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originally posted in: Petition - Tell the TRUTH
10/22/2014 1:36:16 AM
There are limitations built into every game. You have a small team trying to think of ways the community might use different aspects of the game. Then you get millions of people actually using it and finding ways around the way the raid was designed. They are human and they missed a couple of tactics and so they are going to patch the raid to fix the issues. As I said they probably could have done it slightly differently and they may make a patch later that allows the platforms but makes them more challenging to stand on. There was only supposed to be one main tactic for beating the raid bosses. Both templar and atheon. You are free to use whatever weapons you want and you have some choice over who blocks the templar from teleporting but it's a pretty one path fight already. The strategy in how your team works and who does what is the more unique part. I think you might be confusing the events like Queen's wrath, Iron Banner, Tournament of Osiris, These are more like holiday/special events in MMO's. They probably won't build on the story and the gear will mostly be vanity stuff. They did have these things in the pipeline along with the raid at launch. They had a set plan for small events ever couple of weeks until the DLC. It's what they are already doing. It's just not as big as you were probably expecting. It's up to you how you want to spend your money. I would recommend waiting for the reviews on the DLC and making up your mind then. They don't say it's an MMO but they do say that it has MMO aspects. Which it does. Their whole strike/raid/weeklies/dailies/special currencies/persistent world all come directly from MMO's. It's more of a hybrid game of a few different styles.

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