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originally posted in: 6 things real gamer girls hate
10/2/2014 12:36:17 PM
My husband Johnny already said all there is to say…still, I wanna say it myself as well: I’ve been playing videogames now for almost 15 years and for years I didn’t come across the mentioned annoying sexist guys…mostly because I don’t hawk my gaming in every conversations which is what many so-called gaming girls obviously do… As the online aspect became more and more dominant I too came across guys and their no-brains-comments and I discovered the best way to treat this topic is by ignoring it….after all it’s just another kind of trolling! Why should I let a minority of immature people spoil an experience/hobby I’m always looking forward to and PAY for?!? [b] So, in the name of all the GAMERS (because in the end that’s what we all are) just stop victimizing yourselves!![/b]

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