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Edited by MacWilliam: 10/25/2014 2:31:00 AM

Light of Guardians, Fan-Fiction interest thread

Hey guys, been brainstorming a fan-fiction series of short stories based on Destiny's universe because the lore is so god damn awesome and got me thinking about what stories [i]could[/i] occur in Destiny's universe. Lord knows it won't be too hard to tell a better story than Destiny's campaign did. Below I have the initial draft of the first part of the first story that I wrote up today. Each story will be told from a different Guardian's perspective and will culminate in the Guardians from all the stories joining together to save the world of course. Posting this here as there doesn't seem to be an obvious location to post up fan fiction anywhere and I'm curious how many people would be interested in following a project like this. This part is about 2 pages long. Critiques and feedback appreciated, without further ado: Light of Guardians Book One: Taunyek Part 1 Taunyek's Grim Citizen III was a chorus of death, pressing reassuringly into his shoulder with the percussion of it's muzzle sending rounds down range. His aim was on point. A burst perforated his target's skull causing a limp and lifeless body to collapse to the floor. There was no time to relax however. The threat tracker of Taunyek's ghost showed more enemies approaching from several different directions. The first to emerge was at his six o'clock position directly behind him, but Taunyek was able to about face in time while tossing a spike grenade at the wall spewing void energy into the space his foe had just rushed in to occupy. The grenade served to wound and distract his opponent long enough for the Titan to snap his Grim Citizen back to his shoulder and fire off one more burst to put his target down on the ground, its life blood gathering in a pool beneath it as the ammo indicator on Taunyek's automatic rifle read [i]00[/i]. The next hostile hesitated in its entry and waited for Taunyek's spike grenade to sputter out, its void energy spent. It then began an assault with a grenade of its own but the Titan was ready. Eschewing the auto-rifle, Taunyek unslung his shotgun and with a dashing start slid out the door of the room just under the grenade as it flew in. Though his target's face was obscured behind a mask Taunyek could see the surprise and sudden realization of what was about to happen in his opponent's body language as he depressed the trigger on his weapon. Buckshot overwhelmed shields and made contact with flesh with enough force to push the body of another slain foe four feet through the air before crashing to the ground on its back, chest transformed into minced meat. His final target attacked from above, firing shots that deflected off Taunyek's shield though steadily depleting its energy. Taunyek leapt up, not content to wait for his foe and grabbed them by the ankle, pulling down and throwing them into the ground. He landed on top of the foe pinning it to the dirt. His opponent raised a hand, open palm facing him. "Oh no you don't!" Taunyek knocked the hand away with his elbow just as a quick [i]whoosh-crack[/i] sounded the laws of physics bending to his opponent's will in front of its opened palm. Taunyek then gripped his enemy's head with his right hand as his left pinned down his foe. With frightening strength he began repeatedly slamming its head against the ground. Gradually its struggle against him weakened and then stopped. He kept slamming its head until the Warlock's helmet splintered and a sickening crack sounded over the grisly battlefield. A familiar voice sounded over his ghost's comms, "Weapons down Guardians. This match is over, Taunyek wins." The ghosts of another Titan, a Warlock, and two Hunter's hovered over their Guardian's corpses, assessing the damage Taunyek had inflicted on them before teleporting them back to their ships to be healed and revived, good as new and wiser for the experience. Taunyek was brought to the arena's debriefing chamber where he came face to face, or as close to it as two fully armored Titans with their helmets on can be, with Lord Shaxx, the Crucible handler. "Another impressive display Taunyek. Though, I can't say I'm exactly surprised. You practically live in the free-for-all Rumble trials." Taunyek undid his helmet's seal and removed it with a quick [i]hiss[/i] and [i]pop[/i]. A light gray skinned Awoken with jet black hair and luminescent purple eyes was revealed beneath. "And your point Lord Shaxx? The Crucible exists to train us Guardians for our fight against the Darkness as you so devotedly love to remind everyone. I simply take my training more seriously than others." Shaxx crossed his arms as he grunted, "Perhaps a bit too seriously, hm? And you never participate in the team based trials, Taunyek." "Ha! Never thought I'd hear the great Lord Shaxx, Handler of the Crucible, say someone was taking their training in the Crucible too seriously. You seem to always be trying to encourage Guardians to participate in it more. Besides, I seem to recall the Guardian who fought to the center of the Black Garden and destroyed the heart of Darkness within did so alone." "Guardians must learn how to effectively work and co-ordinate as a team," Shaxx countered, "as well as how to stand alone against overwhelming odds. Had there been enough time to organize one, the Vanguard would have sent a strike team into the Black Garden, but it was of utmost importance to destroy that heart as soon as possible and that Guardian knew it. They rose to the challenge, and they've worked with several teams before and since then. You, however, seem to be becoming distant with your fellow Guardians. Instead of working with them, you seem to prefer killing them repeatedly in the arena." Shaxx slumped his shoulders and sighed, "I never believed I'd ever be saying this, but I'm going to cut you off." "What? You can't do that! Guardians don't have an official command structure, you can't order me to stop participating in the Crucible!" "Indeed we have no chain of command, which means I can do whatever I want too, and as you yourself just mentioned, I am the Handler of the Crucible. I can refuse participation to whomever I want, Guardian, and you're losing touch with what being a Guardian really means." Taunyek's fists clenched up as his face grimaced in anger, "Well, what am I supposed to do then? How long are you keeping me out?" "I don't care what you do. We have no official command structure, remember? Get in touch with the Light that shines within you again, Titan. Maybe once you do, you won't even want to come back to the Crucible." Shaxx then let out a short chuckle, "Though the lessons you teach those who come up against you would be missed." With that, Lord Shaxx turned and walked out of the chamber leaving Taunyek alone, furious, and bewildered.

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