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Edited by FoMan123: 10/9/2014 4:35:41 AM

Gentlemen of Destiny. We need to talk.



I am really insecure and women make me nervous.




...when you put it that way...


It's really sad, some of the behavior I see toward women. I want to say that this describes a loud minority of players...but that would be a lie. It's the majority. I just don't get it. MAYBE they are just extra hormonal guys hoping to meet a cool gamer chick who would be into them. [i]But aren't we all?[/i] No seriously, I think single guys don't realize that every (heterosexual) guy kinda hopes to meet a girl who is into the same things they are. At least in passing. And yeah, it would be really cool. Yeah, I find it really hot when my fiance sets dudes on fire and giggles about it. But in knowing that, you know that [i]the way to get a really great girl to pay attention to you, who shares a hobby with you, is not to just walk up and hump her.[/i] For example... say we were both into bowling. We're both bowlers. Cool, she's a bowler! We bowl! We can talk about bowling and bowl together! Great stuff! I sure hope this girl who bowls likes me, or at least gives me a chance! Hell, I'd be okay with being friends just to shake up the sausage fest formula on my bowling team a bit! It would be NICE to have a girl or two around, because it's NICE to have girls around. I like girls! They're cool! [b]LET ME GO SHOW THIS BY SHAGGING HER LEFT LEG, CALLING HER A SLUT AND TELLING HER TO GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.[/b] See the problem? Not only will she tell you to -blam!- off, she'll probably think twice about bowling again. Everyone loses. She loses a hobby, you lose a chance to interact with someone who isn't drowning in testosterone and maybe, MAYBE, might be willing to give you a chance on another level. Here's more truth: I don't think male gamers want to admit the fact that they [i]like[/i] playing with women. I'm taken. I'm happily taken. But I still do like playing with women as much as like gaming with the boys. For the same reason I like playing with different people at all---they're different. The same old jokes get tired. The same voices get tired. Sometimes, I just like playing a game with a girl---because a girl is another type of human, and the same old humans get boring fast. That's the point of the internet. Who really makes this so difficult? The dick measurers. The same people who call everything Over Powered, the same people who rage when they get crushed in Crucible, or rage at bosses, or just rage. See, they can tell that their repugnant attitude repels women. So they see people with women in their groups, and [i]because that is more rare[/i] they either whine about not having it OR claim that women just aren't wanted. See: The common reaction to exotics. You either get rational people who get it if they got it and are happy with it and not upset if they didn't, people who rage about not having them because they don't, or people who try to convince everyone that no one needs them because they can't figure out how to make sure that they're the one with the thing not everyone has. They don't hate girl gamers. They don't want to be the gamer with no girls in their group, and can't figure out why they're the reason for that problem. Somehow it becomes a status thing, like almost everything else, while the rest of us out here who are reasonable are just like... Lolwut? ~Ricochet EDIT: Respondent said this needed a TL:DR. Here it is. [quote]Here, I'll do it for you: Be nice to girls. It can be fun to play video games with girls. Don't be mean to girls. Maybe if you are nice more of them will play.[/quote] ...and furthermore, it shouldn't be a hostile environment for women to begin with. Not cool, no matter what your reasons are behind behaving the way you do. EDIT: 4pm Eastern Standard Time, I'm retiring replying to people. Thanks to everyone who participated in this conversation!

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  • I bet you have some great points but you completely nuked the shit out of my attention span and I'm sure I'm not alone.

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    6 Replies
    • tl;dr: buttholes

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    • I completely agree the people these day show no respect and use the anonymity of a screen name and mic to their advantage. I just hope that these boys one day grow up. I get so embarrassed for the human race when I see how some people act it makes me squint I'm holding so much wrath back from them.

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    • Haha it's one thing to not be one of the immature men/boys, it's another to make an extremely long post about how it upsets you so much on a forum how women are treated. Is there a white knight emblem that bungie can design for this guy?

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        The problem is definitely not a gender thing. It's the fact that many gamers think they are God's gift to CoD/Halo/Destiny/Mario Kart and ANYONE that wrecks them gets crap for it. I have had male and female gamers accuse/report me and my friends of using mods on Ghosts even though there are none on PS4 as the spawn system is incredibly predictable. What you post about how there's gender inequality is simply pandering to the feminist crowd creating a double standard where female gamers are immune to ANY criticism and flak while male gamers are free to get shat on. Simply put, everyone is entitled to a positive experience regardless of gender. Threads like this will only make the problem worse as it creates a situation where its us vs. them. If someone doesn't follow instructions and screws a team over repeatedly during a Raid, it's going to be frustrating regardless whether its a male or female player. I am sure there are some idiots that treat women like garbage. But do not generalize that most guys are like that because we are not. Many of us grew up with Nintendo and have progressed to having careers and families of our own and are MATURE enough to treat fellow gamers with respect regardless of them having a penis or not. My rule of thumb, if you're good, you're good regardless of gender.

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        • Im not a girl... I just play one on destiny.

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        • My girlfriend of 6 years now (many consider us married at this point) is a gamer girl (and I am a gamer boy, she would throw something at me if I didn't add that, then I would have to threaten the cat and...just a mess). That said, we did NOT meet through gaming. In fact, we did not know about each other's gaming lifestyle until well after the first time we met! We met through mutual friends at several parties and social events before we started dating one valentines day. Once we moved in together, roughly a year after we first dated, we both had to figure out where our pcs and multiple consoles would go and be usable (if I remember correctly it was 2 laptops, a desktop, 2 PS2s, a gamecube, an SNES, and an old PS I used for dvds back then. Our first mutual gaming was shared tv sessions of Champions of Norrath...since then we have always searched out games to play together. Sadly, multiplayer on same console is phasing out and more often than not, we now have to buy 2 copies of everything, on two consoles, on two tvs...this made for a strange living room for a while until we connected a smaller HD tv to our pc for "multi-display"/xbox screen. So yes, we still have two TV's in the living room but at least we can have people over without them commenting on our 2 TVs in the same room. Anywho...just saying that we are a gamer relationship, we balance out our gaming with social activities, personal time, work, school, kids, everything but bottom line is, we DID NOT MEET in a game, a forum, online, or any form of electronic, non-physically in place medium. (Most) girls and guys are in these games and forums to play or talk about the game, not to find a significant other . If you can't respect that, then you are in the wrong place, and if continued after being asked to stop, should be reported for harassment, because that is what it is. Thank you.

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        • Tumblr is that way =============>

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        • STFU ANITA

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        • If I could get on a clan with lots of girl gamers I'll be happy Am shy so there is no way I can offend anyone Heck when people scream at me I just don't say anything.

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          • Theres a girl in my clan and that makes it all the better. Its fun

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          • gamer's are gamer's it doesn't matter what gender they are

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          • No girls on the internet.

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          • Appreciate the suppost sir. Definitely get too many people who seem to make bets on whether I am a girl or not and then onvite me to parties just to confirm their bets. Rather irritating.

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          • Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Stfu.

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          • Public Voice Chat does not exist. There is a woman in my clan.

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          • Just got to find a good group of people to play with. I find it just as unpleasant playing with that type of gamer. Some of my favorite people to game with have been women.

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            3 Replies
            • To long to read I dont care what the gamer is as long they fun to run with

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              • Wait what? I find it funny you bring this up I troll on the forums while at work and never see what you are talking about. But by you bringing it up it seems like attention drama seeking to me. We don't need woman problems and the -blam!-ing drama with it forums are a big joke already.

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              • Edited by DinkleBot: 10/8/2014 5:38:37 PM
                I prefer men over women tbh But a lot of the guys here are pretty rude to women in this community. But there are a lot who are polite to both men and women, so I mean.

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              • I'm sorry, tl;dr... what is the point being made? I really hope this isn't an extension of gamergate.

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                2 Replies
                • Come hang out with us old farts. We tend to be Seriously Over this stuff. And the idiot children annoy us almost as much as they annoy you. (And that "hump your leg" thing? Jeeze! I play a female character and had one guy hanging all over my character for a while until I managed to ditch him.)

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                  • Heres an idea- [spoiler]how about blocking jerks who send you messages[/spoiler] other then that, i Clam slam everyone in the tower if they are sitting still.

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                  • Most gamers are males. Unless you are taking about lame facebook games.

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                  • Okay, so I hate to disclose this fact but I don't get why girls would purposely put themselves in an unfortunate situation? I am a girl myself and i know that there are immature kids out there. So what do i do? I STAY AWAY from chat rooms, they are nothing but trouble. I keep to myself, and I play the game. Our generation is too groomed towards self-glorification within and self deprecation without. Sometimes it is a good idea to learn a bit of rationalization as well as humility in all things. I have traveled a lot of the world. Climbed the himalayas, been to india, s korea, China, the barrier reef in australia....I did all of this on my own. Did a ton of soul searching and i love to read. I also have a biochemistry degree. I am also a girly girl and I love video games. I am shy but i am extroverted, I hate to eat but i love to cook. These are all things about me but I keep them to myself because let's be guy in a video game wants to know about ME. They just want to tell me i am a slut/whore/C* word. Because quite frankly that is all i can be behind a screen for some people. These are not things i NEED to disclose but it helps people realize that i am a person after all, I keep quiet and i "know my place" as some of you gents like to call it. Life is unfair, it is a man's world, get over it.

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                    14 Replies
                    • What's wrong with shagging the left leg? What if it's sensual passionate left leg love that I'm making?

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