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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Superiority: 10/29/2014 4:21:42 PM

Deej: The truth, critical thinking, and final argument.

I have watched this video in its entirety. I realize it is long, but unlike pro Destiny/Activision rhetoric, the truth is a little more complex, and you not taking the time to understand what is going on is what they are counting on. What we have here is the ultimate anti-fanboi argument. Contained in this video is every thing we critical thinkers have been trying to express, only to be freight trained by the deluded masses. The masses: those of us who have successfully been indoctrinated by the [b]Lord of Profiteering[/b]: Activision. Why do people persist in defending what has taken place here? It could simply be lack of intelligence or the ability to critically think, but more likely it is pride: The fanboi ego cannot admit to the truths in this video, it has gone too far for him, in his mind there is no way back. Humility is not a word in his vernacular. In a world where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, we are brainwashed via corporately owned news outlets (see: Fox News, any Murdoch newspaper) to blame each other for the situation instead of looking at those in power, those with the wealth controlling every thing. Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be. To all the nay sayers, i give you this: You have been conditioned to disagree with the rhetoric you see here. They have achieved this because they are smarter than you. Swallow your pride and open your mind. It is time to become a critical thinker, not just a consumer, with 2D personality. For a better understanding of how corporations have become so powerful Government cannot control them, and how they are shafting us in every market we participate in, i recommend a Youtube channel called "The Trews" by a critical thinker called Russel Brand (previously a comedian). Profit has now fully infected the games market, that is why $500 million buys us a gutted husk of a game such as Destiny, Watchdogs, Titanfall and others. To Deej i say (as he is apparently reading all this): please let your bosses know that we [i]know[/i] what occurred here. [b]EDIT 1:[/b] To those saying i jumped on some sort of bandwagon with this video, here i link my previous thread, some weeks old, in which i make a weak effort in tackling this subject: [b]EDIT 2:[/b] It's a tough challenge, trying to protect people who fight to defend the system hurting them. [b]EDIT 3: [/b]All big business is owned by the 1%. And thusly they don't care where you spend your money, as long as you do. The power of consumer choice is a lie. Pick up your Destiny box and read the back, it literally says "rich cinematic story telling". Can you see the problem there? [b]EDIT 4:[/b] Best insult received: "Also, I find your username hilariously perfect. Do you refer to your house as "The Superiority Complex"?" lel [b]Final Edit:[/b] I have just read the details of The Dark Below, and it will not fix the inherent failures of this game. They are pushing forward with this hacked up iteration of Destiny. They sold us one game, delivered another, and for better or for worse this is it now. It is a game aimed at the 12yr olds, the CoD generation, and I am out. I will boost friends in the raid only until I can trade this in for GTA V. See you Manhattan-side for The Divison, Guardians!

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  • Anti-corporate, anti-rich hippy. lol. Indoctrinated by Activision? You have what I like to call "corporation derangement syndrome". If your kid gets hit by a car it's really a corporate plot to make a profit. Corporations are owned by the shareholders. Everybody who owns a single share of stock partly owns that "big business". It's not all owned by the "1%". Whatever that 1% even is. Big bad rich people? You aren't a critical thinker Sup. You're probably at collage and have yourself been indoctrinated by crazy professors there. The type of professors that would have starved to death long ago if it weren't for collages. The same thing happened to my aunt and it has happened and will happen to many more.

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    4 Replies
    • the video makes a lot of sense witch is sad although he did go a little over the top in the end but yes we need to stop pre-ordering and wisen up to our purchases and stop believing the hype

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    • Why can't everyone just be happy with the sad excuse of a game they were given. So what it is not the same game that was advertised and over hyped. Bungie is still going to give you the content they cut even if you need to pay extra and just remember the game sucks now but its going to get so much better 60 more dollars later and 2 dlc packs. I couldn't help but troll this game is just so bad as it is now. The only way i can see this game getting better is for a world wide recall and a new game is replaced with it or just the game they advertised.

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    • very arguments, such valid

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    • The amount of irony in your post is mind-blowing. It's also incredibly obvious that you're a flaming liberal. Shouldn't you be protesting in front of Wall Street or something?

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    • I'm not going to be a total tool like everyone else on this forum and insult you just for disagreeing with you. I really don't think that you have the right idea here. I DO agree with most of what is in the video, however. When you take all of his points into account, everything does make sense. Why are they nerfing everything left and right because some 12 year olds are whining that they keep losing? It's because of this issue of appealing to a younger audience.

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      • The first thing I found amusing was you pulling what you specifically stated. By claiming that anyone who disagrees with what you believe, they've been brainwashed, it means you refuse to acknowledge that someone can critically think and disagree with you, which is a flawed logic process as well as a bit of an ego issue. The issue with Destiny is that Bungie had a good idea for a story, and the story was well written, then Activision made them gut the story. It is unknown what the point of this was((Trying to argue that corporate Illuminati were afoot is silly. They would have simply had Bungie not do as much work to save money, and therefore make a larger profit.)) The style of your argument strongly resembles that of conspiracy theorists, saying something then claiming if you disagree with it, you must have been brain washed and you are incapable of thought, while you essentially perform the same logic loophole you describe. At any rate, having Bungie scramble to slaughter the storyline and whatnot is not a smart corporate move, for multiple reasons which I'd not want to go into, but the primary one is that it would cause a lot of extra work, and work is money.

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      • Wow.... "Profit is increasingly becoming a dirty word. Or at least it should be." Really? Those darn 1%'ers... I wonder, how many video games would be made if there were no profits involved? But by all means, if you wish to make a pro bono game that is as good as Destiny, by all means do it. I'll enjoy playing your free game (seriously). But until then, I guess I'll play Destiny. Foxnews: everything wrong with America (...according to libtards). So wrong, it makes an appearance in a video game forum even when it has nothing to do with anything... Fanbois: How have you broken the cycle of conditioning that I've evidently gone through? Please enlighten me on how you're so much more educated than me? Gone through more life issues than me? What is your 3D+ personality like? I'm curious... Why do you feel the need to even post on this forum? Do you play the game still? Why? Here are the ultimate questions that you have no answer to: Do I enjoy playing this game? Yes. Am I content to spend my hard earned money (from my 2nd job no less) on this game? Yes. QUIT TELLING ME HOW TO LIVE MY LIFE AND QUIT TELLING ME HOW TO SPEND MY MONEY!!!!!\

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        4 Replies
        • Here's my problem, out of all the corrupt news you choose FOX news over places like CNN (Communist News Network)

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          • The fact that this post has critical thinking in its title hurts my humanity.

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            • Watched the video. Can see why you like it now. That's not a compliment.

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              7 Replies
              • Edited by Jebus Kreist: 10/25/2014 6:30:31 AM
                If you know the backstory of what happened pre-release with Joe Staten stopping the upper-ups from making the game too generalized and dumb as activision wanted it. Then he left bungie and it was a total cluster -blam!- of them trying to generalize the story in a 7 or 8 month span before release. Now its a speckled mess of new and old and they are releasing the rest they have to re-work into the "new" destiny as DLC. *The case was probably made way back in the day m8, not after they re-worked* P.S. Stop trying to force your opinion about destiny on everyone else. Of coarse when you saw a video having the same general idea as you, you shat bricks at the idea of spreading it all over. Git Gud. 1v1 me Trials of Osiris. Oh wait it's not out yet, srry or hurting your feelings and making you feel entitled about your opinion.

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                • Wow you take dipshit to a whole new level

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                • Wow I didn't realize we had lawyers on the forums...

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                  6 Replies
                  • old "chi"-cago

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                  • Purposefully misspelling 'fanboy' repeatedly only hurts the point you are trying to make.

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                    • Okay, this needs to be completely disconnected from OP. You can't take the liberties you took in your explanation of what is in the video and make them your own, this is called Spin, and is exactly the type of thing the video author is fighting against, manipulating emotion into getting an outcome. That being said, the author of this video makes some amazing points, but what I don't like is that if the things in this video are true, which much is speculation and many of the reason are posited as fact when they actually opinion and speculation. For example saying that Sparrow races were once included did not account for two things, 1 being that this could be completely false anyway and that Sparrows were meant to be a point of pride. Do I care that my Timebreaker is faster or cooler? Hell yes I do. That things is awesome just to be faster and look cooler and many games do this constantly, including Destiny with Emblems that you purchase for no reason other than asthetics. And 2) This ignored the game economy, which takes a very very long time to actually balance out. World of Warcraft is a great example. Why on earth do you pay for an epic mount or why do you spend gold to get flight training that is necessary? It's not to see if you get money, it's what's called a Gold Sink. And while Glimmer is an almost entirely useless currency as is crucible and vanguard marks to a point, Gold sinks importantly remove Motes of Light and Strange Coins, not necessarily for the week, but for the [i]next[/i] week so that you do feel the urge to spend your coins on something useless and so that you do need to continue playing to purchase the next item that actually means something to you. All that to say, not everything here is correct as he mentioned, but a lot of his video is still just as swayed in the opposite direction. Those swayed toward wanting DLC and trusting Bungie and Activision, "fanboys" as they're derogatorily called, are just as bad as those swayed against the above, but there is safety in numbers and while their may be numbers that agree with the complaints of the "masses," these forums are not indicative of the true population, primarily because very few people feel the need to come to the forums to leave a post that says, "Just wanted everyone to know that this game has problems but it's fun." They're too busy playing. All of that to say, I agree with almost all of this. But it ultimately doesn't matter. I have a threshold that I'll put up with and $20 is not a huge amount, so I'm fine giving it up to keep playing a fun game to see. This guy can't know what the future holds, just that there are many logical negative reasons for Destiny to be how it is. And similarly, I can't know if he's right or wrong. I'm just gonna buy it and keep playing a fun game regardless of what I did or didn't get. There are some amazing movies out there, but they are watered down and sappy and lowest common denominator. That's how popular things have to be or they won't be popular by definition. If you want indie non-watered down, there's plenty out there, but this issue has been beaten to death.

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                    • Edited by WarjackPrime: 10/24/2014 7:17:48 PM
                      I think the cause of all this disappointment or outrage is so much more content was exposed or discussed during the years of hype. Expectations were set. Now the game has been released and those expectations were not met. People began looking into it and discovered that some of that content was either trashed or may be released in future paid DLC. That just doesn't sit well with many gamers who don't understand why that other content was not included with the original game. Is Destiny still a great game? Yes. Could it have been the -blam!-ing game of the century? Yes. But it wasn't. But it could have been! It doesn't mean the game is not a great game. It just means some gamers, who are vocal online, feel a little cheated, and when you can blame a big corporation like Activision, well, why the -blam!- would you not? People are still sore at Act for the CoD fiasco years ago. Everyone loves to hate the big corporations for many, many reasons. Corporations do not have a good public image for many social and cultural reasons. It's easy to hate and blame them. [b]At the end of the day it's like ordering a steak with shrimp topping. The picture in the menu looks great. It doesn't say the shrimp costs extra. The waiter really sold you on it and lead you to believe the shrimp was just part of the meal. So you order it and don't get the shrimp on top. It turns out it's one of the best steaks you ever had, but dang it, there's that nagging little fact that there was supposed to be shrimp on it. Come to find out it's an extra topping that you can pay for but it's an extra $4.99.[/b]

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                      1 Reply
                      • I've said it before: People are voting with their wallet and you just can't stand that the election isn't going your way. C'est la vie.

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                        1 Reply
                        • You know, I agree with you in most instances, what happened to the game is a damn shame, I was so hyped for it, I rallied hype amongst my friends, only to have it come crashing down. Do I enjoy the game? Yes I do otherwise I wouldn't be playing it. However, it could've been so much more, and the story just doesn't even have an inkling of sense right now. Maybe they'll be fixing it as DLC comes out, but even the basic story is usually semi fleshed out after so many hours of gameplay......

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                        • Bump.

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                        • about edit 3- the game does have rich cinematis story telling. just cause your too stupid to understand it is not bungies fault

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                          11 Replies
                          • hey were doing vault of glass normal run need 1 players on ps4 my gamer tag is ryanyippy

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                          • Oh what could have been. It's really too bad we got such a shell of a game. The funny thing is that this vocal minority in the forums is clamoring for things like sparrow racing, more marks per week, trading, coherent story. All that you can tell was supposed to be in the game originally. But here's the thing. The silent majority don't care. The game is so accessible and yes, the gameplay is fun, that they won't have the slightest inkling to wonder if there was more. Activision got their money. BUNGIE is left to pick up the pieces and defend it. The shareholders don't care. Only us few care. This is the future of gaming as companies like Activision get bigger and bigger until there is another collapse. Today everybody is a winner and special unique snowflake. We already can see as these kids go through our placating school systems how they cannot handle the slightest form of criticism or failure. Soon these people will be running our businesses and government offices. I can't even imagine what this country will look like in 30 years. Nevermind gaming. Good luck all

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                            9 Replies
                            • Regarding the video comment that the traveller was at one time considered to be evil: I today heard Xur say "the traveller has a dark twin"

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                              2 Replies
                              • I agreed with 99% of the video, I just have no will to play the game and each day that goes by I lose my interest in the release of my already paid for content. I think Bungie took itself from an AAA developer and dropped themselves down to a C developer in one quick swoop. This is also my first Bungie game, likely my last unless I see a radical shift and repair of the damage done.

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