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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/29/2014 6:09:19 PM

It seems I'm having a very different experience with the game than most...

I'm a software developer in my 30s. I work all day, come home, hit the gym or go for a bike ride, make dinner, and take care of the dog. After dinner, I boot up the PS4, create a party with 4 to 6 of my friends... work friends, childhood friends, friends I've just met... We hop in a PS4 party, then we all load up the game. We battle through all of the game's missions together. We take on the strikes. We take on the queens wrath missions. We're working on building up our light levels. We do patrols and bounties, and we all enter the Crucible together. I am having an absolute blast playing Destiny with my friends. Maybe the difference is that I have a dedicated set of friends whom I can play the game with that make it so much fun, but reading through this board is very interesting to me. It seems that many of the people writing here are having a very different experience than I am having. Is it simply because I'm playing with my friends that I find what the developers at Bungie have given us so entertaining?

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  • I too am having a blast playing with my friends, but, that doesn't negate any flaws the game may have.

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  • Probably, in part. I wouldn't be playing still without friends online. It's a fun game the mechanics are great. My feeling is you probably haven't burned through as much of the game as some, where it's gotten to the point where you know exactly what's coming all the time. Nothing outside the raid and crucible has the least bit of challenge at this point. This is partially that some players have put in too many hours too quickly too. It's a good game, the replay value is limited, and it's almost all replay in PvE after a point. It's when people get to that point that varies. Part of this is the map list is so small as well, it's very noticeable on the strike playlist where the same strike may come up 5-6 times in a row as the RNG only has 6 to choose from. It doesn't matter that you can back out and get a new one, that one's been done more than a few times as well.

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    • This is the problem most seem to be facing. Destiny is a fantastic and really fun game when played with a dedicated group of friend. Raid, weekly strikes, daily heroic on the highest level (though not much of a challenge anymore) and Crucible. These things are all incredibly awesome experiences when you play with people you like and have fun together. I laugh probably half the time I spend on this game, exist in a state of running-around-trying-to-stay-alive panic another ten to twenty percent. The rest is spent loving every minute because of how incredible the gunplay and core mechanics are.

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      • I'm with you kindred spirit. I have a crew of 8 that I can run with. 2 more on ps4 once I upgrade. This game is meant to play with friends.

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      • 36/ father of 2/ husband/2 jobs & once i get about a dozen of my CoD clanmembers over to Destiny we are having a blast as well. Theres not one time i play that i don't have a full fireteam of friends. Helps to make the experience very enjoyable. The conversations have hit every topoc imaginable even as far as a Peter Griffin "would you rather do disgusting fat chick A or terribly fat girl B?" :-). We rip into those the rng gods smile upon with exotics and find new & unique ways to taint those who are gear lacking until theyvearn a legendary/exotic and move to the nxt guy lacking. We also help each other out with grinds with a rigoroius passion. We have more happy with the game and interaction so far and def will continue playing.

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      • Maybe you enjoy endless repititon and bullshit RNG's for a game where it literally doesn't matter? Me, i hate doing the exact same damn strike a 10th time in a row because bungie's RNG system is also repetitive like it's throwing a 1 sided die. Even with the queens wrath event... it's already repetitive enough.. but then when you complete a bounty that requires killing riksis the devil archon on restoration, when you go and do the queen's wrath mission? that's right... go kill riksis... again.. kill draksis the scourge of winter? that's right.. expect a repeat of him when you do the mission that you get from the bounty to kill him... and the thing is.. the freaking queen's wrath missions are meant to be random.. but it seems to always replay the same thing. The weekly herioc strike and weekly nightfall strike seem to always be the same. last week it was nexus, this week it's Valus Ta'aurc. both of them.. 2 very different mission challenges are the exact same thing. it was probably the same the previous week too, but i don't remember. The game's just one extremely repetitive piece of trash. Infact, not even that, my trash when it's thrown out is actually something different each time.

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        • I think people just like to complain. If you're having fun with the game, you're less likely to come up here and say how much fun you're having. Someone who is upset is more likely to come here and spew. I think that is primarily the case. I get it, when I get upset, I like to let it out too. I did a post about how much I hate the pvp in this game, just because I was angry at it that night. I think plenty of people are enjoying the game and we shouldn't let forums color our view too much. Forums can be useful tools but they are limited and the number of people who tend to actually use them are usually a minority of the players.

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          • In a word, yes. Playing with friends makes it a social. Did you ever notice how having buddies around can make the most tedious and monotonous activities seem like fun?

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          • The CO-OP is great. The story isn't.

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            • I play in a clan for this game. Best thing to do. Already gotten to know a few members of the clan online and we always have a laugh. This is what online gaming is for - a laugh, progressing together, and being annoyed your shit clan member got the luck of the good drop ;)

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            • Well said, playing with friends is the key to have fun and enjoy those kind of games! I have over 80 hrs playtime and i still love to grind through the amazing world of Destiny..with friends of course ;)

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            • Edited by allentrill: 9/30/2014 12:18:40 PM
              I have friends but they are usually with there own clans. I made a clan for my 2 nephews because they dont get accepted into clans easily and its worth it for me. I play 90% of the time solo. I have beat the game solo and have helped a few friends find gold chests ghts and beat story mode. I have tried playing with friends but they tend to go help others or are not on when i am. I have not done a weekly strike, nightfall, or and crucible( i never will do crucible..personal choice) i wish i could do nightfall but solo is out of the question. However even with all that the game is enjoyable to me. I loved the story so far, i loved the conversations with the stranger and the queen. I wish the grimoire was in the tower but other than that i love destiny.

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            • Great Post I'm in a very similar position to yourself and couldn't agree more. I really enjoy playing this game solo but its so much better when playing with others ( friends or randomers ) and everybody ive played with and spoke to so far seem to be fairly decent human beings ( i haven't had a 13 year old tell me that he is going to do disturbing sex acts on my mother yet .... ) I love the game, I really do / i know alot of people are complaining about this and that but you are always going to get this. I'm on PS4 aswell - level 24 hunter if you want another member for your parties feel free to add me. PSN : bigmanropes.

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            • Yeah because doing the level 8 earth strike 3 times in 2 days for bounties is so much fun when you´re doing it with friends !?! Sorry for the offense and don´t get me wrong, I like this game, otherwise I wouldn´t spend my time in this forum and posting about it but there are some major flaws with it: 1. Story = Besides some very interesting more or less hidden story aspects in grimoire cards the story itself is very poor (only the story that plays in the campaign, not the whole setting or atmosphere that this game has of which I think is great) 2. Content for level 26+ = Besides the Raid and nightfall- or weekly strikes there is no real content for level 28+ players to progress. The bounties are a -blam!-ing joke !!! Most of the time they don´t even change from day to day. What fun is it to play a story mission the 10th time !?! On strikes you can´t even select a challenging level which causes you to do it on levels that aren´t fun anymore. I would like to see more events upcomming in the "open" (most patrol areas aren´t even open, they are just some bigger tubes that are ending in a circle). Here the devs can be more creative in terms of incoming enemies and actions that has to be done. Also some bigger community events would be nice. This would be much more better than play story mission x on level y over and over (+ seeing the got damn cut scenes everytime again even then they are making absolut no sense because you alright saved the humanity, right ?). As I said don´t get me wrong, I really like this game. Me and my friends are doing the raid right now and it is so much fun. The game itself is also ok but it could be so much more fun. The whole setting, artwork and gameplay is fantastic. But I can´t lose the feeling that a great chance of a even better game was missed. greetings

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            • Yes, that makes a huge difference. I have made friends playing Destiny, but for the most part, they do their own thing. But I think that changed for me yesterday. Had a group for the raid and they stuck it out and we won. Right after they expressed interest in doing it again today with all of the same people. The other thing you have going for you is a steady schedule. I don't have one and lately been working when people are on the game and not working when hardly anyone is on. It is probably the fact PS3 doesn't seem to have as many playing as PS4.

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            • I'm loving it too. I'm just a bit disappointed after reading what was changed in the game in the year before release. Still though, I enjoy the game a lot and look forward to the ways Bungie responds to the feedback and how the Destiny verse will continue to grow.

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              • I'm absolutely loving it too. :D I started playing Destiny solo and I've met loads of awesome people who've become friends and even tackled the Vault of Glass with them. Destiny is astounding. LOVE IT!

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              • I love it. I enjoy the grind for better loot and the mechanics are fantastic. I plowed hundreds of hours in BL1 and 2 farming for loot and see this being no different. Yes, the storyline is, lacking, for want of a better word but I don't really care as the mechanics are so well implemented. I play solo mainly but have no issues with matchmaking for Strikes. I just wish they'd bring in matchmaking for the nightfall / weekly heroic strikes.

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              • Love u Daniel ! keep playing and enjoying this game ! dont listen to the haters. games are 4 Fun !! some ppl seem to forget this

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              • I think we have the same lifestyle mate, I am also thoroughly enjoying this game.

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              • Yeah I'm in a similar position at the moment, the game is so much fun with friends.

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              • I completely agree with you. I like games like this and I like how bungie has crazy plans with this game like queens wrath and iron banner. I can see how people don't like it but if you ask me, Destiny is my favorite game! I just want people to stop raging about it if they don't like it. I have a way to solve their problem, DONT PLAY IT

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                • I’ve been going solo and really love this game. Best moments have been when I end up with really good teammates in Salvage where it seems folks are more prone to revive than other playlists. Even if we didn’t have mics (and even if they don’t answer a friend request, ahem) I felt a sort of camaraderie. I’m a casual player, father of four, don’t get that much time to play so I haven’t had a chance to get disappointed that I can’t get highest level and all exotics during these first 2-3 weeks. In fact, I levelled up too fast playing Crucible and doing bounties. I’m level 20 now and haven’t even finished the Moon. I’m on PS3 and am really enjoying myself. This game has everything I want in a game and as an FPS it’s very forgiving. There must be some kind of aim assist. Either that or I’ve gotten better (unlikely) It’s beautiful to look at, the controls are perfect, the story is not handed to you on a silver platter but rather something you piece together like IRL. The randomness of loot drops keeps it interesting and keeps me from getting discouraged in PVP. The companion app and the forum are near essential aspects as well. If you see any of my other posts you’ll get an idea about how I feel about all the negativity, but overall I’m really happy and looking forward to a long-term relationship with Destiny.

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                  • Everything you do can be fun if you're doing it with friends. Even the most boring and mundane work can be fun if you're having fun with your friends while doing it so this might be the most useless argument ever.

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                  • The majority of what I've heard from podcast and other people is that the game is very fun to play, which it is. I've spent all my time with my Titan and haven't even delve into other character classes. Additionally the co-op in this game is very enjoyable, and coordinating raids with a team of 6 people is very rewarding when you get through certain parts of it. Crucbile is fun to play as well. The game has alot of good experiences with it, its just certain parts of it don't shine as bright. As good as the gameplay is, the Story is horribly conveyed, and some people are quit to point it out. Its not only that, some also feel different about other parts of the game and that it was over hyped. Personally, I like playing this game, but I can understand the feelings of others on the forums and their frusturations with the game. Its a Bungie game where talking about here, its a new IP from the developers of Halo, so there was alot of high expectations from everyone and it just doesn't seem to deliver entirely. Overtime we'll see how the game will hold up, and what changes are made to keep players playing and invested into the franchise.

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                  • Edited by gloeckner78: 9/30/2014 9:45:36 AM
                    +1 I am having so much fun with this game. Haven't had that since EQ1 times... I will also buy the DLCs. I don't care if they are already on the disc. So far I have gotten >50 hours of pure fun and excitement out of this game that it is totally worth its money.

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