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Edited by RMVTerrell: 10/20/2014 3:03:20 AM

Remove shotguns from pvp

Shot guns really are not that overpowered, a little bit of range on the person and it renders it nearly useless. The main problem is the maps, the maps cater to shotguns so we'll, that it makes them OP, hence the reason nearly everyone you see In crucible is using one. They already nerfed the shotgun once (which kinda ruined its viability in pve), yet still the vast majority of people still use it because it's still the most optimal weapon. A solution would be to make maps bigger, but as I'm sure most would agree, the bigger maps are not as fun (unless your on a vehicle, or sniping). Enemies are too spaced out, battles seem less intense, and occur less frequently. So the only other solution I can think of is simply to remove the shotguns from pvp. Now before people start commenting, please no trolling, or just being a dick in general. We are all adults here (atleast I hope we are) let's act as such. The usual arguments against not nerfing the shotgun, is something along the lines of "it's not OP, your just stupid for charging at me". The problem with this argument, is that most I see with shotguns, don't camp in corners, they literally run at people, closing distance very quickly, then one shot kill you. Over all I think they should remove shotguns from pvp (or only allow them in iron banner), and I also think they should reverse the nerf if not buff shotguns, making them a viable option in pve. I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Edit 1: In an attempt to "put up or shut up", I decided to use the shot gun myself, just to prove I'm not one of those people who claim OP yet if they were to use it them selves, they would suck. I just used a shotgun for 3-4 games, still doing it. Every single game my KD was [b]REALLY[/b] high. One game I even got a 11KD, mind you, I'm not even really "trying". I'm just shooting anyone I see, and they die, it's that easy. Mind you, non of this is "luck", [b]every single game[/b] (total of five games right now) have [b]very[/b] high KDS.
#feedback #PvP #Nerf

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  • So you're saying that all shotguns should be completely banned from matchmaking because they are strong due to the fact that the maps have lots of areas where they are efficient? I think that isn't really a good idea. That's like saying snipers should be taken out of the game (if the maps had lots of big open areas that a lot of the action occurs). It's just not logical. Rather than your idea, i'd propose they redesign the maps a lot bit to make some of the more open parts of the map more used and influential. It would make pvp have more to it than general close quarters fighting, allowing all weapons to have equal opportunity. What I mean by using the open areas more, is by putting objectives and such at those places, as for example, nearly every control point is placed in a more confined area of the map, forcing a lot of the combat to occur at these closer ranged areas.

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