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9/26/2014 5:52:09 PM
1. aDeadSkinMask GT and OID 2. Got booted at around 1800 Eastern yesterday. (sept 25) 3. 1344 Eastern Sept 26. (<5 minutes ago) 4. No. Haven't been able to connect at all. 5. No. I did delete a titan a week or so ago. 6. I finished a strike and received a purple chest engram and a blue heavy weapon engram. Decoded them both and upped my Cryptarch level. Got the package from the mail and decrypted the two blue special weapon engrams. Got Centipede. Logged back in to see the original two engrams in my inventory. Decoded them and got the same chest and I think the same heavy. Back to the mail, two special weapon engrams. Decoded into what I think were the same two guns again. Hopped into the crucible for a little skirmish. Was actually winning a match (LoL) and got Centipede. Been unable to log in since. Also cannot see my characters on if I am logged in. If I don't log in or if anyone else looks at my profile they are there just as I left them. Thanks in advance for the assistance.

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