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Edited by Progressiverain: 9/28/2014 9:36:28 PM

Dear Bungie. We don't want your DLC.

EDIT: I wanted to clarify my stance on this a little more and without the use of any blams. I don't have a problem with paid DLC. I actually prefer to the alternatives like microtransactions and monthly subscriptions. Also, as a business owner I understand the need for Bungie to turn a profit. MY problem lies with the fact that this game shipped with SO many known problems that forum goers, reviewers and columnists all voiced their opinion on during the alpha/beta and every one of them seemed to fall on deaf ears. Meanwhile, we get a game that seems unfinished. All those little areas around the worlds that SEEM like they're supposed to go somewhere but end up as a dead end. Well they DO actually go somewhere but for some reason it's been locked away. Presumably for paid DLC. The content is already there but we're going to have to pay to play it. Normally this wouldn't be an issue but the content in Destiny is already painfully short so why did they cut out these much needed areas? My problem is that Bungie seems to be so dead set on churning out additional paid content they they've left a skeleton crew of devs to support the original game. They apparently have no problem with shutting down known exploits or farming areas quite promptly but they can't add a simple skip cutscene button or volume controls? A bunch of people shooting at a black hole isn't hurting my experience. Not being able to hear voice chat over the god forsakenly loud music, communicate with other players in the world easily or not being able to play the higher difficulty content because of the lack of matchmaking however, is. We all really wanted to fall in love with Destiny and were fooled into thinking that we actually might have a chance to mold and create Destiny alongside you with our feedback during the alpha and beta, but it seems that even though you say you thrive on our feedback, you've ignored nearly all of it and that is your biggest crime. ---- Me personally, I've already canceled my "expansion pass" because I can already guess what it will include. The same shitty story revisiting the same areas we've already been to countless times. Hell, some of this DLC we can see shipped with the original game via videos of people glitching into entirely new areas that are simply walled off and you've already stated in previous interviews that your DLC will "Revisit existing areas". -blam!- that. I refuse to spend my money on more or of the same content that can be completed in a couple hours. How about instead you pull your resources off making more shitty content and fixing your existing game. Heres what we would actually pay money for: [b]1. Voice chat. [/b] You'e already said you're "working" on this and want to add it "this year" but this will only be for matchmade activities. We still won't be able to communicate with people in the wild unless we add them to our fireteam which is my next point [b]2. Fix your busted ass fireteam system[/b] I have never seen shit so clunky and -blam!-ed up in my life. I have to return to orbit and come back down at a checkpoint to join a persons fireteam when Im standing RIGHT -blam!-ING NEXT TO THEM!? I have to return to orbit when I want to leave someones fireteam!? WTF We can't talk to people unless were in a fireteam but it takes 20 -blam!-ING MINUTES OF LOAD SCREENS JUST TO DO SO And why can't I see who the -blam!- is in my fireteam unless I go to the Roster screen? UGH [b]3. Fix the -blam!-ing dpad into something usable[/b] Jesus H Christ. 4 buttons for emotes is unbelievable to me. Why not create a way for players to communicate with each other with simple hand gestures and other callouts like we suggested in the alpha and beta. We have to -blam!-ing spaz out with waving and point just to show a fellow gamer in the area that theres a chest over somewhere. A simple "Hey, Follow me" callout would fix ALL of the non-fireteam communication between players. EDIT: This is what the dpad should have been. [b]4. Fix the -blam!-ing crucible [/b] "Damage is normalized" - My -blam!-ing ass. You REALLY believe a level 5 has a chance against level 30's with full legendary and exotics? Are you kidding me? Why don't you make modes ACTUALLY normalized and then create a PERMANENT Iron Banner for higher level players who actually want to use the gear theyve grinded a bullshit amount of hours to get? [b]5. Quit having "events" that are just the same -blam!-ing shit over but with a different twists[/b] Queens wrath is -blam!-ing pointless after you nerfed legendary shards. Salvage mode in the crucible should just -blam!-ing stay and Combined Arms was just a mode with only the moon and mars. Wow...just wow. "Hey guys, lets make a mode that only has the maps with vehicles and then call it an event" "BRILLIANT!" Or just let us choose what -blam!-ing maps we want to play MAYBE? [b]6. Give us some sort of trading or economy[/b] Most people will agree that your game is nothing but a grind fest after level 20 with nothing to do but play the same god forsaken shit over and over and over again. Giving us something to do other than play repeated shit over and over like trading, crafting...i dont know...-blam!-ing anything? would make this game more tolerable. I'm at max glimmer every damn time I return to the -blam!-ing tower. I can only buy so many -blam!-ing ships and ammo refills. [b]7. Remove the -blam!-ing caps on everything[/b] Im at max glimmer on both my characters, max crucible and pvp marks. Any additional I get of all three just fall off into nothingness. WTF are we supposed to do with all this stupid useless -blam!-ing currency? I've got all your different forms of your currency coming out my asshole but I can't find enough -blam!-ing shards to upgrade my armor to save my -blam!-ing life. Perhaps if we could simply trade between players to some extent this wouldn't be a -blam!-ing issue. You say you want us to "earn" our gear. REALLY? Then why did you make a -blam!-ing loot system that is 100% -blam!-ING RANDOM. I grinded my -blam!-ing BALLS off to get strange coins to buy exotics with and the same day I buy the Suros Regime my asshole friend, who has NO strange coins and plays half as much as I do gets one in the -blam!-ing crucible for free. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [b]8. Daily, Weekly and Nightfall matchmaking.[/b] You want to close off matchmaking to your impossible to complete without 5 friends raid then fine but by the time we are level 26-30 and have completed the same -blam!-ing strikes and missions a hundred times over, we don't NEED teamwork to complete these heroics. We've all done them a BILLION times already. We know the fights, we know it's the same -blam!-ing shit we did last time. I don't NEED to be on voice chat with two other people who have also done it countless times. JESUS [b]9. Fix your -blam!-ing clan system.[/b] Holy dog shit. No in game clan support? 100 member cap. Is Bungie run by -blam!-ing monkeys? [b]10. Add distance markers to patrol missions.[/b] The only thing worse than doing the same boring ass patrol missions over and over again is getting the "Go here and scan some shit" ones where you end up driving from the starting point on the moon to the deepest chasm in the tunnels just to scan something and be left in the middle of -blam!-ing no where. In which case it's faster to return to orbit and start over. Give us a "4324m" distance marker and well know to drop that piece of shit mission right then and there. [b]11. LET US TURN DOWN THE -blam!-ING MUSIC[/b] Hundreds of millions went into the development of this game and you're telling me that at no time during the last 3-5 years did anyone at Bungie go like " you think we should add volume controls?" HOLY -blam!-ING SHIT [b]12. Make me feel like theres a reason to try to win in the Crucible[/b] Because right now, there basically is none. The rewards are random, the rewards for winning are damn near invisible, medals do absolutely nothing for us. Right now the only difference between a win and a loss is getting 3 marks vs. 2 marks which I'm willing to bet the majority of people didn't even know. When I see people who are AFKing in my games, but moving just enough not to get booted and getting exotic rewards and free marks for my efforts, then you know your system -blam!-ing blows asshole. [b]13. Release the three blocked off areas on earth as free content before the first DLC[/b] This is your final chance bungie. From videos on youtube we KNOW this game was shipped with those areas intact. Some full with enemies waiting for us. If you now try to sell us these areas as DLC you are going to have a -blam!-ing shit storm on your hands and there will be a lot more people like me who give up and your 'Could Be So Awesome' game. You keep saying you thrive on feedback and you're listening but I'm not going to sit here and play the same shit 100x over while I wait to see if you actually do. There are too many games being released soon to sit around and hope you get your shit together. I'll come back in a couple of months to check on your progress. Shadows of Mordor here I come. [b]EDIT: New video of glitch shows these areas already built into the original game will be sold to us as expansions[/b] All of you who still believe the locked up areas on Earth and everywhere else will be given away as free content patches after seeing that video are delusional. GG Bungie

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  • Actually, I want Bungie's DLC. Thanks.

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  • You can go back to COD anytime you want sir

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  • Very pro post! Fully agree!!!

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  • I can't agree more. GG Bungie, you got my money and now it is time to move on.

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  • So say we all.

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  • I agree... This game sucks balls... The more I play it the more I hate it... I want to love it... And kinda did until lvl 20... But have kept going for just 1 legendary or exotic... But it seems impossible to get in this game... It feels very unfair and random and yet very polished... But this is just my opinion! Not saying all you others can't love the game... But i'm pretty sure i'll only end up playing my 2 DLC's and i'm done...

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    3 Replies
    • Here is my Hand Cannon.... prepare to take every round at considerable force....and then a reload. First off fan boys!!! rounds one and two go to you. "if you don't like the game then go play something else"...- fan boys I understand were you're coming from but, you need to understand something we waited on this game all of us together. in one way or another [i]we paid[/i]. some more than others some less. some waited more some didn't where were you when they pushed destiny back for the first time were you with me? where were you when they pushed it back again? were you with me? and were you with me when they pushed it back for the last time? Then finally came out with a street date. Fan boys I admire your dedication but it is truly misplaced and taken advantage of you see it but refuse to acknowledge it like a battered housewife your resiliency gets the best of you and that's were your husbands Activision EA and now Bungie take advantage CoD players how many call of duty's have come out? that's the number of times you've been beaten. granted when the game first came out was great same with halo maybe but my point is that its all about business one hand washes the other but in this case one hand is washin the other to much back to the fanboys they make there money off you guys your dedication and resiliency is what make the franchise sell if you don't like the direction the game is taking why keep playing we as the consumer need to take our power back "united we stand divided we fall" how many times have games come out and you've completely been disappointed like this isn't what I like but I will continue to except mediocrity instead of demanding greatness. "its to hard forget it". just deal with it that just the way it is" and bash anyone who says different mentality, and with that that is how they divide and conquer a community a community? the communities I know of work together but not this one. why? you know why an angry mob is so successful? hint because when one moves they all agree and move in sync if we all did that then we would be successful in our endeavors. they finally drop the game and you're so happy you're like I don't care what's wrong with it I just wanna play and then your brain eventually says to you hey something isn't right where's all the other stuff they said we would be able to do its there blocked by a wall and a turn back timer with 4 seconds attached to it it wouldn't have been so bad if the content drop on day one or a month later but on December c'mon now people who play pvp aren't affected by this but destiny is so much more than just pvp its an experience. A true gamer need not say that he is. his actions expose that for those of which reside around him. Get ready for rounds three and four... Devs make the games for who? Devs make the dlc for who? and if the game flops it flops because of who? fool me once shame on you fool me twice G.W.Bush anyway shots five and six Bungie did you just hop out the bed with the devil only to get in the bed with Satan? Reloading for questions and comments. Sincerely, The Devil You Know

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      8 Replies
      • You tell it how it is....maybe bungie will listen once just once. I agree with all your post!

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      • For the most part I agree.

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      • I do.

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      • Dear Bungie, I pay now for DLC, thank you.

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      • You covered all the issues and ones I hadn't even noticed F@&"!+ A!!! RIGHT

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      • Edited by Onionknight: 9/29/2014 9:36:03 PM
        The actual problem is, We do need the DLCs. I really hope they don't make us wait until Dec. And maybe if you people crying, Skipped a few Burger king meals, You would have the $35 to buy them.

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      • The current setup is a lame attempt to charge a monthly fee without charging the monthly fee.

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        1 Reply
        • We do.

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        • My gawd im still laughing

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        • Quick someone get this kid a call of duty game! So he will stop crying.

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        • Are you aware that Bungie is [i]required[/i] by [i]contract[/i] to make sure Destiny has at least two DLC expansions?

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          7 Replies
          • Anyone defending Bungie is a joke, you can tell this by how they defend them. Small minded people have always loved the establishment..... Great thinkers have always questioned it There will always be the Queen's soldiers, but they lack the heart of any true warrior. LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN

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            7 Replies
            • Can't agree with you more on the PvP side of things, but maybe a sort of skill could be calculated, instead of just limiting it to ranks. Some levels 25s are better than others, with better weapons (and -blam!-ing shotguns, UGH) and more PvP skills. Others might be more suited to PvE gameplay but want to get some money for one groups armor and weapons, like New Monarchy, but playing in the crucible requires a whole new skill set, which may be harder to play for these guys.

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              4 Replies
              • He is right , i agree with him

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              • "My problem is that Bungie seems to be so dead set on churning out additional paid content they they've left a skeleton crew of devs to support the original game. They apparently have no problem with shutting down known exploits or farming areas quite promptly but they can't add a simple skip cutscene button or volume controls? A bunch of people shooting at a black hole isn't hurting my experience. Not being able to hear voice chat over the god forsakenly loud music, communicate with other players in the world easily or not being able to play the higher difficulty content because of the lack of matchmaking however, is." HAH actually shut it down , the farming areas like the first loot cave.....bungie was told multiple times that there was MULTIPLE loot caves and not too long after , bam another gets shown just to prove it to them. They were told it was the loot system itself that was the issue , some of us know many loot caves , dont expect us to share though ;-) and yea a skip cutscene option would be nice , as well as faster transit from leaving like a strike or crucible would be nice as well (faster or dont even need to HOLD down Y / Triangle).

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              • Wait... How did you cancel your season pass?

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              • I agree 100% with this, we need answers to these things, I feel like bungie will never give us answers to any of our feedback. Oh, but when it comes to treasure cave they patch that shit in a second, give responses to that and answer everybody's stupid questions that no one gives a shit about. Bungie needs to see this post!

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              • *slow claps* bravo..... bravo....

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              • I support this 100% I was so hyped for what they SHOWED us but what we were GIVEN was a repetitive borderlands spinoff I'm really disappointed they rather false advertise and cut content for money what happened bungie

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