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Edited by Chomerly: 10/20/2014 7:21:26 PM

Here we fu*king go again.

Yet again i am greeted to this games fu*king bullsh*t network issues. And i doubt i'm the only one either. I ask you Bungie, what the hell is wrong over there? Now, you might refer to your network issues page, and advise people on how to resolve them. In any case, the one constant i read is about setting up port forwarding for the game. Well news flash. I did this a few weeks ago before finding out that YOUR servers were at fault. In fact, the one constant that should be mentioned is your servers. Honestly, they're sh*t. My internet connection is way beyond the requirements of this game so i know the problem isn't at my end. Proof of this is here. If, after all this time, you are still unable to get things right then what does that say about you as a company? What does that say about your game that is supposedly going to be a 10 year long IP? There is NO WAY you could maintain this game for 10 years for two reasons. 1) You can't get things straight now, even though the game has generated a ton of money, because the investment clearly isn't there. 2) Players will get that pis*ed off that they will eventually find other games to play instead. For months now i have been losing faith in these supposedly triple A titles from various developers and publishers. Mostly because of the lacklustre way they are released to us gamers. I mean, Destiny is quite clearly a game that has been chopped up in various ways just so it can be sold to us as DLC. And i say clearly because it shows. What's more annoying is the fact that a game that cost so much to develop can be so unoriginal in its design. Don't get me wrong, some of the races in the game are sort of unique but weapons and ships are just skins of previous models before them. And to think i paid £70 for this sh*t. Obviously there are going to be those who will defend the game with there dying breath. They believe that it is wrong for anyone to criticise the game regardless. But then they need to defend it as they too may have spent an obscene amount of cash for a game that, on reflection and in my own opinion, wouldn't have been worth the money i paid if the two upcoming DLC's were already included at launch. Its a sorry state of affairs when one of the biggest names in gaming entertainment could drop the ball so easily with this. Especially when the company in question has ventured out from under the umbrella of Microsoft.

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  • Edited by Dreste: 10/24/2014 7:26:02 PM
    On second thought. Considering the games budget. This is kinda sad.

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    • Edited by Uriyaal: 10/24/2014 7:25:08 PM
      Its annoying to be sure, Could have sworn they said this was fixed. I keep getting KTO = kicked to orbit quiet a bit these last couple of weeks, once was right in the middle of an event on venus, was supposed to be my daily. I turned off the xbox and played something else that day. Whats funny is you dont see hardly anyone even in the game any more, theres a few in the tower during the weekend but the weekdays this games a -blam!-ing ghost town.

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    • Edited by Chomerly: 10/25/2014 4:00:16 PM
      This is just f*cking laughable. I can't wait until Sony sort the ability to upload videos to YouTube. I have about six different videos all showing how enemy's appear to be running around a corner, for them to magically appear out of nowhere right in front of you. Or, when you shoot an enemy and they just disappear after the first hit and then come running from behind cover. And it is the same enemy as their energy bar shows the damage caused by that hit. The best though, and this is one thing that has cost me a few deaths in game, is when you shoot an enemy down and then, as though by magic, their health suddenly jumps back up. The amount of times i, or a team mate has died as a result of this is numerous. Now comes the point upon which i stopped playing the game as of a few minutes prior to this post. I got disconnected AGAIN, with the following error codes. 1} Wasp 2} Bee 3} Zebra 4} No code, just an excuse page that states the servers are undergoing maintenance. How the hell you manage to get a game into this state is a new one on me. Even the ALPHA and BETA weren't as bad as this. In fact, it seems to me that you have made money from an a game that is still in BETA. Shame on you Bungie and shame on Activision, not that they'd care much now they have their money back. So you know what? BOLLOCKS TO YOU AND YOUR F*CKING GAME!

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    • You need to open up your ports.

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      7 Replies
      • Try out PvZ Garden Warfare

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      • If Bungie's servers were the issue EVERYONE would be experiencing it (such as when it happened in battlefield). Everyone is not experiencing it. I've been disconnected maybe 5 times in the entire time I've been playing, and two of them were internet outages on my side. Having fast internet and having good internet are two completely different things. I have slow internet (15/2 on a good day), and I've not been disconnected. It might not be your side, you may need to contact your internet service provider or system admin. Then again you may have shitty router settings or firewalls, ancient encryption, outdated firmware, etc.

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        2 Replies
        • Playing the Vault of Glass and one of my clan members lost his connection. He'd complained that he has had trouble with network issues most of the day. This poor, just shockingly poor.

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        • I suspect I haven't been on when other network errors have occured, but now when I'm finally getting on for once, the servers are full of caterpillars and zebras. I'm just at the point where I'm hysterically laughing at the error, and the fact that I'm reading your post in a British accent and in the same kind of manner as the dramatic review by axman13 video. But mainly hysterically laughing because of the state of the game.

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        • There are so many caterpillars on destiny that it's starting to look like Viridian Forest from the old Pokemon games. Can't you get some max repel somewhere around here?

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          • Yep same im playing mission on a new toon and network issues are kicking me off constantly.

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