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Edited by Trad: 12/10/2015 11:27:31 AM



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  • I havent spoken on this because I wanted some time to marinate on it. I get that Bungie wants to make the raid more challenging, however, this is not the way. It completely flies in the face of the "team dynamics" they claim to want to promote in the raid. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't been said before, so I'll basically just leave it at that. The poster below, Bleuprint, sums up that nonsense perfectly with his post quoting the Bungie director. "It's about the group dynamic. It's not just about a casual dynamic. It's about an understanding of people committed to playing the roles in raids. And preparing. With raids, you don't just jump into them. You've got to prepare before you go in, and decide, what are you doing? What am I doing? Let's all talk about it in orbit. Okay, what role are you going to play? Well, I'm an x Titan, whatever type of Titan I am, and I'm going to be defensive and hold positions. And, have you played this before? Yeah, I found success when I did it this way." The best and most satisfying part of beating Atheon "legit" is when your team runs that sequence (teleport, kill oracles, return and group up for massive damage) like clockwork. When your team works as an actual team with actual roles, the experience is FAR more enjoyable. Thats what the raid should be all about, no? I feel like it's not even about the players anymore, but about some weird developer egos that got bruised when people figured out how to do this stuff efficiently. I've completed the raid three times this week, two of which were legit and one where the warlocks insisted on cheesing. I enjoyed the legit way FAR more. I am known in my small circle as a bas ass with the relic and basic director/leader for the flow of things. Randomization completely screws that up and makes the whole thing a giant charlie foxtrot. Fix this cheesing, for sure. Leave our ability to fill specific and necessary roles alone. Oh and one more thing. In the weekly update writeup, they called it a "bug" where Atheon would teleport the furthest three. Do they think we're that stupid? A bug is something that isn't intentional, a part of the code that didn't work as intended. This was CLEARLY programmed behavior (no way it couldn't have been). Calling it a bug is straight up disingenuous and borderline insulting.

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    • I feel like bungie can't ignore this, unlike other updates, because not only is there a huge negative response, but there is a strong argument behind it. Needless to say, if they do ignore it, I'll lose a lot of faith in them.

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    • "A change will take effect next week which fixes a bug with Atheon's target selection." By bug, they mean effect that players had quickly learned to work with and around with the end result being that the outcome was predictable rather than how they originally intended. Funny how game companies are starting to take this mentality of, "they figured out how to play the game better than us?! We can't have that! Change everything! Try and make it impossible!" Seriously, no matter how game companies want to tweak fights like these the players will inevitably find a way to beat them and find the most efficient way to do so.

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    • They also need to make it to where we have random weapons that do random damage with random stats!!!! That would make it super hard!!!!!!!!

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      • its great for people who has VEX already, a way that not alot of people get hands on it. hahaha

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      • I'm an inexperienced raider, I've only done it once and that time someone pushed him off the edge. I have no problems with this patch, it will definitely make the boss harder but we can just adapt.

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      • +1 I was frustrated when I saw that too.... Bye bye strategy I guess

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      • We will keep finding exploits and this raid that's supposed to be the hardest of all gaming raids is a joke. They keep changing the game into their vision of it, which is bs.

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      • Tells you no matchmaking because the raid is about team work. Make a team that works well together. Then find out Bungie decides to make a change that ruins teamwork.

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      • Then this fight isnt really a raid then its just a fight. If everything is random and i can not select which people to do wut jobs then its just a fight.. in any raid ive ever been in most of it you have certain people that have specific jobs to do not just random as$ people. I understand we will still adapt to this patch but then they cant call this a raid. A raid shuld make you have to decide who is doing what, not just random... my thoughts anyway.

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      • Has anyone stopped to think that three people are teleported? You don't need to do everything yourself, actually you even can't do everything. There's 3 roles here. Relic runner, oracle shooter and gate opener. If you don't know what all those roles do, look it up or ask a fellow raider. If you get teleported, there's 2 things to do. Either you shoot oracles or pick up the relic and smash things. Not really worth all this fuss.

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        • [i]Blah blah blah......learn to do it the new way....blah blah....if you can't do every role you are not really a team.....blah blah's too easy....blah blah.[/i] Really? The ONE thing in the whole game that actually promotes real team work, the ONE thing that did not count on pure luck (apart from the rewards obviously) and they go and make it random. Obviously it's getting easier, we're gearing up & have learned teamwork in there. We picked the 'roles' based on Bungie's char' design, we didn't just toss a coin!! How many times do these people have to go back on their word before some of you begin to realize that something is obviously very very wrong here??? Come on people, this is not rocket science here. From[i] before[/i] day one they have lead us down a garden path, to a garden that does not exist, but that was different, that was just 'spin' to sell a game that bore no resemblance to the finished product. NOW we're actually playing the dam thing & they're STILL going back on their word....but now they're doing it live. Destiny is a fine shooter, no doubt about that. I've put long hours into this, hoping, praying even, that it's going to get better. I've stuck with the repetitive game play, the almost unbearable grind to level weapons & armor, the shockingly bad RNG system, the none existant storyline, pvp that makes no sense at all.....but really, this is a step too far. Obviously, given the time, & a lot more repetition, we could 'learn' every role required in the VoG, but that's NOT the point. Bungie said that this raid was the hardest they could throw at us, they said it would require a dedicated team to do that's what we did, and we beat it. Even though countless numbers of people have been through it and got hardly anything for doing it, we went back and did it again, and again. Our clan did not 'cheese' Aetheon, not once.....god I wish we had.

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        • The only thing the random teleport will promote is never taking inexperienced players in. Sure you could do a raid with one or two tag along newbies but this update will keep players with a certain raid group at all time.

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        • What's so bad about learning a few different roles? Everyone should learn this stuff instead of relying on one guy to get the relic every time. That way you can go with anyone you want instead of being a floater carried through the supposedly hardest fight in the game.

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          • Edited by RaptorJeebus: 10/19/2014 6:49:57 PM
            If you are playing with people who are (your words) "Breathing fire down your neck" then the only one you should be blaming is yourself, find a new group of mature people who are aware of what you are doing and why it needs to be done (practicing with the relic) and you don't even have to have 6 relic veterans in there, 4/6 and you will never get shafted by the random teleportations - just make a list of #1 #2 #3 #4 relic carrier and depending on who goes in the highest number will pick it up - if this is too hard for you then you weren't even supposed to be able to beat him. The Vault of Glass was intended to be the hardest activity in the game and as of late it's just been taking it up the a**, no lube whatsoever (not working as intended), pickup groups abusing glitches to cheese through the two boss fights was not their intention when creating this. For those of us who has a main raid team who have it on farm as it is it will just add more flavour to the fight, a spark to reignite the dwindling flame. TL:DR - If you are upset about this you are most likely not good enough and/or do not have a group good enough for the fight and should therefore focus your energy on learning the different aspects of the raid instead of crying on a forum about end game content becoming too hard.

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            • Bump

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              Uuuhhhhhh bungie just no more updates ok?

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            • If I wanted to worry about my duties in a game coming down to RNG, I would put in borderlands the pre-sequel and load up my claptrap character..... But that is actually a fun RNG.

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            • Edited by TheMighty3X: 10/19/2014 10:47:31 PM
              You people seriously tickle me with this shit. Everyone going into the raid should know every aspect of every battle. If you don't have a team where someone is able to pick up someone else's role, then you don't have a team, period. You think soldiers in a military unit only have one "role" in battle? No, they have specialties. One person might be a medic, but if the medic goes down everyone else sure as hell better know how to tighten up tourniquets and treat wounds on the fireld or the whole squad is dead. Bottom line, you don't rely one one person to do the heavy lifting. Everyone on the team should be able to hold their own weight. At the very least, it means that you have to have at least 3 people on your team who're good with carrying the Relic. If that's too much to ask of your friends, then your raiding days are pretty much over.

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            • Edited by lITHEOPIl: 10/19/2014 10:37:20 PM
              At the end of the day if they had implemented this since day one non of us would know any different, we would all have been forced to learn every roll, it's just they are doing it now and it's change that we get frustrated about. I'm sure give it a week our respective teams will work this sh!t out.

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            • This game has more dice rolls for everything than Yahtzee.

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            • My own take on the current state of Destiny is that they are doing everything possible to stop us progressing. We did the raid on normal this week, it was my third completed raid & we only wiped once all the way through. The first two I completed I got nothing but shaders and materials/shards.....the third time I got the legendary ship, my chest piece, The Last Word and a legendary Scout Rifle, so I guess it balanced out, however..... Now I see that our efforts were basically for nothing. We've managed to put together a team for the raid that runs like a well oiled machine, and remember, we can only do this ONCE a week to maybe, MAYBE, get a piece of armor that will allow us to progress. No matter how well we run the raid we still might end up with nothing at the end of it. So what do you do? Well you go and destroy all our efforts and make it even more random than it already is. It's about tie someone asked why this is. I think it's because of the way that Bungie/Activision decided to change Destiny, in other words, they made the game too small, we're eating through content too fast, so they need to slow us down. The 'light' on the armor is obviously a 'blocker' meant to slow us down, that didn't work too well so now it's the raids turn, it's the ONLY possible reason that makes any sense at all.

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              • This needs all the bumps in the world.

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              • I would never in a million years take time to read this entire post. That being said, wtf are you doing with your life bro? Dude, your a psycho... Write a novel about your video game feelings. Come on dude. Wake up.

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                • To be honest, most things that are "fixed" seem ridiculous. Most "fixes" are from idiots sharing cool techniques with others or complaining about how much they loose to this or that.

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