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Edited by Leogan: 10/16/2014 12:00:11 AM

The Kill Volume on Templar is the worst part of the Hotfix, and I'll tell you why (Constructive Feedback inside)

EDIT 1: I want to thank everyone who participated in the discussion so far. I didn't expect this topic to take off when I posted it last night, but I guess I wasn't alone in my thoughts. Special thanks to people who educated me about the Bonus Chest fact which you can't get through the platform Cheese, and everyone who maintained a positive, constructive tone (as well as stayed on topic). EDIT 2: Spelling and grammar, 'cause it was driving me nuts. There's been a lot of noise about the weapon nerfing/balancing during the 10/14/14 Hotfix. Most of it was pretty predictable. This isn't the first time [url=]weapon stats have been tweaked in a FPS game[/url]. Arguments for and against have been pretty standard fare. Overall the changes seem fairly well calculated to balance the experience and extend enjoyment for the broadest subsection of players possible. To these I say 'Hoorah!'. I always liked Scout Rifles, now I am more justified in doing so. But the Kill Volume on the sniper platforms in the Templar encounter bothers me. It bothers me a lot. Please allow me to explain. I'm not against adjusting risk vs. reward. A true Cheese Strategy which makes a challenge trivial consequently trivializes the rewards that come after, and that is not good for games (this is why Atheon probably should have been patched first, but maybe solving that one is trickier and will take a bit of time). However, the "4 seconds until we kill you for playing the game incorrectly" solution to this is wrong on so many levels. An easy fix, yes, but quite possibly the laziest, and least fun way to patch the encounter. I worry about its implications on the overall philosophy behind what the game is supposed to be about. My problem is that it's almost always better to incentivize than to penalize. Invisible walls and kill zones are extremely heavy-handed penalization. They are a slap in the face, a clear message that you are trying to do something you were not intended to do. But finding an easy way to meet a challenge isn't always an exploit. In fact, finding a cool way to accomplish a task can be just as satisfying as getting loot for completing it, especially if you've been banging your head against the wall, failing constantly ahead of the suddenly successful idea. This is why my clan initially said we didn't want to watch Raid guide videos; we wanted the thrill of finding our own way. This stuff is gold, in terms of design. It isn't loot you have to make models, art, and stats for, but it can be just as essential. Slamming the door on it is, in my humble opinion, far worse than nerfing a cool weapon's damage. It's more like hacking players' inventories and [i]deleting[/i] that cool weapon, leaving a note saying "You are having fun incorrectly. You are playing [b]wrong[/b]" in its place. The sniper platforms were made. They were made reachable through our cool flight/jumping abilities. They included strategic cover. How could anyone [b]not[/b] anticipate players not wanting to try and use them? If we are worried about Cheese, here are some alternative ideas: [i]Make it tougher, enemies adapt[/i] - Goblins throw more grenades, target the platforms - Harpies fly out to platforms - Templar can hit platforms from longer range - Templar teleports one random player from platform instead of himself back into the arena [i]Make it cooler not to Cheese It[/i] - Include an achievement and/or additional rewards (shaders, emblems) for completing the encounter without anyone being marked by the Oracles (something you can't avoid by hiding on the platforms during the last phase, you just have to cleanse constantly because Oracles aren't dying). Patching how the encounter reacts to player strategies, rather than just killing them for using part of the map you designed and made available leaves the choice in the players' hands. They can still do it, but will probably choose a different strategy not because they feel forced, but because they will now figure out something that works better, and it will still feel rewarding because A) verisimilitude is maintained (of course hyper-intelligent robots are going to be smart enough to counter my camping), and B) you didn't have to slap them right in the ego with a kill volume which just seems to broadcast: [b]We didn't think of this! We will now wave a wand and you will play how we intend, your creativity is not the goal here, ours is[/b]. I like raiding. I want to keep figuring out new raiding mechanics and strategies with the friends I've made in this game. I don't want kill volumes to be the go to hotfix tool for future raids where players will inevitably find the paths of least resistance. Please keep this in mind and leave me my illusions of choice. They are really fun. Thank you for your time.

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  • These are good ideas but not cheesing a very hard fight just for shaders? It seems nor worthed. Also its still cheesing!

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  • Just do This. Not a glitch, but poor planning by Dev.

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  • Even while on the sniper spots you still needed team work so that you could succeed in the Templar fight. 6 people in that crowded space was hard to do, at least the first run through. A few times the person with the relic even dashed off and it forced us to restart the fight. The splash DMG still hit. It wasn't completely safe. I saw no reason to change this. And there's videos of people using AoE grenades to knock the Templar off the edge just like Atheon. Why wasn't that patched instead of taking parts of the map away? Aside from all that, my clan and I ran the normal raid last night. I found it easier to complete standing in the now legal map than the sniper pad. Just needed to adapt to killing harpies and oracles. Wasn't too bad. I think the thing I don't like the most is how lazy of a fix this was and the fact Bungie pretty much said "stop thinking and just shoot like brainless zombies!" My thoughts anyway.

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    2 Replies
    • I had a problem with that part of the patch as well, but couldn't figure out why, but you hit the nail on the head

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    • [quote]Make it cooler not to Cheese It - Include an achievement and/or additional rewards (shaders, emblems) for completing the encounter without anyone being marked by the Oracles (something you can't avoid by hiding on the platforms during the last phase, you just have to cleanse constantly because Oracles aren't dying).[/quote] I have not confirmed this myself, but I have heard of an additional chest that spawns in a secret back room if you can kill the Templar without him teleporting once. You cannot get this chest by hiding on one of the platforms. It also takes a lot longer to kill the boss if you stand on the platform. I played with one group that did it this way and it was pretty boring. I don't think the fight needed to be patched.

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      6 Replies
      • To say it again SECRET CHEST for not using the exploit.

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      • There's a new way to do it now. Message me and I'll tell you. Don't want this getting patched too.

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        1 Reply
        • It needed to go. People were avoiding the mechanics of the fight. And there is incentive for not using it. If you stay on the ground and not one dies as well as he never teleports there is a chest that will spawn in the secret passage way near the bottom. You basically stand in rings so he can't teleport but every time you stop him more and more minotaurs come.

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        • Yes

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        • I truly feel that the answer to this patch is Increase the attack power on the mythoclast from 300 to 400... That would satisfy those complaints about the nerf while still nerfing the PvP aspect... And the pocket INFINITY needs to have that joke of a speed reload perk replaced with ammo regen.... INFINITE ONCE AGAIN... and not OP Problems solved for ALL... You are welcome

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          9 Replies
          • Hell yeah

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          • Man, that's exactly it. This kind of game design surprises me, coming from Bungie. It'd be much more interesting if the enemies adapted like you said. Compensating for the bad AI by funneling players into a single strategy is just rude, I feel. Especially with how hyped the raid was for being a puzzle you had to figure out and adapt to. Bungie really needs to see this post.

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          • Anddddddd....that's how you make an argument.

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          • This is very well thought out and well written I hope DeeJ passes the message along.

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            1 Reply
            • They should have kept it at removing the relic if people jumped that way. That would have killed the cheese strat, but left other means of players using the terrain effectively in place.

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            • I have to say I agree with the underlying message of this post. I agree with the blocking off of the platforms but I feel they could have gone about it in a better way. I think there is a lot to be said for giving incentives for players to complete a task in a certain way as opposed to just essentially saying "you're not playing by my rules so I am changing the game". If they continue to go about patching things in this manner it could become detrimental to the game. Now I'm not saying they do this with all of the things they patched, just some. One good example of de-incentivizing (I know that's made up) is the VMC. I for one had a real drive to attempt to complete the raid on hard to try to get that weapon, but since it's mediocre now a lot of that drive has gone away. I don't play a lot of PVP, and I understand balance needs to come to PVP, but I also don't think every gun should become the same. This is why I am an advocate for separate balances in PVP and PVE. As I'm sure everyone can agree they are both very different (which is why most people prefer one to the other I think) so balance in one is not necessarily balance and the other and I think we may be seeing that. Message to the original poster: I just want you to know that even though I kind a got a little off-topic I understand what you were saying and support that...there are still some people on the forums with reading comprehension skills lol

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            • I agree whit you

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            • I agree whole heartedly. Bungie literally nerfed exploration and problem solving, in an "exploration" and puzzle, game and raid respectively. And while the gun nerf doesnt bother you, it should because it shows more laziness of which you speak. Why? Well because rather than fix the glitch/exploit allowing for easy completion on hard, they nerfed the reward. The bigger problem is the raid save sharing and a the on void walking off the map. But what was easier to fix? The gun you get as a reward. I would even argue that taking the gun out of players inventories would be the right choice if they fixed the raid. Then they could say "well you beat it once right? (Trollface),"

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              1 Reply
              • Edited by Prion: 10/15/2014 7:05:14 PM
                Have my upvotes. Kill zones are also one of the worst immersion breakers in the game, a solid reminder that this is not a real world we are playing in.

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              • Sensible, Intelligent, and poignant. You have my support.

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              • I firmly believe Bungie is staffed by monkies throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

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              • To be fair I've beat him on that platform and without so it does suck but if they want to take the fun and make our options of EXPLORING!!! And finding our own paths limited then who are we!!? Lol Oh well it's done now 😔

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              • I can't believe you guys are actually trying to defend a cheap way to beat a boss. Just beat him normally Jesus Christ

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                14 Replies
                • Please Nerf me. I am too powerful. My sun singer can revive himself and that should totally be only a half revive. Also my void walker's super kills in one hit on pvp, so can you make it so that doesn't work too?

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                  4 Replies
                  • We beat the raid with this change no problem. So... What they did made sense; people were playing the game in a way in which it was not meant to be played. This CAN be good, but in this instance, like pushing Athen off the map which will ALSO be patched out, this was not the way.

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