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10/15/2014 11:29:56 PM
Thanks everyone for all the great feedback and ideas. Its been a joy reading everyone's opinions, and I hope this post will still get some traffic, even though the latest patch has caused an uproar of drama. My opinion of the balancing patch is that guns do need to be balanced. You shouldn't need to use one gun because "it is the best gun in the game" just like there shouldn't be a specific class that beats all others. If I want to raid with Thorn it should be a viable option (which right now it clearly is not) just like any top tier gun should be. Balance let's us play how we want to play. I was happy to see a couple of similar issues brought up in the Community Spotlight, with Deej (was it Deej? I can't remember now) replying that they talk about the same things in their Bungie meetings. Not exactly a response, but better than nothing. The poll is looking healthy with 2500+ votes, and number 1 the clear winner. It could be as simple as a few well placed information screens to address this issue, but i wouldn't complain if the factions received a cut scene or 2. If you want your opinion heard you may wish to post a comment of what you chose, as the poll won't change a lot now. People have asked for "All of the Above" poll option, maybe I would of included it had I the option of more poll choices, but the idea of the poll was to communicate to Bungie what we found most important, and to say "all of the above", while flattering to me, doesn't really portray our interests as well as separating the votes. I will be entirely honest and say that I'm a little disappointed we didn't get a Bungie reply. I know that it still could happen, but I had hoped that some well thought out feedback about popular opinions would warrant some sort of response. Instead of firing up the flame Bungie hate wagon I've encouraged discussion of the improvement of Destiny, yet I'm left with cold silence from the developers who's game we talk about improving. Are you listening Bungie? Thanks again everyone who voted, liked and commented, we all want Destiny to be better, this is one small step in the right direction; and let's keep the forums classy.

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  • I'm missing the Raid RNG Problem in the List. I think this is the biggest problem of the game.

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  • The vex mythoclast should not be outperformed by any gun period

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  • In PVE

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  • Your wish has been answered... until the new dlc, that is.

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  • Sorry I know this is an old comment, and I just parted ways with our last conversation, but I stumbled on this and wanted to point something out. I am all in for weapon balancing, but not in it's current form. Before the mithoclast or pocket infinity nerfs, people were still getting their asses kicked in some PvE events, namely the hard raid. Hypothetically, let's say that someone with the mithoclast died on average about 25 times throughout the hard raid. The person using the thorn dies 50 times. Instead of nerfing the mythoclast so that the same person now dies 50 times (balancing it with the thorn), it makes more sense to buff the thorn so that the person using it only dies say 35 times. It's obviously way more work bringing other weapons up to speed with an OP weapon, but it takes way less enjoyment out of the game and it may actually introduce new enjoyment. Now I might actually find my Thorn fun. Maybe this is what you meant in your above post. You used the word balancing, but that could be taken as you support the nerfings that have been going on. I do not support those, and I really wish the thorn and bad juju buffs would just roll out already.

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  • There are definitely more guns that need a buff than there are that need a nerf. Most of the exotics are plain bad. Maybe the damage reduction on the vex was a little extreme, I don't own one, so i don't really know, but we've finished the hard raid without one , so it's not like it's required, nor should it be. Like i said, all guns should be a viable option, but bad juju shoots blanks, Thorn is a reload machine, and pulse rifles are just generally bad option. I like the handling of a lot of my fully upgraded guns, but end up putting them in the vault in favor of are few guns that are worthy. I would hate to see these guns nerfed , instead buff all the bad guns.

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