COD. Go play COD, COD's community is essentially what is is wrong with the gaming community. It's just a big group of whiny babies that Activision caters to in order to make more money. Thus ruining the game for people with skill, who don't camp in corners and use all the OP'd weapons

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                • Bumpppppp

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