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Edited by Radiantsniper89: 10/9/2014 9:54:44 PM

Angry Joe couldn't have said it any better!

This is exactly my same thoughts, everything in the campaign feels short, anti-climatic, and confusing. This is the games release, but it still feels like I am playing the alpha. What happened to all the story, the exploration, and the dynamic NPC the game was advertised with? Simple - Bungie gave their "exotic" game to the cryptarch (Activision), and decrypted a common game. I was looking forward to a game with a captivating and lasting story campaign, I was looking forward to diverse events, I was looking forward to weekly updates that would bring new and cool stuff, I was looking for climatic boss fights and level design. After buying it, all I found was an uncommon engram. A game with this big a budget shouldn't have ended up this way, especially if the developers were the ones who made the cult classic: Halo. If all the promised content really will be released in a 10 year period of DLC, than my hopes for future games has gone to s**t. [u]What should've been done[/u] - More than just "2-3" story missions per planet - More in-depth story telling that tells more about the origins of the enemies you fight, what happened in the war, how much time has passed, the origins of each race, more info about the traveler. -Dynamic characters: A back story for all NPC's that play a major role, the NPC's should be the ones who give out story/side missions, exclusive missions for each race that tells the back story of your character (how he/she died, glimpses of past memories that haunt your character, etc.). [u] -Each Race starts story missions on a different planet: -The awoken characters start the game in an enemy controlled part of [b]the reef[/b], and the first few story/side missions are given out by the queen. After completing 2-3 you are sent to the tower to seek help from other guardians. -The exo characters can [b]start on mercury[/b], there should be a safe haven on mercury where they can return to for their first 2-3 story missions, before they are sent to the tower. -The Humans [b]start on earth[/b] of course....and they go straight to the tower after they finish their first story mission[/u] Doing this would actually make it so that I would want to be another race, so I can experience a new story and a new character with a different origin. There should be at least 6 or more exclusive missions per class that can only be played as that class, and only in single player. -more dynamic story levels: At the current point all you really do for story missions is just shoot and deploy your ghost. [u]If story missions had mechanics like defending a machine while the ghost hacks it (if the machine gets destroyed you start over), escort missions where you defend an NPC/or a vehicle to a certain location, recapture bases to push back the darkness (on each planet there are 3-4 outposts you need to capture to progress in the story, you have to keep the enemies out of the base for a certain amount of time to turn the defense systems back online to capture the outpost after capturing more missions on the planet are unlocked), sparrow missions where you have to reach a certain checkpoint on the map in time to save someone/something, etc. [/u] -MORE CUTSCENES: I honestly don't care if it messes up the "grind" mechanics, if it is such an issue add the option to skip the cutscenes if you have already seen them. This game needs it I currently don't understand s**t, it honestly feels like cutscenes were [b]cut[/b] from the game. And cutscenes is what this game needs most for the story to be interesting. THERE SHOULD BE AT LEAST 1 OR MORE CUTSCENES IN EACH STORY MISSION!!!! -MORE CLIMATIC BOSS FIGHTS: The bosses in the story shouldn't be pretty Much just a more powerful version of the common enemies. They should be varied, have weaknesses and strengths, and when they die they shouldn't just disappear a cutscene should play showing the boss crawling away before getting finished by the player, or the vex bosses should explode and the player runs and jumps behind cover, bosses should have more than just two attacks, and should be more responsive to taking damage. [u]The final boss shouldn't be 3 pathetic mini-bosses, he should be a giant vex death machine (similar to the final boss of mass effect two: the human/reaper hybrid). He should have immunity to damage until he reveals his weak spot, and should have a variety of attacks. [/u] Bungie and Fanboys I know you will respond by saying this isn't possible....but it is and has been done. Mass effect 3 added a free DLC that adds additional cutscenes to the story, dead rising 3 released a 13 GB patch, payday 2 COMPLETLY changed their gameplay mechanics through a 2GB patch and it wasn't even on next-gen consoles. With a budget as massive as yours this should be child's play. Please keep this post alive so employees of Activision and bungie read it, and maybe they finally can get there heads together and give the community the game they advertised.

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  • The origins of the races are in grimiore cards lol so the lore is there just players are selfish and lazy and don't want to read them bc it's quote "not in the game".... the awoken are humans that fled to the edge of human controlled space to escape the darkness and have been altered by deep space. The exos were built during the start of the collapse to aid humanity in fighting the vex and other darkness factions. The collapse happened a few centuries before the time we are based in and is also when the traveller was injured. The guardians came to be during the collapse which is why humanity was able to hold off the darkness at the Battle of Twilight Gap. Read the cards and you'll learn so much abt this game sheesh quit being lazy. The story of this game is you've been dead for a really long time so you aren't going to know anything except what needs to be done, unless you access the data in your ghost, aka grimiore cards.

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