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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update - 10/17/2014
Edited by Fragmented Hero: 10/18/2014 7:41:02 AM
I have not complained about any changes to this game. - Loot Cave - okay, patch it (and you gave us a fun Easter Egg at that). - Gun nerfs/buffs - you guys know best, you can watch how we play and address what's needed to provide multiple alternatives with weapon selection in PVP. - Templar column - Even though I backed this as a "strategy", I only tried to help *one* group that insisted on it and my group has always had dedicated roles in that fight. We played the ground game and continue to do so, we're better and faster at it. - Atheon "baby bumpers" - Yes, please. They're not necessary when you have a good team who play well together and know roles that we have unanimously determined by preference and vote. I didn't support the bug that broke him. - Atheon's teleport behavior? - Please, Bungie, please. Most successful Raid teams have found that different members are better at different roles. This is a TEAM event. I, for one, am the dedicated Relic-holder for that fight. We've watched gameplay mechanics, we developed a system, a strategy, to break our group into two. Portal team does what needs to be done in the portals, and Gatekeeper team survives the hordes of suicidal Harpies, opens the necessary gate, and generally does the most damage to Atheon once Portal team is out, because we're busy getting ready to go back in again. [b]The Atheon teleport change will break not only our strategy, but most successful teams' strategies.[/b] The fight will be utter chaos. Not everyone plays the same role in a team - that's what makes a TEAM. If we could all perform the same roles, we'd be interchangeable. Why stay together? Our group dynamics are great and we all get along well, but the glitches in Atheon's fight were tough enough to get through without someone raging. The deaths of a single dedicated member alone can make the fight unwinnable. [b]We are using legitimate strategy there, Bungie.[/b] There is no unfair advantage, no taking advantage of unfair enemy behavior (some predictability is not a bad thing!), we just got our team 100% set [i]this week[/i]! Not everyone can be expected to perform the same in a team. We all have strengths and weaknesses and that is part of what brings us together. [b]We fill in each other's gaps in playstyle to complete the group.[/b] Please rethink this Atheon patch. "Baby bumpers" are great. Make the community fight for their victory! But don't completely trash mechanics that aren't broken. I know six of me could not beat this Raid, nor could six of any other gamer I know. Level playing fields are great, but don't take away our individual strengths. Sorry for the long post. I will be reposting this in the Feedback forum where it belongs, as I've asked others who post in the #destiny category. [b]I've always supported you guys and plan on continuing to... Don't break the Raid, please![/b] Edit: Providing a link to the Feedback thread, as requested.

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  • Agreed, Atheon's teleport isn't a good idea because all of us play as teams with different roles in the raid. Making Atheons teleport random will break the tactics and roles we all used to have and loved. Yet, I'll be fighting in the raid and not going to give up. I've tried 4weeks to get my last raid armor piece with no luck. I want my raid legs.

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  • I think if they implement this change all guardians should boycot the raid till it is changed back well said agree 100%

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  • Yup

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  • This will be forever agreed upon, and bumped by me. The Best part about Hard Mode raid is that each person of your group has a specific assignment to carry out during each leg of the VOG (except the maze and the joke of a jumping puzzle). Completely randomizing Atheon's teleport would be working against team chemistry, not for it.

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  • Please Read this guys post Deej/Mods, I'm enjoying your game so far but i sensing you dont like losing whenever we Guardians have found a way to beat something you have to fix it so that we can't ??? you say there is no one way to play Destiny yet i'm seeing that there is only one way to play Destiny and thats the Devs way, prove me wrong please by listening to the Community we have agreed on two of your Vault fixes gives us the third fix back so we can work as effective teams.

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  • Agree 100% with this post, another thing I just thought of is your weapons choice if you prefer to guard the plates you might have weapons selected that best suite doing that vice versa, it's not like you can quickly change weapons on the go without being shot at or to quickly select ammo synthesis if needed. If you're already in a good team it won't be too much of a problem, just with the noobs n the ones who aren't sure what to do inside the teleport/relic Just more of a grind-fest with each update it's looking like

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  • You are insane Bungie! Destiny has the potential to be a great game and the fact that you have to work as a team is really cool. In our clan each of us have special rolls in the raids and we have geared up so we can complete our given tanks. Now u want to shit on the raid by randomising it, you should focus on fixing the bugs instead. Tactics are based on the simple fact that you have a team that now what they are supposed to do in the situation, imagine a SWAT team going in in a hostage situation and all of a sudden the sniper is put in front as point man and the door guy with the shotgun master key finds him self owerlooking the scene from a rooftop instead....

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  • I post exactly never bungie. Check my post count for confirmation. I feel compelled however to voice my 100% agreement with this poster. Every part of the raid has patterns which requires strategy. The Templar battle has several distinct waves which require different strategy. The labyrinth has a distinct layout and behavior of the gorgons. The fight with Aetheon also has some level of predictability in its patterns. If you insist on adding randomization here why not every other part of the raid? I don't see why you would change this mechanic. This is not a game breaking bug. Even with an experienced team, with everyone playing their respective roles, victory is not guaranteed. All you will achieve by doing this is throwing up more barriers to less "hardcore" players. As things stand now I, like many other players, need to hit the forums to find groups for the highest level activities. Players will be less likely to take new players through the raid if there is a chance that they're just going to end up ruining a 15 to 20 minute fight with Aetheon when at the critical moment your three greenest players are teleported together. It means that every time a new player is brought into the raid there is going to need to be a long drawn out teaching session for them to learn the whole mechanic rather than leaning it in pieces as I did. I am nowhere near a hardcore player. I have been playing since just after launch and just completed my first successful run in VoG this week, which I enjoyed thoroughly. It's important to mention however that this was my third time into the vault. My first two runs were both cut short by rage quits of other team members due to frustration and quite honestly I don't know that I would have attempted a fourth time if the third attempt had been met with further frustrations from my teammates. I implore you to reconsider this decision, and prevent throwing up additional barriers to entry for players who can't invest 90 hours a week in the game, play at off-peak times, and may not have a consistent roster of friends to complete these high level tasks with regularly.

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  • THANK YOU for this comment. Couldnt have said it better myself. Bungie needs to look at this thread more than any other. IF they insist on adding randomness to atheon, minimize the randomness. Make it so that he randomly teleports three the FIRST time he teleports and then keep those same three until he is downed or it is a wipe. That would make it so that everyone can learn all aspects, yet keep it manageable so that every 30 seconds players dont have a cluster-blam!- going on in their headsets.

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  • Genius

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  • This is honestly the first time that im considering putting the game away for a long while. With each previous patch, i could see how and why they were doing what they were. With this "atheon teleport" patch, im really scratching my head. If they want to do this for hard mode, id be okay with it. Hard mode is meant for the absolute elite. However, doing it for normal as well is almost ensuring that hardcore-casuals (yes i know its an oxymoron) like myself will put this game down and not pick it up again until DLC, if even then.

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  • #bungie #Deej #hesnotwrong #Destiny #discussion #anybodywhowilllisten #savedestiny #wetheplayers #nowhining #futureofdestiny #LISTENTOUS

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  • Bumping this.. Well said man. One of the few that actually addressed the issues well without being rude and got to the point.

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  • Bump I ran vog with a decent team for my first time last night and the challenge at the end facing atheon was making sure everyone performed their role. It took some time for me to learn my role backing the relic carrier. It would take a ton of time to learn various roles and grow comfortable with the random teleporting Can't imagine wanting to take that on unless some veterans have the patience to teach after they themselves are adapted to these changes I think this off balance change will discourage play. After all it is a game and how much time can be expected to be invested if the rewards don't suit all that trouble?

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  • 1
    seems to me there doing everything they should not do rather than the things they should like seperating exotics from legendarys.

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  • Spot on dude, agree with everything they've hinted at apart from the random teleporting. PLEASE READ THIS GUYS POST BUNGIE!!!!!

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  • Bump

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  • couldnt agree more! :)

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  • Bravo to you sir! I just posted a long winded rant inspired post, that I am now considering deleting after read this.well articulated

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  • Thank you.

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  • What this guys said. This is the first update I've seen that seems completely idiotic. It took my clan 8 1/2 hours to complete it the first time. And that was after studying and knowing what was coming. We got it down to about an hour, and we're getting better. But to change this mechanic will not only make it much harder for regular clans, but this [b]will discourage new people from trying it,[/b] especially if they don't have a large group of people to play with who spend a lot of time in the raid. I have really enjoyed destiny, and the raid is great, please don't mess up with mechanic. Your not fixing something that is broken, honestly, this is ruining the teamwork aspect. You say this is to promote teamwork, but you don't tell Tom Brady or Peyton Manning to play defensive line. [b]Please, don't make this change. [/b] This change is geared to hardcore players, not casual gamers. Bad choice bungie.

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  • Not even hardcore gamers would be happy with random raid encounters. Hardcore raiders are usually set in the role they play during a raid.

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  • [quote]I have not complained about any changes to this game. - Loot Cave - okay, patch it (and you gave us a fun Easter Egg at that). - Gun nerfs/buffs - you guys know best, you can watch how we play and address what's needed to provide multiple alternatives with weapon selection in PVP. - Templar column - Even though I backed this as a "strategy", I only tried to help *one* group that insisted on it and my group has always had dedicated roles in that fight. We played the ground game and continue to do so, we're better and faster at it. - Atheon "baby bumpers" - Yes, please. They're not necessary when you have a good team who play well together and know roles that we have unanimously determined by preference and vote. I didn't support the bug that broke him. - Atheon's teleport behavior? - Please, Bungie, please. Most successful Raid teams have found that different members are better at different roles. This is a TEAM event. I, for one, am the dedicated Relic-holder for that fight. We've watched gameplay mechanics, we developed a system, a strategy, to break our group into two. Portal team does what needs to be done in the portals, and Gatekeeper team survives the hordes of suicidal Harpies, opens the necessary gate, and generally does the most damage to Atheon once Portal team is out, because we're busy getting ready to go back in again. [b]The Atheon teleport change will break not only our strategy, but most successful teams' strategies.[/b] The fight will be utter chaos. Not everyone plays the same role in a team - that's what makes a TEAM. If we could all perform the same roles, we'd be interchangeable. Why stay together? Our group dynamics are great and we all get along well, but the glitches in Atheon's fight were tough enough to get through without someone raging. The deaths of a single dedicated member alone can make the fight unwinnable. [b]We are using legitimate strategy there, Bungie.[/b] There is no unfair advantage, no taking advantage of unfair enemy behavior (some predictability is not a bad thing!), we just got our team 100% set [i]this week[/i]! Not everyone can be expected to perform the same in a team. We all have strengths and weaknesses and that is part of what brings us together. [b]We fill in each other's gaps in playstyle to complete the group.[/b] Please rethink this Atheon patch. "Baby bumpers" are great. Make the community fight for their victory! But don't completely trash mechanics that aren't broken. I know six of me could not beat this Raid, nor could six of any other gamer I know. Level playing fields are great, but don't take away our individual strengths. Sorry for the long post. I will be reposting this in the Feedback forum where it belongs, as I've asked others who post in the #destiny category. [b]I've always supported you guys and plan on continuing to... Don't break the Raid, please![/b] Edit: Providing a link to the Feedback thread, as requested.[/quote] WELL SAID and for the moaners out there complaining cause there not being spoon fed exotics and Legs then you either need to A: learn to play and win or B: trade destiny in cause your clearly not ready Bungie is balancing people are only complaining cause there using one of the exploits to win cause its the only way they can win when really you need to versatile and adapt not winge there taking away something you shouldnt of had to start with, if all these patches were done on day one release ypu wouldn't of known any better and used another gun that suited you so do the same now !

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  • If you have successfully done it before you'll do it again, unless you're all Hellen Kellers

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  • Could not have said it better.

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