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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/30/2014 10:41:50 AM

Thanks for not listening about Atheon Bungie

[quote][b]Today's Patch Notes[/b] Fixed an issue where Atheon was not choosing random targets for teleport through the timestream during the final encounter on the Vault of Glass[/quote] 1. This was not an "issue". The gates sometimes not letting people through, that's an issue. 2. The people who cared enough to be vocal about this over the past 11 days were imploring you not to do this. (Overwhelming majority was against the "fix") 3. We asked for an reason behind the decision to fix this "bug" and received nothing. CORRECTION : DeeJ did respond, see below Thanks for listening Bungie. Its nice to know the Feedback Forum is nothing more than a graffiti wall. EDIT: Deej [b][url=]posted a response[/url][/b] in the Destiny Forum [quote]I talked a lot to the developers about your opinions on the matter. You don't want to be selected at random. You want to choose who gets to fetch the Relic under fire from those nasty Oracles. I spoke on your behalf. Your voice was heard. We discussed your concerns. I even said "Why not just change Hard Mode and leave Easy Mode alone?" I was told "The Raid is never supposed to be easy."[/quote] Ok, I'll buy that you spoke to them. This is the worst though: [quote]This is an activity that was designed to be undertaken by a hardcore team that is ready and willing to adapt and improvise to changing battle conditions[/quote] Really? Up until this point nothing, zero about the raid was about "changing battle conditions" You could do it the same way everytime so I call Shenanigans on that one. From the mob spawns to the bounties, nothing is dynamic. The only changing conditions we have in this game are the maps that were selected on playlists or the RNG loot drops. That is a piece of insulting PR fluffery. [quote]the designers who made the Raid have plugged the holes that you showed them[/quote] Umm, no they didn't. The Timestream gates are still broken. The Raid does not have a countdown timer at the end. [b][url=]There are tons of other things we have pointed out to you[/url][/b] but I will confine my comments to the Raid. EDIT2: I wanted to share this as well from [b]Wiznux[/b] who has been commenting on each patch from a software development perspective and [b][url=]has done so today[/url][/b] as well. [quote]As a developer, I cannot wrap my head around how this [Atheon's old/non-random Timestream method] could have ever been an issue. That functionality has to be written into an algorithm and tested to see if it functions properly, it would be immediately obvious that this does or does not work. There's no way this was an issue, and I'm truly disappointed to see that you incorporated this after the community expressed that they did not want it. [/quote] EDIT3: One of things I was reminded of was that people were not as absolutely opposed to getting randoported into the Timestream if they had loadout control. I use a certain set of weapons when I am on the stay team vs the stream team. This is the tactical planning Bungie had initially advised us to pursue. Now I have to find the middle ground or face an ammo penalty when I switch from Icebreaker (max 6 rounds) to a void sniper (would leave me with 3 rounds) to possibly deal with the Venus Minotaur. If there was some sort of loadout switching on the fly like, I don't know, long press of X or something, then maybe this would be easier for people to swallow. That feedback was given side by side with the requests to not do this to Atheon. Devs did what they wanted and ignored our requests to wait until they could balance the challenge. TL;DR: DeeJ just let you all know that Dev intent will outweigh player feedback everytime. FINAL EDIT: With the Monkeys gone my team hit the patched raid last night and finished it with no trouble. 7 minutes behind our best time (largely due to bugs see below). We had a plan going in and my well organized team had no issue with the randoportation. No wipe occurred. Given that I can see how an unorganized team will have a measure of difficulty adjusting to this. As a group we said "this was no more difficult than it was before". However we did run into a bug. Twice coming out of the portal Time's Vengeance was not activated. When the oracles in the time stream where killed the buff did not activate at all. I am assuming this is an actual bug that Bungie should be looking into.

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  • They ruined reach (they're best game of all time) in less than a year think they won't do it to destiny

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    12 Replies
    • Since when has Bungie listening to anything we have been saying? They said they fixed the loot but they made it even rarer and harder to get purples. I have had less useful stuff since the patch. Screw you Bungie!

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      • This post is extremely correct. Destiny is dead for me. I will never understand their logic. This is why game developers should never be in charge of making these kinds of decisions. Absolutely no business sense. Pissing off your player base right before your largest completion games come out. Wow, cod.... Brilliant move bungie. Bravo. Your developers are pure genius. The very fact that you continue to ignore the obvious flaws in your code is hilarious. The intentional lack of repairing your game to keep the difficulty high is just a disappointment. Beeg. I don't know you, and I don't like your PR crap posts, but I am hoping you can see the major faults with the developers and will move on soon. This game has so much potential which is why so many of the players still play. It is disappointing that the game is ruined and falls so short of what it could be because some game developers are completely retarded and have no business sense at all. Activists your 500 million baby could have been a cash cow. Get ready as cod destroys your records. It's funny because cod is the same game model over and over with a new face. But you know why we play? There is no competition. Their game actually works and they have a linear progression model.

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      • Where the F is the story we've been led to expect? Where's the customization? Where is the dynamic open world we were promised and shown in E3 demos and YouTube videos? How can I forge my own personal legend when there seems to be only ONE approved path toward legend, the path that the developers choose for me, not a path I choose for myself? The raid patch is neither here nor there for me, though I think it is symptomatic of a larger problem, the problem being that the community's voice, the customer's preference, is going either unheard or disregarded. In an age of crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, vast online communities and a time when a consumer has the ability to have direct input into products he/she cares about I find it disconcerting that bungee/activision seems to be ignoring the trends of its own community. As a community we are invested in this game, at $60 a pop definitely financially, but also emotionally. We have high expectations of bungee based on it's brilliant Halo series. We have high expectations, still, of Destiny. We are varied community of gamersthat range from RPG enthusiasts to PVP badasses. Maybe those two things can't coexist? And maybe it's time to stop trying. I've been reading the boards for the last two months and I've heard a resounding call for more RPG/PVE/MMO type elements in this game. People, myself included, appear to want deeper, Richer, more layered storytelling. They want a world they can invest in and live in for the few precious hours a day they can spend with destiny. People seem to want avatars that they can customize as a means of expression and individualization. They want surprise and dynamism, A world in flux in which they feel like they can affect some change. As it stands right now destiny is static, utilitarian, a place without surprise or innovation. How can I feel a legend when every day I do the same thing over and over, enemies spawn in the same place, nothing ever changes. I don't feel like a legend I feel impotent and ineffectual within the world of destiny. In fact it feels as if you're latest patch punishes innovation rather than rewards it. This is a heartbreaking development coming from bungie studios… It was halos INNOVATIVE gameplay and storytelling but pushed bungie to the forefront of FPS development. Please return to your roots. Patches that address player creativity and innovation are not supportive of a world we want to be invested in. Your community grew, in a large part, because of the way in which these innovations were shared. The way in which a community would grow organically in the real world. What you have done is divisive. If I find an exploit, a way to beat the boss quickly and efficiently, why would I share it now? My fear is that that information would get around and developers would "patch" it so that it couldn't be used again in the future, thereby spoiling my own innovation and creative thinking so that I couldn't use it for myself. Please stop ignoring your community. Reward the players that spend the time in your world. Let your community grow and support itself by being able to share creative problem-solving solutions. Instead of patching,innovate and create, give us new things to do within this world make it dynamic make it surprising, make it fun. Don't punish your players, learn from them. You're seeing an abundance of creativity, innovation, problem-solving, communication and community development and support. Learn from it, grow from it, incorporated into destiny.

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      • A piece of shit patch from a well now established piece of shit developer. Not another cent from me. I get my money's worth from this and the next two retarded expansions stripped away from the original concept and than cya. I encourage everyone to do the same. If not. Carry on with their cutesy names for the million disconnects players suffer and *insert many wrongs with the promised game* Eagerly awaiting false advertisment lawsuits and cupcakes :)

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        • Edited by NOTAGhero: 10/28/2014 9:47:52 PM
          I heard that there is no timer at the end of the VoG so you can take pictures. That's kind of nice of them, don't you think? The rest however... Yup, they done effed it up.

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          • If Bungie are truly trying to fix the Raid then they would have done the following :- 1. Fixed random stream gate issues. 2. Set in stone the rules for who get's teleported so that the teams that do the raid CAN have a strategy. 3. Stopped Atheon teleporting at all if the team was down to less than four living players (this should have been a given!). Atheon should not be able to simply wipe the team, while the player is stopped from simply wiping him via whatever means they come up with. It's called fairness in case the bungie "We are god and can f%^k with you any way we please" devs have never heard of the concept. 4. Fixed the random awards. This seems to be an ongoing issue through the entire game. How hard is it to check if a player has an item already and then removing it from the possible rewards list of the vault? Ensuring that they will eventually get all the rewards if they play the required 10 times. It seems to me that they have lost the plot at this stage. The comment by the dev that "The raid is never meant to be easy" was the worst kind of bullshit. The raid is level 26. As a level 29 I SHOULD expect to find it easy. I should not be struggling through it because of artificially introduced random crap. I should be breezing through just collecting any missing vault gear. If we follow Bungies nonsense, then I would be struggling to finish the earth strike at level 30 because "It was never intended to be easy".

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            • I really hate they added it to both levels. Had they left it on the hard version, most could have "practiced" using the relic, destroying the oracles, etc in the normal raid til they each felt confident and well versed to deal with the random teleportation in the hard raid. Hell, they'd be able to experiment a bit and figure out which of their weapons worked best all around for various tasks for each individual. As for the Atheon baby bumps..I still fail to see how pushing him off was a bug. You designed a map that has platforms floating over nothingness. That was a deliberate decision on the team. Don't go calling "bug" because no one thought about the drawbacks.

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              • Edited by JayPhoenix: 10/29/2014 11:12:07 AM
                Before any sort of mechanics needed to be "fixed", the bugs should have been addressed. Not properly teleporting if I go through a gate? Relic's shield randomly dropping and causing a team wipe? Only two people getting teleported, instead of three? All of these ruined my clan's raid experience last night, leaving us highly discouraged from attempting again until it's fixed.

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                • Okay, I completely agree with the OP. Now as I agree, people shouldn't be getting mad over simple fixes as some others have stated, however, not this one. When you just get Destiny, say a week ago or any time in the present or in the future, You have no experience with the raid except for YouTube videos. This leaves new players at a disadvantage cause now the vets won't help teach, or carry the team. That, leaves a drawback for a TON of new players and restricts the gaming community on Destiny to "Be a hardcore gamer or gtfo." Now I'm all up for the baby bumpers, extra ritual of negotiation to fix the push off trick, or even nerfing most exotics so now they're not even worth working for, most of these are exploits. The meaning of exploit? Something in game, that IS NOT a bug, but players learned the games systems and mechanics to use it to their advantage. Credit it breaks the games intentional format to play doing so, But randomized teleportation for the raid removes any form of strategy or communication within a team. We studied inside and out of every part of the raid, just to know our role at every spot. Now, Bungie... Lets take a quick look for example. You've got your vets who try to help you on how to improve, and you have your newbies who are learning from the vets. The vets no longer want to do the raid nor carry anyone in it, due to you not listening to the player community. Player community dies out, left with a open world destiny, yet all 3 races are extinct to be seen. Now why is that? With all of these other games coming out, WE DO NOT have to play Destiny. We choose to cause we truly love it, but if you're gonna screw us over from not listening to the community, your reputation from any game you decide to publish (activision) or develop (Bungie) will be looked at with shame. "Hey have you heard "..." Is coming out soon? Yeah, but why would you buy or play it? Bungie/Activision don't care enough to listen to the community so more than likely it'll be trash, and no one buying it, will drop the price fairly quickly. Give it a month after release it'll be worth 10$." Personally, I have nothing to do in destiny anymore. You took away our raid, strikes and story Is over played, players are already using mods, lag hacks and shield hacks, let alone corruption codes. At one point for two weeks, even duping programs and tricks. So if you want to ruin your game, fine by me. But don't ask the players community for feed back when you see your active players drop down fairly quickly. You're losing more players than you think, simply because you think being a developer you have better ideas come to hand. This is a MMORPG, You will NEVER run this game. Games similar to CoD, Yes you could run. Games similar to dragon age, Yes, but to a degree due to the single player experience and dlc. But destiny, a MMORPG, You can go great distances in gaming history with this, but ONLY with the support of a happy player fan based community.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Yeah this all the way. Bungie is just dropping the ball left and right and everyone can see it. What makes it worse is how buggy the teleport thing is now. It shows how it was never meant to be random. It is as if we made it to the point they set (hell we even passed it as a community) but instead of being happy we were able to overcome these trials, they got pissed it wasn't as hard as they wanted it to be. This just sounds like whoever is in charge is really butt hurt about something. Probably his girl left him or whatever, and is taking it out on the community. I just wish there was a way to interact with the devs besides this forum. This game is a sinking ship, but the Captain is insisting the rising seawater is just part of the experience.

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                    • Edited by Ewoktapus: 10/29/2014 2:34:01 PM
                      The people against it are the ones who had to exploit it to finish it. This new update is how it should have been day one. If you kids would spend more time adapting and learning proper tactics, instead of bitching all the time, these forums would be a far better place.

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                      • Edited by Inception: 10/28/2014 6:07:29 PM
                        This really ticks me off. The entire feedback forum was bashing the entire patch for the reasons stated by OP not for 1 day but for almost an entire week. If Bungie continues to fix shit that is not broken then I will have to shelf Destiny. Nothing that we have been asking for since the games release has come to fruition. Give us proximity Voice Chat for -blam!-ssake at least. Damn, this is all basic shit that multiplayer games need and we are told "coming soon"...yeah okay, you know what else is coming soon? A decent story or plot, and by soon I mean never.

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                      • Here's what I want to know. Ever since the "patch", MORE -blam!-ING HOLES HAVE APPEARED! How in the -blam!- do you tell me you "fixed" the raid when we didn't even get sent through time for ten minutes with Aetheon??? How is it "fixed" when we're still getting Weaseled, Centipeded, and Monkeyed out????!!!!

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                      • Perhaps a new Destiny development team is required - the present incumbents are incompetent.

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                        1 Reply
                        • It's getting ridiculous. The more they "fix" the worse it gets. Now vog is so bad you get a disconnect code every 2 minutes. The shield from the relic at atheon will randomly stop working, the gates don't work right, once you beat him your stuck in the vault. The iron banner is just a crucible with a diff. Name. Etc. It's sad that this is a supposed 500 million dollar game. That has content blocked and doesn't work 30% of the time.

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                          2 Replies
                          • good job bungie, you turned a very team and coordination heavy section into a potluck of bull. the constant and numerous glitches in that atheon encounter alone just suck the fun completely out of the game now

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                          • I'm starting to see way more negative comments about Destiny rather than positive ones and that leads me to assume that Destiny is going to be losing a lot of its players once the bigger and better games release. Developers need to learn that they can't just promise things, not deliver, and then expect us to pay for their crap DLC bullshit. Video games today are being RUINED because of this shit and I'd love to put every single one of these bastards out of business, but of course life doesn't work that way...

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                            • Normally you can leave comments on the area were they talk about the recent update in the comment box..But now when you click on the update news to leave one you can't!! It's because they know how much backlash they would get on there for this crappy update!! Fing bs.. cowards watch this game sink and jobs get lost because they didn't think to really listen!

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                              8 Replies
                              • Edited by L1NGERER : 10/30/2014 2:33:34 PM
                                Agree. I can't wait for November 11th now. Bungie messed up big time with their lack of in game story telling, unbalanced weapons, gear drops, redundant bounties, and actual raid bugs. I gave them a chance when we were told they would listen to our feedback. Now I realize they are too busy counting our money with Activision to care. They might think we are all talk and won't shelf it, but Nov 11th will show them we don't need their patchy game and fake promises

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                                • the reason i'm so harsh on this game is because this game has so much potential but doesn't show it or they took the good stuff out before release. I was expecting so much in 2013 but they falsely advertised almost everything by cutting out big and awesome game mechanics. then after doing this they slap us in the face after already doing this by making everything i this game that was supposed to be released at start into paid dlc.

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                                • (this is for the people that are on this thread and defend this lie of a game) also why are you still here go and create a thread about protecting you dying game.

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                                • Bungie go for it ;-)

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                                • Still gotta say yaaaaaaay Destiny❤! If u want an easy game go buy advanced warfare...

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • Wow over 500 comments and probably more likes than that.... Why does bungie ignore a little less than 25% of their players!!! This goes against what they said about player feed back!!!! I need to hurry and get my degree so I can work at bungie and fix them up. I need to patch bungie!! Bungie 2.0

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                                    9 Replies
                                    • IMO, I believe this patch has effectively killed off their casual base. With the Atheon "fix", now when people search for raiders, they'll only want experienced players. That'll leave a lot of people out in the cold. Those who'll be lucky to get in more than likely won't finish it. The random selection adds another level of frustration (NOT difficulty) and casuals don't have the patience for that. What is further pushing off casuals is these rampant disconnects. So far, Bungie's fixing self-proclaimed bugs had had unforeseen consequences. Trying to fix Atheon (and their ego) has further broke the game. Casuals and some hardcore have had enough and will move on as soon as the next big game drops. BTW, as usual, a great and concise topic by the TC yet again.

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