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originally posted in: Petition - Tell the TRUTH
10/21/2014 9:53:30 PM
As far as making our own stories. Last night at midnight I set out to complete the nightfall on my alt character who just reach lvl 28. I had two hours to beat it before reset and I was sleepy. After spending an hour and 15 mins going through the nightfall and multiple close calls and near deaths, I beat Sepiks Prime. Yes I've done it a bunch of times before, but this time I got the Crypt Dweller SR1. An awesome scout rifle that I can't wait to level up. It's not the best legendary scout rifle in the game but it looks cool and has some nice upgrades for it. Is it the best story, meh maybe not but it's my story and it felt epic doing solo. In regards to the AR it was the only viable option in PVP. Bungie stated their vision was to not have any one goto weapon. They all should be viable. As for the npc's I've played a lot of MMO's and don't bother walking around talking to random NPC's, they almost never have anything good to say and it just feels tedious. These are both our opinions. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a talk to option when visiting the people in the tower. The sandwich analogy might not have been the best. It's more like going to a fancy restaurant with the chef's name on the side of the building and requesting them to modify their recipe. Most would find it rude and tell you no. I wasn't referring to McDonald's. [quote]Things like optional matchmaking in all events,[/quote] I'm not opposed to this idea I just think that most people will then complain when they can't get a good random group for raid. [quote]proximity chat[/quote] I'm very much opposed to this idea if just turned on. It would be all the forum people complaining saying how much Destiny sucks and begging for raid. I think a better system would be to be able to hear people you have selected then if you deem them acceptable you can unmute them. This way they could get your attention with an emote and you can listen to what they have to say. [quote]in-game clans[/quote] They have clans but the setup is through the companion app or website. There are probably some in game features they could add I agree. I personally always have my phone or my laptop near me when I'm playing so I don't really feel inconvenienced by the current setup. [quote]ammo synthesis button integration[/quote] I've never died using ammo synth to date. I've found a spot to take cover and activated it. If you start to take damage you can hear and see which direction it is coming from in the menu. It wasn't really designed to be something to be spammed constantly during battle. It could probably be tweaked though. Maybe up the cooldown on it by a little bit to compensate for easily being able to access it. [quote]social element can make the game feel less tedious and less noticeably repetitive.[/quote] I agree with this part of your statement. I play every night with friends and even though I'm running the same strikes it's a different experience with different friends. The rest of your post was a good read. As for the development time I believe it was around 5 years. It was first referenced in 2009 in ODST. While this sounds like a long time for a single game, they built a brand new engine. They weren't just building a single game, they were building a persistent world game that would last for 10 years. A lot of development had to be done to make this possible. They spent a lot of time on the lighting in the game and the graphics. They look really good, save for when you fall from a high spot and can see into your body. Now that the engine is done, save for tweaking here and there, they are free to build out content. Is the game perfect. No but you're right it does have potential and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

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