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10/24/2014 3:08:18 PM

Crota's End Wishlist

I have beaten VoG multiple times on hard and normal, and it's a lot of fun. But there are definitely a few things I'd like to see in the next raid. *I realize that the raid is built and won't change, this is just what I'm hoping for.* What do you all want to see to make the next raid epic? My thoughts: 1) A return to the first hive mission where it is dark and scary. Maybe something similar to the gorgon maze, but pitch black besides your flashlights. 2) Some pre-raid storyline to create a little more investment. The lore for VoG is really cool, but inaccessible to the average player. And even the players who have heard it I think would enjoy some cinematics in game the first time through. 3) A boss that isn't just a bigger version of an already existing enemy. I imagine that Crota is going to be just a huge knight, like phogoth was a big ogre, Templar was a big hydra, etc etc 4) VoG was hard. At first. Which is how it goes as we develop better and better strategies. But you can beat it as any class or subclass. It would be cool if you actually had to have certain specific classes to beat it. Obviously it would be a little frustrating, but the players who are going to get into a lvl 30 or 32 raid are serious players. 5) I loved the relic in VoG. Having similar non weapon items like that in the raid I think is key to making it not repetitive. Like in the sword of Crota mission. I'm hoping for some more unique items like that. These are just some initial thoughts. What do you all think? Anything you want to see?

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