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9/30/2014 7:42:02 AM

A Very Reasonable Request, Bungie

Dear Bungie, Today and yesterday were pretty wacky. A whole lot of rumours got started, some of them very convincing. They claimed that Destiny had been mutilated by the evil capitalist empire of Activision, and we were being fed the ground up remains. People compiled little bits of evidence from everything you showed us, that made no sense at the time, but now shed Light onto the mystery that is Destiny's intended form. I do not mean to assume who is lying, the gossipers or you guys, but you, Bungie, are the only people who really know the truth. Architect404 claims to have been very close to the development of Destiny. They answered many questions, and spoke of a collapse roughly 7 months prior to development. Where Destiny was pressed into a new mold after being half baked. The combination of your lead writer leaving, and the Grimoire author joining at almost exactly that moment seems very suspicious. Most of what this Architect said was rational, akin to how a developer speaks to the public, and fit into all the shady bits of knowledge we had. However, only a few hours afterward, DeeJ was to claim that we were being "trolled." The reason for this is likely to protect the public image of Bungie, and how polished Destiny is. Though this comes as more of an upset to me. The claim that Destiny was never immersive and beautiful, that the launch format is in fact what you had envisioned from the beginning, scares me. I would rather believe that Destiny was butchered by some terrible internal conflict than that it was simply never going to be impressive. Like I said, I don't want to take a side in such a shady argument. But I am pleading to you now, don't hide the truth from us. Whether you are or aren't, I wish to remind you. We are your community, and we want to help make your game as amazing as it can be. No matter what happened mid development, we are still playing your game and many of us still support you wholly. We just really want to know what happened to those rendered cutscenes, narrations, alleged storyline, missions, characters and locations, more importantly why those things happened. Please tell us. Is this really what Destiny was meant to launch as?

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  • Look. First of all, discs are pressed MONTHS in advance of a release. During that time content is kept, cut, scrapped, expanded upon...Etc etc etc. None of the extra content on that disc is owed to any of you. Period. Done. End. If it were, you'd set a precedent that would actually bankrupt this entire industry because every single game in the history of the industry, INCLUDING CARTRIDGES, had extra-unused content on the medium. So, move on already. It's not your content to have for free or DLC, it's simply there. - Stop raging over stupid crap. Secondly - I've been in this industry for a decade. - Been an Alpha/Beta tester since day 1...In fact, my first assignment was to test a game... That being said, much of what 404 has said, makes sense. Especially with head creative, leaving. The bottom line is that, there is no proof and they'll never be "proof" per what you people "expect" because he's still an employee. Activision has sued the crap out of employees in the past, those employees had NDAs and NC's...Very very restrictive NDA's post lawsuits so, they never made the public rumor mill but, rest assured, Activision has no qualm about coming down on a Bungie employee like a Fist of Havoc if they feel the need to...So, that employee is not going to provide the proof necessary to sate the overbearing entitlement found on these forums. Bottom line is that we're all upset in some form @ the short story but, whether or not you believe 404 is irrelevant because this is how the game launched. The extra content on the disc is not yours to have, it simply exists and again, this is how they launched the game so, it is what it is. TLDR: Stop whining. We have real problems. The extra content on the disc is NOT yours to have for free or otherwise.

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    16 Replies
    • Bungie and Activision should give the two expansions for free. And credit those who already purchased it. It's obvious that their whole marketing scheme has been a fraud. Giving the expansion passes to everyone is a good way to get back into people's good grace especially considering how much money they made on launch. Maybe if they aren't greedy now people will buy the next few Destiny titles. Right now they look like scam artists, and a shame to the whole gaming industry. You would think after the aliens game debacle gaming companies wouldn't outright lie about content. Because worse than being sued is you being blacklisted from your jobs. Just do something to make it right for the community.

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      2 Replies
      • Jesus Christ, why is everybody posting their novel in the comments?

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      • Makes sense out of the Joe and Marty departures. How depressing. I hope they've learned some lessons.

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      • I believe Deej unlike other people, Bungie has been pretty upfront about certain issues regarding game, and its not uncommon for cuts to be made when a games in development and for there to be issues within the development process of a game. I don't find it odd that people did believe that reddit post because it was basically spouting what people wanted here from the development of the game, whether or not its actually true is up in the air, but it shouldn't be taken for granted. All that being said, its non of our business, we don't need to know what happened if anything did, you don't want to play the game fine, there are other titles coming out this fall, if you want to keep playing the game then great, Bungie is continually releasing events to keep people invested into the game. Its non of our concern what happened in the past, what matters is what the company is going to do in the future when it comes how it deliever its story or what content will be added or what changes will be made.

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        2 Replies
        • Why do you people care? It's not like they are going to say "You got us, wait one minute while we get the real game"

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          • Edited by Mooserati: 10/1/2014 12:35:51 PM
            DeeJ already said we were being trolled by Reddit's AMA article. DeeJ already said they're working on resolving some issues and finishing up future content. And DeeJ already said that he'll give us more news when he actually has something substantial to share. [b]My point is he IS responding. He's just not saying the things that everybody WANTS to hear.[/b] The problem is some people refuse to accept any other answer EXCEPT some big fat juicy scandal with all kinds of crazy plot twists about how a game's development took a turn for the worst. And they'll never be completely satisfied until they hear exactly that (whether it's even true or not). Regardless of what happened behind closed curtains, some of you guys are going to torture yourselves trying to figure something out that you'll NEVER get an answer to. The development team is remaining tight-lipped because they are under legal contract by the publisher to do so. They have no control over that. Even ex-employees can face lawsuits if they divulge anything. Unless you've been living under a rock you should know that's how many major businesses run. That being said I wish some people would stop vilifying Bungie for remaining secretive about the whole thing. This isn't some conspiracy to scam you out of money. They didn't get this far in the industry by doing that. They're literally just doing their jobs and trying to make a living. They KNOW things haven't gone smoothly at launch and they're clearly making some effort to make things right. The game has literally been out for only 3 weeks. This stuff takes time.

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            15 Replies
            • I honestly want to know what they were thinking. The worst part is that if we dont speak whats on our minds and wallets, we are going to allow other gaming companies to do the same thing. It will become commonplace for these devs to make sub par games and we shell out 60+ dollars per game. I like the game I do not love it, its okay. I have other games I am playing and am quite happy expressing that this is NOT the only game out there. I however am NOT buying the DLC, at least until I see a reason to do so. I work at a large retail company that sells tech and video games, and I meet quite a few people who feel the same way. We have taken in at least 15 trade ins for destiny. So its not the best game out there right now. But answers would be nice.

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              • Halo 2 is another example, the weapons and vehicles as well as some abilities are all completely different then what was shown at one cared then(personally I would have liked being able to holster dual weapons but oh well) they only care now because bashing destiny seems to be everybody's to do these days :/

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                • Truthfully they dont owe anyone an explanation ever about why or what happened. We do not have any rights to know inter office politics and reasoning ever.

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                  8 Replies
                  • Just don't half bake the DLC PLZ. I could believe that was going down im sure they could have done much better. The greed is real for such a game

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                  • That's a rly good point

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                  • Bump

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                  • Well thought and spoken post. The best I have yet to see in any forum on this topic. As well spoken as this architect person. Kudos to you. You both have my respect.

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                  • I could care less about reviews and all this drama on here about a game. Either play it or move on to something else. I like Destiny , as do many other gamers. Less and less of us pay attention to critics. Just shut up and play or go find another game. Problem solved💨😊

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                    15 Replies
                    • If only every forum post was polite and articulate like this. Transparency can only help Bungie I think.

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                      4 Replies
                      • I highly doubt they will tell us anything. Even if they wanted to they're almost certainly contractually bound by Activision not to say anything.

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                      • Edited by Gunship: 9/30/2014 10:43:27 PM
                        If they (Bungie) doesn't fess up and fraking soon none of us will ever believe in them again. What do you care about Bungie? Gamers and the Design of unbelievably next level Games? Or some Corporate bs? Or maybe (and god i hope this is not the case) you got cynical as designers and sold out your own own fans for a paycheck? Answer us already, while we will still listen and try to understand.

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                      • Too many valid points to negate this one, too many forced features without any good reasons which smells of bad decisions made by upper managment.

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                      • Thank you for posting this, Kopheay. You are eloquent and reasonable and I can't fathom how anyone could have addressed this issue more suitably. I really hope Bungie take notice.

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                        1 Reply
                        • [quote]The reason for this is likely to protect the public image of Bungie, and how polished Destiny is. Though this comes as more of an upset to me. The claim that Destiny was never immersive and beautiful, that the launch format is in fact what you had envisioned from the beginning, scares me. I would rather believe that Destiny was butchered by some terrible internal conflict than that it was simply never going to be impressive.[/quote] Pretty much this. I liked the game, don't get me wrong. It was fun and I don't feel cheated, because my first contact was the beta. It was a good game, but not the sort of game that warrants the two year timeline they gave this instalment. The DLC would have to be bigger than the game. If this was the plan, then I'm done, I was hoping it was a screw up somewhere in the process that created the present form, because I was holding out hope for a sequel that would be more substantial. If this was the plan, then it's not a great plan for a game which is supposed to keep people playing for years instead of weeks. Really fun weeks mind you. I don't even care about blaming anyone. There are no sides, we just want a game we can play for the timeline given without being bored to tears, and I'm sure both Bungie and Activision would equally like to give us that, since it means sustainable profits and good PR. And thanks OP, well worded.

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                          2 Replies
                          • Addressing this issue at all really could've solved a large group of people's issues. The silence from them so far, aside from deej's one trolling post, has kinda said a lot to me. Personally I'm waiting to see what the first doc brings, if it's kinda lackluster like the game so far, I'll wash my hands of destiny. Really is a shame. This being the destiny they wanted really is a sad thought.

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                            1 Reply
                            • Like my parents always said with time comes the truth let's wait it out its only been 3 weeks . Either way bungie still love you but please add more story elements these ghosts quests suck lol :/

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                            • Another poor review , add it too the collection bungie

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                            • Edited by PICCOLO1234: 10/1/2014 7:47:21 AM
                              ok seeing as how we will never get a straight answer from bungie due to (legal issues) or activion (due to pride and greed and you guessed it legal issues) let me just say this I believe the architect for one reason and that reason is you don't go from a multimillion dollar hit like halo whether its now with 343 or not its still bungie master piece you don't go from that to this a game that was so destined to out shine halo and many other titles but just happens to come out half cooked with maybe a good 10 hour play to a ton of repeating with out some serious issues and a lot of some a&&hole yelling in your ear to just stay screw it and ship. that being said I think bungie was pressured into shipping an uncompleted game under the pressure of activion (whether they did or didn't cause this we may never know but either way they are still to blame for not stepping up to the plate and saying something there are more then enough gamers in both companies that coulda said hay man this is a kinda missing something maybe we should hold on to it for a bit more) but I also believe that they should have told them to drop dead and done what was right and made the game how they saw fit so now it comes to the one question everyone wants answered "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO FIX THIS" as a person who wholly believes in bungie enough to go for the ghost edition of the game with plans to get the Xbox one console pack in the future I say this step forward stare your fans friends community members gamers nerds geeks techs and under ground moders in the eye and say "we are gonna give you the greatest come back story of all time we will make this game dwarf all others in existence come hell high water or the Vex them selves we are going to take this game to a level never thought reachable on our oaths as gods of the gamer worlds that's what we WILL do." then walk away in silence and show the world what it has never seen a game that was destined for greatness was sabotaged and came back bigger and better then ever. how you will achieve this that I cant say but for a start id ask US what we want to see and go from there and please don't make bioware's mistake and listen with one ear and dish out a pacifier with the other it will only make things worse. as an old Master once said "DO OR DO NOT THERE IS NO TRY" P.S to all Grammar N@zis and trolls Drop Dead I care not for your witless please for attention I am here to speak my piece and will not listen to those that try to distract from the point feel free to show your self out if this offends you.

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                              • I keep hoping that this is some huge joke -- one of Bungie's ARGs that we don't know we're a part of. Like they're trying to weed out those who don't have faith in them as a team. 404Architect could easily be an agent in such a scheme. But I'm losing faith, and I'm afraid for the future of this infant franchise that I was so ready to throw time and effort into. Not only is Bungie too quiet and too repetitive in their responses, but ACTIVISION hasn't chimed in yet at all that I'm aware of. Master Chief wouldn't give up, and I don't think Bungie has yet, either. I'm going to keep holding out hope that they DO realize what a mess the plot is as presented and that they ARE working on a way to improve it, but damn would it help me keep that hope alive if I could get some honesty and sincerity out of Bungie. I think I would honestly buy the game again if they scrapped this one and re-released it next year and in better shape. :/ DLC can't fix this though; DLC should never retcon the game to make it make sense. I will only buy DLC if the poor community members who have already paid for it give it positive reviews.

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