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10/22/2014 4:46:43 PM

"I Only Kill Oracles"

I had someone tell me this during a raid last night when I told them to take left plate. I asked 'em, "What do you plan on doing when they patch the raid and change it to random teleports and you have no idea what to do when it comes to the other positions?" [i]It's not like it's rocket science, but still.[/i] He said, "I go on bnet everyday and I didn't see anything about that." I booted him from the fireteam and we beat it with 5 players. Point is, learn the other positions... learn them all. It makes rotating to a different position very easy when something bad happens (deaths). You'll also be ready for when they patch the raid. Too many times have I seen people being told, "You're doing this." or "I need you for this. Go here." and they're like, "I only kill oracles."

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  • You don't boot someone for that. Ever.

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    • Some people refuse to learn other duties because they believe they are the best at what they do. Aye it gets old teaching people over and over how to do a very easy task. If someone has no intent on listening and learning I'd kick them too.

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    • Umm, cool story? You look like the douche, not him/her. Rather than explaining what and why you would like them perform a different role, you boot them from the fireteam. Top notch.

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      12 Replies
      • Everybody be like why didn't you teach him instead of booting him you douche. Is Destiny a game where everyone holds hands and sings Kumbayah? Where you have waste you own hours to help new people who you never met before understand a raid when they can just look it up or find a group that wants to learn the raid. I'm not trying to be mean, but I prefer to find a group that can do it within 1 and 1/2 hours instead of a group with newbies that take 4 hours.

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      • All these people calling you a douchebag are entitled to their own opinions and however they want to run their raids. I agree with you because there's only a few things worse than a terrible player who has no situational awareness. The top being people who are unwilling to learn or cannot adapt. I have no place in my raid for them. Good on you. I'd like to see these people advertise on DestinyLFG with "#IonlykillOracles" and see how many invites they get.

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      • Edited by Lannik: 10/23/2014 2:50:22 PM
        What a lot of people mad at the OP are missing here is... There's only one rule to raiding: [u][b]Follow the -blam!-ing Raid Leader's instructions. [/b][/u] Don't want to comply? Don't expect to raid. Why does everyone here seem to think Raiding (especially with a PuG group) is some kind of democracy? You want to raid [i]your[/i] way? You're more than welcome to start your own raid. Can't be bothered to? Then you best be ready to follow the instructions given to you. Can't have it both ways. I specifically make my own raid groups every week for this exact reason. I have no problem doing what I'm told, but when the raid leader is promoting a sub-optimal strategy it kills me a little inside to execute it.

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      • See, this is where you -blam!-ed up. Instead of placing he/she under your wings so that in the future they can grasp thee scenario that is change, you boot them. Whenever I grab a random for a raid, I teach them what I know. I show them my method. I don't have to but I do it because not everyone has completed or entered the raid. I'll take a gang of 25-26s just so they can experience that mess of a raid. That my friend is how you make friends. That's how you form alliances with other clans. Even if you learn all aspects of a raid your gonna wipe a few times before it's done right.

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        16 Replies
        • I have delt with a few like this and have had half a team leave bc of boneheads like that... if you go in with one role how are you gonna pick up any slack if you loose some one.... we had one game where a teammate was getting disconnected 2 times every try...if you are going to be stubborn and uncooperative I have no place for you in my team...

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        • If your "point is, learn the other positions", why didn't YOU take the left plate for him and just let him do the oracles? Seems a little harsh to boot him at the end of the raid because of that.

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          4 Replies
          • kicked him for that? at the end of the raid? Dick move dude...dick move....

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          • It's one thing if he wanted to learn another role, but the whole "I only kill oracles" thing is what makes me mad. If you want to raid with me and my group, be ready to learn a new role if you can't play your normal one. I don't like sitting in the raid for 4 hours when it takes 1 with a good group. Always kicked if you don't wanna learn something new.

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          • I've booted people for less. There is always 1 more willing to join anyways =)

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          • RAW

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          • oracle and relic part is more difficult than standing on the plates....all you have to do is have one guy stand on each plate and have the 3rd on top the portal...shoot a couple harpies and wait for the team to come sure he could have figured out what to do if you told him

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          • You sound like a douchebag.

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            5 Replies
            • And teaching him how to do it would have been the wrong thing to do to get him to learn other positions? Booting someone teaches them a lot.

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              • If he refused to listen, it had to happen that way.

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              • well nowonder he didnt see anythign about it, he was on battlenet....

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              • People in here dissing the OP but the way I read it was, the guy was stating he was only prepared to do the oracle role and nothing else. Then stating he hadn't seen it on BNet (despite it being everywhere) so it wasn't happening. IMHO it was he who was being the douche and deserved what he got. I may of course be mistaken.

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              • You booted him because he wanted to kill oracles? People like you are called "douchebags"

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                12 Replies
                • I understand your frustration, but that is NOT how to lead a raid. Being a raid leader requires patience, and a watchful eye. Explain to him that it would be benefitial to him and the group if he learned the other part of the raid fight. Then explain to him what to do. Ignorance is a HUGE part of this world, and most are ignorant to their own ignorance. Dont boot him so quick next time. Not trying to label you as such, not calling anyone names, but that is the epitome of being an elitist asshole.

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                • I understand the importance of learning all the positions because of the new patch..... But this patch is stupid to expect different classes to perform different actions is stupid the classes are made to fit a persons play style why would they then force a player into a different play style? My raid team has attackers and defenders . We have our positions figured out. Where our strengths lie. Where we benefit the team the most. Something called a [b]strategy?[/b] What happened to strategy?

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                • you are a dick

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                • I can play all roles so I'm fine. Whether I'm an Oracle Killer or Relic Holder, I can do fine... As long as my teammates can also give me the assistance.

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                • Do the world a favor and stay away from traditional MMOs where people are rewarded for finding their strong suits in a strategy and sticking to them. You'll never last in a heroic/mythic level raid where people have to learn one role and learn it well.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I'm happy I've learnt all roles before something like this. It's better to learn every single aspect of the raids, rather than one single role. Good job on kicking the guy personally, seeing as he'd just give you all some grief.

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