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originally posted in: Petition - Tell the TRUTH
10/21/2014 11:48:17 AM
The weekly update doesn't outline the creator's "vision" for destiny which runs counter to what they've said thus far. How you ask? "Create your own story" & "become legend". If that's the case stop telling the players how they should do that. Give them a big sandbox & let them have at it rather than implementing artificial difficulties and unnecessary patches in an effort to extend the life on bare bones content. Next, just because the game is supposed to have a 10 year life cycle doesn't mean that the initially released story shouldn't be coherent and capable of standing alone in the event no further expansions can be performed because the Bungie apologists managed to run off all of the game's players/fans who were providing feedback that was requested by the company. Being able to actually visit the city below the tower should have been apart of the game from the start. The ability to initiate conversations with NPCs in the city should also have been an option. This is where players could have learned the lore and discussed the things the speaker and stranger were too busy to discuss, yet they had enough time to spy on us from a distance and stand in the tower accepting motes of light for cosmetic name changes. Now the only truth in your post is that players deserve nothing from devs and ultimately the game belongs to Bungie/Activision. However, players are ultimately the financial supporters of devs and they don't deserve the money that players might spend if their mindset is players deserve nothing from them. So when DLCs are released and future iterations of Destiny and other Bungie products not named Destiny are released, posts such as yours want be appreciated by Bungie if they keep them from seeing the sales numbers they saw this time around. You cape up for Bungie's failings on this title. But your defense only hurts the company, it does not help. Every time one of you short-sighted individuals posts just shut up and quit playing and is effective in running off a customer, you potentially run off more through the word of mouth bad press they can give friends and family about their experience with not only the game but the gaming community who has the audacity to mention stripping a game from a massive rpg to a bejeweled Tetris knock-off as if that's okay. But you keep doing what you're doing because you feel entitled to do so.

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  • They share small pieces of their vision from time to time in the updates. They recently stated it was their vision to not have a go to beat all weapon in the game. The story does stand alone. A lot of people missed the story because they were rushing through the game as quickly as they could. [url=]Destiny's Story[/url] This guy does a good job at detailing everything. Being able to visit the city is your opinion. It was never promised by Bungie. The NPC's do mention things about the story, you just have to stay awhile and listen. It would be cool to visit the city eventually but I don't feel that it needed to be in the first game. You are right about people voting with their wallets when the DLC comes out. It will be interesting to see. I don't see the defense I'm posting as hurting the company. Bungie want's to make a game, they have a vision for what the game will be. The game will not satisfy everyone. It's not possible. To give an example If a restaurant makes a sandwich and 50% of the population love the sandwich and the other 50% hate it. There are a few possible outcomes, the 50% who hate it could just not order and eat the sandwich they dislike. They could order a different sandwich instead one that better suits their taste. The 50% who love the sandwich can continue enjoying it. Now if instead the 50% who hate it demand the sandwich to be changed to suit their tastes. So they try to alter the sandwich to make both crowds happy and slowly they make a sandwich that both groups hate. I don't to see that happen to Destiny. So if someone doesn't like the game because it doesn't suit their play style or they don't enjoy it then it's in the best interest of everyone for them to stop playing and find something they do enjoy. If people have constructive feedback on the game that improves the game then people are welcome to do so. There are some people on the forum who give good feedback and I applaud them even if I don't agree with them. People who demand free dlc and the conspiracy theorists can move on if they are not happy. From the OP it was the comments of "deserving to know" and the "Truth" that points the OP out as being a Truther conspiracy theorist.

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  • It is your opinion that the story is good enough to stand on its own. It is my opinion that it is a shallow, short story, and the speed of the playthrough really has no bearing on that. Choosing to read more into what is not there is the biggest difference in why one group thinks there is a story in Destiny, and why there is another group that feels there is essentially no story or at the very least not a coherent story. Adding to that, I, personally, did not rush through the story missions, but found them to be dull, and it was rather difficult listening to Little Lion when I am constantly thinking to myself, "Really? Another three wave mission?" True, being able to visit the city is my opinion. Never said it was promised by Bungie. I actually never any promises made by Bungie. I do reference some of the things they have said since the game was released such as the vision of the game being for the player to make their own story as they become legendary being able to regale fellow guardians with epic tales of how we obtained various gear/weapons. Yet they continue to make changes to the game that undermine those words. If all players, wish to use ARs that should really be their choice based on the words of the devs. They should not feel forced to use ARs, nor should players feel forced to use everything but ARs, or shotguns, or fusion rifles, etc. If Bungie meant what they said when they said make your own story, then why make changes that funnel players into a set playstyle that matches their now revised "vision". Either, the brain trust at Bungie has not agreed on a vision, a sad thing since the game is out already, or they have forgotten what they claimed their vision was only a few weeks ago. As for the NPCs, I said it would be nice to actually be able to stop and initiate a conversation with them. I am not strictly referring to the vendors, but also some of the non-guardian humans roaming the tower. We do not have a voice less character. We know he is capable of speech. Why would he not be allowed to ask questions of the NPCs about what happened while he/she was dead? Again, this is my opinion. Perhaps, there are others like you who like the idea of the vendors voices as ambient noise at the tower providing information. Personally, if I am a tester, when this idea was put into practice, I imagine I would have objected to it. Now let us address your chosen metaphor. Here is how Destiny can be more appropriately compared to the sandwich. There are additions and changes that the chef can make to each individual's experience with their personal sandwich. The chef can set the onions to the side. The chef can add mustard, The chef can provide jelly. The chef can do these things if the individual visiting the restaurant makes it known that these are the things that make the sandwich more enjoyable for them. For someone at the restaurant who enjoys the sandwich as it is listed in the menu to tell another restaurant goer who prefers adjustments to leave the restaurant and stop asking the chef to do something different is damaging to the restaurant. They potentially lose that customers money on that day and any future money they may have received from that customer and any other potential customer with whom the disgruntled customer discusses his encounter. There are some changes that can be made to Destiny that improve the game for some players without damaging the experience for others. Things like optional matchmaking in all events, proximity chat, in-game clans, and ammo synthesis button integration just to name a few. By and large, these would benefit all players and contribute to their reported vision of making your own story. The chat and clan features would be huge for the longevity of the game since they would make the game more social, and the social element can make the game feel less tedious and less noticeably repetitive. Back to the metaphor, if the chef chooses to remove seasonings completely from the menu (constantly nerfing this gun and buffing that gun), that is on the chef. The chef has misplaced his focus when he could have placed his focus on adding additional sandwiches to the menu (separating PVP stats from PVE stats to achieve the balance they want). To me all of the gun balance issues are non-issues. If I end up in a Crucible group that is full of shotguns and FRs, I grab my shotgun or FR. For me, gun issues are not substantive, and they do not improve or break gameplay. Content issues are far more pressing--my opinion. Access to current content is far more pressing--my opinion. Without in-game clans or in-game LFG, a lot of content has to be farmed out to 3rd parties or this website/app. I am not a fan of filling up my friends' list with people who I do not know when there is a better way. Bungie requested feedback. I have been open to providing that feedback whether it be ideas for future content or improvements to the way some things work. If they did not want feedback, they should not have asked for it. Now that would not have stopped hardcore gripers, but I most certainly would have offered them none. I would have played silently enjoying the parts I like until something more preferable came along, but since they have asked for feedback, I provide it in hopes that the game will improve more expeditiously than waiting three months for DLC that probably will not see many changes since it has already been made. If this universe we are playing in is a persistent one, then the expectation should be that persistent, substantive improvements will be made. To the OP, you already know I agree that Bungie owes us nothing, but the relationship is dependent on them being both receptive and responsive to their customer base attempting to find ways to please the entire base knowing that they probably will not be able to that. (Does not mean they still should not try or at least feign to try.) Here is the kicker though, OP writes, "tell us everything we deserve to know". I do not read that as, we deserve to know everything. You might, but that is not how it is written. What he writes is, tell as much as you can more or less, and I believe they have. I highly doubt that contractually they can tell us more about what went wrong. To say nothing went wrong would be silly. It is presumptuous to think something went wrong but there are signs that things went wrong from employee departures to choppy content. Notice, I did not say cut content, but rather choppy content. One of my biggest gripes about the story is not that, in my opinion, it does not flow succinctly. The jumps seem to be more about forcing introductions to your enemies than having it make sense why you are fighting these enemies. It is odd to me that considering the proximity of the planets the Cabal are only on Mars, there are no Fallen or Hive on Mars, the Hive is not on Venus, and the Vex have not already pushed to Earth (I could understand them foregoing the moon to directly attack the current residence of the Traveler). Would I like to know the answer to what happened behind the scenes? Yes. Do I think they will ever tell? No. Do I think I deserve to know? No. It would be nice to know, but if a company does not agree to have the cameras with them during the development time pre-release then the masses will never see that sort of thing, and generally speaking, no company/job operates with that sort of transparency. All companies let you see what they want you to see. Does not mean that you cannot or should not ask the questions. We have a right to ask, just as much as they have the right to remain silent because you never know when someone might just be willing to answer honestly. You cannot know until you ask. As for the OP's dossier questions on the enemies of the light, it is clear they opted for the grimoire to handle that. It would be nice, if the enemies languages were discernible to us. Perhaps, as Valus Tau'ruc stomps out, whatever he yells at us is translated via sub-title. With all of the scanning Tyrion does, it just seems he would have learned the various languages of our enemies by now. An aside, with all of the scanning he has done, you would think we would have access to an in-game map. For all of the complaining and defending on this forum, I really only have one question for Bungie that I would like Deej to answer. How long was Destiny actually in development? The answer to this question would dictate to me what I purchase from Bungie in the future. I have read 4-5 years of dev time. I have read 7 years. I have even read 10. In my mind, I find it hard to imagine that so many seemingly small things were left out of this game like a map, hot buttons and load outs. I will close with this. I like Destiny. Destiny has some redeemable qualities. Destiny has potential. Destiny is not the next big thing. To quote many of the Destiny capers, "[Destiny] is not a special snowflake".

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  • As far as making our own stories. Last night at midnight I set out to complete the nightfall on my alt character who just reach lvl 28. I had two hours to beat it before reset and I was sleepy. After spending an hour and 15 mins going through the nightfall and multiple close calls and near deaths, I beat Sepiks Prime. Yes I've done it a bunch of times before, but this time I got the Crypt Dweller SR1. An awesome scout rifle that I can't wait to level up. It's not the best legendary scout rifle in the game but it looks cool and has some nice upgrades for it. Is it the best story, meh maybe not but it's my story and it felt epic doing solo. In regards to the AR it was the only viable option in PVP. Bungie stated their vision was to not have any one goto weapon. They all should be viable. As for the npc's I've played a lot of MMO's and don't bother walking around talking to random NPC's, they almost never have anything good to say and it just feels tedious. These are both our opinions. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to a talk to option when visiting the people in the tower. The sandwich analogy might not have been the best. It's more like going to a fancy restaurant with the chef's name on the side of the building and requesting them to modify their recipe. Most would find it rude and tell you no. I wasn't referring to McDonald's. [quote]Things like optional matchmaking in all events,[/quote] I'm not opposed to this idea I just think that most people will then complain when they can't get a good random group for raid. [quote]proximity chat[/quote] I'm very much opposed to this idea if just turned on. It would be all the forum people complaining saying how much Destiny sucks and begging for raid. I think a better system would be to be able to hear people you have selected then if you deem them acceptable you can unmute them. This way they could get your attention with an emote and you can listen to what they have to say. [quote]in-game clans[/quote] They have clans but the setup is through the companion app or website. There are probably some in game features they could add I agree. I personally always have my phone or my laptop near me when I'm playing so I don't really feel inconvenienced by the current setup. [quote]ammo synthesis button integration[/quote] I've never died using ammo synth to date. I've found a spot to take cover and activated it. If you start to take damage you can hear and see which direction it is coming from in the menu. It wasn't really designed to be something to be spammed constantly during battle. It could probably be tweaked though. Maybe up the cooldown on it by a little bit to compensate for easily being able to access it. [quote]social element can make the game feel less tedious and less noticeably repetitive.[/quote] I agree with this part of your statement. I play every night with friends and even though I'm running the same strikes it's a different experience with different friends. The rest of your post was a good read. As for the development time I believe it was around 5 years. It was first referenced in 2009 in ODST. While this sounds like a long time for a single game, they built a brand new engine. They weren't just building a single game, they were building a persistent world game that would last for 10 years. A lot of development had to be done to make this possible. They spent a lot of time on the lighting in the game and the graphics. They look really good, save for when you fall from a high spot and can see into your body. Now that the engine is done, save for tweaking here and there, they are free to build out content. Is the game perfect. No but you're right it does have potential and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

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  • For you, what took place was great at adding to your personal story. For me, adding to my story would be accomplishing enough tasks for Dead Orbit that Arach Jalaal rewards me with a title and robes commiserate of my latest escapades rather than just mindlessly killing the Aksor for the 100th time just because. AR never felt like the only viable option to me because I prefer accuracy that the recoil does not allow. Per Bungie, Destiny is not a MMO. I have read where they described Destiny as a RPG. The "talk to" option would have been a nice carry over feature utilized by this genre. I do not think it should have been a forced thing, but merely an option. My thoughts on most things with this game is that I would like to see more options. I was not thinking of McDonald's either seeing as I would never spend $60+ at McDonald's. I do not think I have spent $60 at McDonald's over the course of the last five years combined. My thoughts would lean more towards Fogo de Chao, if you have never tried it (and are not vegetarian) you should. A white table cloth establishment with a fairly high price tag for the average person. Plenty of options to be had increasing the likelihood that no matter who you are you leave thoroughly satisfied. I have pointed out my biggest gripe as the story. My second, as visible through my suggested adds, is the lack of options. My only expectation of this game is that it would have more options. Not just gun options, but an open-ended methodology to handling any and all situations in the game. But even if players prove creative, Bungie steps in and says that is not what we intended. If my preferred play style for my guardian is that of a sniper, I think I should be able to take to the high ground with my Ice Breaker or one of my other sniper rifles and snipe my enemies til they come to get me just like a Vandal would on behalf of the fallen. Not adding MM because of complaining is kind of laughable. Fear of complaints have not stopped them from making less important changes. I stated "in-game" clans specifically. If we go through the trouble of joining a clan (meaning the tag is visible in game), we should be able to gather in the same tower instances for the purposes of building fire teams or just shooting the breeze. The app is fine when I am not in the game, but I do not wish to look at my phone while I try to play the game. I have never died using ammo synth, but that does not mean it does not make since for it to have a hot button. It already has a 10 min cooldown, so there would not be any spamming it. The hot button just makes its usage less cumbersome. If they really felt like they just had to make this addition feel punitive like most other patches then they could add 5 more minutes to replace the 5 minutes it takes to pull up your menu, scroll over and hold down your designated button in the menu. I do not necessarily think 5 years is a great deal of time for a project as large as a AAA game design. That said, the people building the engine should not be the same people working on everything else from scripts to character designs and story content. I wrote in another post it would seem to me the smart thing would have been to get future content pre-certified on all platforms so that it could be released speedily and ensure that players never had a dull moment. Content releases IMO are not needed weekly, but tri-weekly would have been great with a raid every 6-8 weeks. Instead, they now have content going through certification after the game's release. Seems like poor planning and possibly poor time mgmt on their part.

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  • In regards to the raid nerf. Sniping is a viable strategy. My role in the templar fight is to stay in the back left of the map and take out the hobgoblins as they spawn. I can snipe from this point but I'm still at risk of taking damage from either the hobgoblins or some random adds that run around to the back on occasion. It is challenging and fun. Bungie wants Destiny to be challenging and fun. If someone is just sitting in the corner shooting stuff with little to no risk then it's not really challenging. It's true they probably could have changed the platforms to have an attack come in every so often that would wipe the platform but it probably would have taken a lot longer to implement than just putting a kill barrier there. I don't find it unreasonable for Destiny to modify the raid to prevent people from finding methods that take all challenge out of the raid. It's supposed to be the hardest most challenging thing in the game after all. Ammo synth is only a 5 min cooldown currently. I think your thinking of the glimmer bonus items which have a 10 min cooldown. I think a raid every 6-8 weeks would be awesome but it's not very feasible. I would much rather prefer a really good raid every couple of months in the DLC's as they are doing already. Quality over quantity. I think it would be hard to get content pre-certified before the content exists. I think Xbox/PSN probably wouldn't allow this. Your right though about the engine team being different from the rest. The engine takes a long time to build though and while you can plan for things you can't really start implementing them until the engine is complete. I look at MMO's like FFXIV for examples of content releases. There are holiday/special events that are optional and vanity mostly in between expansions. The expansions which come every few months add new content such as dungeons and raids to the game. I fully assume that as the game progresses they will get better at using the engine and it will make creating content much faster. So at some point they might be able to have DLC every 1.5 months, but for now I don't think it's feasible.

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  • I never used the snipe perches in the raid but seems odd that having an enemy challenge the perch wouldn't have been that difficult since there was precedent already in the game with the minotaurs that press you if stay at the cave mouth above the Nexus. I've no problem with challenging so long as I get to decide how I overcome the challenges rather than being funneled into a set pre-chosen path unless that's the type of game I'm playing. If that's what Destiny is, then never again should they say otherwise. I'll be content and play it for what it is. When I say pre-certified, I'm not saying they should have gotten concepts of content approved. I'm saying there should have been content capable of being released at launch but selected for timed release to be on a steady pipeline and better keep players occupied until the time of DLC releases. Because from the sound of Deej's post that mentioned that they had content going through certification, it's going to be released at no extra charge, not as DLC. I could have read it wrong but if it's free content, just seems that it would have been wiser to have it ready for a mid-late October release back on the first Tuesday in September if for no other reason than a potential distraction if there was a lot of negativity about the game. As for feasibility, I can't speak to what is currently feasible to them. But if all future raids are going to be DLCs at cost it's irrelevant to me then because I've essentially had my mind made up for me by the overprotective Destiny defenders as to whether or not I'll be spending on DLCs. Glad I listened to my gut and didn't pre-order the expansion. You can keep comparing it to MMOs. They don't call it that so I won't. Maybe someday in the boasted 10 year life cycle it will evolve into a MMO, but I mean that's honestly not what it is based on the games that are typically classified as such based on one huge factor, the MM in MMO. Pretty sure that's why they don't call it one themselves.

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  • There are limitations built into every game. You have a small team trying to think of ways the community might use different aspects of the game. Then you get millions of people actually using it and finding ways around the way the raid was designed. They are human and they missed a couple of tactics and so they are going to patch the raid to fix the issues. As I said they probably could have done it slightly differently and they may make a patch later that allows the platforms but makes them more challenging to stand on. There was only supposed to be one main tactic for beating the raid bosses. Both templar and atheon. You are free to use whatever weapons you want and you have some choice over who blocks the templar from teleporting but it's a pretty one path fight already. The strategy in how your team works and who does what is the more unique part. I think you might be confusing the events like Queen's wrath, Iron Banner, Tournament of Osiris, These are more like holiday/special events in MMO's. They probably won't build on the story and the gear will mostly be vanity stuff. They did have these things in the pipeline along with the raid at launch. They had a set plan for small events ever couple of weeks until the DLC. It's what they are already doing. It's just not as big as you were probably expecting. It's up to you how you want to spend your money. I would recommend waiting for the reviews on the DLC and making up your mind then. They don't say it's an MMO but they do say that it has MMO aspects. Which it does. Their whole strike/raid/weeklies/dailies/special currencies/persistent world all come directly from MMO's. It's more of a hybrid game of a few different styles.

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