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originally posted in: ✯Open Discussion✯
10/26/2014 10:18:21 PM
Actual usable ships would be on my list. No guns or battles though, that would ruin it. You can coustamise them using ship shaders and you can explore different parts of the galaxy and collect loot in space, something like the ship from AC. I think this will add a new level to the attempted space element the devs tried to implement. You also have the option to use hyperdrive, which will get you to you're DESTINation (see what I did there?) much quicker but your character will start to look older (wrinkles, bags, chicken necks, ect.) and if used too much will lower stats such as speed and strength. This is also heavily requested, but we want to see the rest of a The City and a gambling system using your best gear.

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