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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by DemonCatursday: 10/24/2014 9:18:17 PM

Since people seem to have misunderstood me

The "But Xbox gets Halo so why dont't you tell MS to release that on play station" argument is a crock of shit. There's a difference between 'This game isn't available on X console' and exclusive content. I payed a full $60 for my copy of Destiny, yet people who chose play station receive two awesome Exotics, an extra Strike, 3 Armour sets and a crucible map. Now, does that seem fair? Locking me out of content that I payed for is an asshole move. And the 'Xbox gets COD DLC early' is crap too, because not only was the DLC not included with the game, it's only a one week exclusive, not a whole -blam!-ing year. (And a year is just a wait for a CHANCE at the guns and armour unless RNGesus doesn't -blam!- you over.)
#Destiny #dcsd

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