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originally posted in: Tyger's apology to DeeJ and #Destiny
10/26/2014 1:18:10 PM
I don't see how anyone can genuinely argue with the OP and the points raised in the video. I just watched it, after having previously seen links and dismissed the video as one of the many "hate on this game for x reasons" videos that are popular nowadays. But having watched, I completely agree with most of the arguments and ideas raised. There is a lot of speculation and most of it is likely very accurate, but we obviously won't know unless eventually there is some sort of official and frank statement on the matter. Which we all know is unlikely. But anyway, my main point for posting is to say that Destiny got terrible reviews and ratings for a good few reasons, and those reasons are all covered in this video and then some. It's Activision at its finest, sucking the industry dry of creative and innovative developers and games to maximise its profit margins. For the good of Bungie, they need to cut and run from this contract with Activision and get away from Destiny. That or massively overhaul things for the next game and assert themselves. There's no way that the creative minds that worked for years on Destiny can truly be proud of what the final product is. And quite honestly I think it shows. The weekly news and dev notes etc nowadays are all quite cowardly, attempting always to try and instil hope and make promises to us the gamers and is always in some apologetic tone. They're scrambling to try and grasp for players to stick around because they know they're on the back foot. Bungie has royally screwed up with Destiny. Time is only exposing that fact more and more. One of the reasons players that understand this are still sticking around is because we still want Destiny to be something of what was promised before release. But of those that haven't already moved on, we'll be going shortly. This game just hasn't got the legs as it is. If it wasn't for my clan I'd be gone already. The DLC won't be enough. They dumbed down and simplified the game, cutting and changing and locking out content in the process. It could have been so different and so much better. Activision just wanted another franchise to spread the cod fans and encompass a wider crowd. Destiny will simply be a younger brother to cod, with a bit more imagination. And I can't stand cod. So if things don't change I won't be investing in the next games.

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  • The entire video in two sentences: "This could've happened. NOW JOIN THE MOVEMENT AND TELL BUNGIE , WITH ALL OF YOUR ANGST-FILLED RAGE, WHY YOU WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS ABSOLUTE ABOMINATION OF A GAME, AND WHY YOU WILL RUTHLESSLY ATTACK IT UNTIL THE BITTER END." Get over it. Stop dwelling on the past and focusing on what could've happened.

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  • Actually, since we're playing Destiny now, it would be the present. If this news came out 10 years from now, then people would be living in the past.

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  • Why not? The past is great for two things: good memories of a simpler time and learning from your mistakes.

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  • Explain the productivity of wanting something to happen differently.

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  • Who said I wanted something different?

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  • No one. Explain.

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  • Productivity is in the eye of the beholder in that aspect. You can want something to happen differently but if it's already happened you can't really DO anything. The only productive "thing" to do is to actively change the direction something is headed in. History (yeah that's the past you loathe so much) has proven to everyone that if someone or enough people want a change they will TRY and go about it any way that they can for good or bad. The past can't be changed but the present AND future can be. Explained.

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  • "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it". If I want Destiny 2 to be better, I have to complain NOW lol

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  • This. Though I love the game and will continue to play it, I saw (and still see) a lot of the underhanded marketing tactics companies use to sell their games. ...I miss the old days. (Retro gaming ftw)

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