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originally posted in:Bungie Mail Sack
9/24/2014 4:52:00 PM

The Wrath of the Mail Sack

Don't panic. The Mail Sack is not angry with you. It just needed a catchy (and timely) title. The Mail Sack loves you. It can read your mind. It knows what you're about to ask. That shouldn't slow you down. Throw your questions at it. We'll read 'em. We'll even answer some of 'em.

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  • I'm on the early road to a career change and want to become a game developer. Is there any programs/schooling advice to give to someone who wants to journey down this path? Don't know if the mail sack is still happening, but it's worth an ask. I'm in the very early process of what to do here: [url=]Link[/url] Thanks guys/ladies, I appreciate you taking the time to read this, if it is read.

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  • Will you ever try to go back to halo. 343 industries ruined the series (halo 5). Halo just doesn't feel like halo anymore since you guys left. This is not only me that is saying it but lots of other people. I (and other friends) miss the awesome story between chief and corana. And the cool game modes they all had. From halo 1 to 3,they all had something special and that special was you guys. You guys made the spark that gave the game life. But 343 took that spark away. I now that in all the comments I'm probably the only one wondering but you now it's true

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  • Hey love my destiny from day 1 just wondering why the old strikes where taken out of the playlists of the taken king not saying i dont like the new strikes but i also love the old ones

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  • Edited by Katrien: 12/10/2015 10:38:22 PM
    Hey guys! Loyal New Monarchy guardian here. I'm a huge fan of the factions, and I couldn't help but notice the SRL logo looks similar to the Seven Seraphs logo. Did the SS logo get recycled, or can we still[i] potentially[/i] expect to see SS appear in the series in the future? EDIT: I'm basically looking for a "No, SS is out for sure." or a "Maybe... but you'll have to wait and see."

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  • Hello this is a loyal day one guardian here, asking if it was possible for you guys to PLEASE bring back the vex and nechrochasm. If you guys bring them back for good with their original burns, perks, and stats, i will make it my mission to recruit as many people as i can to destiny. Ps if you do decide to pull them, plz make them accessible to both playstation and xbox. Thats all, im glad you took the time to read this, thanks.

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  • Ok this is not Destiny related but i was wondering if at some point in the future the Bungie gods would be willing to release a hd pretty graphics version of Oni.? It was a really good gme and it is a shame that so few people know of it. I think it would give you guys good publicity and would show that you guys like you'r old stuff as well as you'r new stuff. It was just a thought, i know you guys are busy with the awesomeness that is Destiny so it's fine if you don't like the idea, it was just a thought. P.S Keep up the good wok.

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  • Bump

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  • Alright, I was wondering why buff and nerf guns that are not going to be in year 2? They are staple guns at this point and I can't see the point unless they are coming soon like ice breaker and necrocasm

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    • hey deej i was wondering if it is in any way possible to transfer my xbox360 account to a playstation account because i am getting the limited edition PlayStation soon but i don't want to have to restart any thing. i was just wondering but if there is any way possible then that would be awsome.

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    • Edited by Cereal: 8/21/2015 12:59:33 PM
      Do you like pancackes!?

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    • I have a few questions. 1.) Why do you put us up against nearly impossible odds? You took the burns from Skolas then lowered his health. Then to accommodate the prisoner you nerfed nearly all useful weapons. Auto rifles and pulse rifles may as well be paper weights. They seem to only tickle the enemy after using multiple clips. Why? Why would you do that? We shouldn't have to spend 7 hours trying to kill one guy, and get nothing from it but anger and disappointment! That's NOT fun! 2.) If I'm in a faction and ranking high, why do I only get motes of light? I'm more likely to get a random faction armor by just getting up my vanguard/cryptarch rank. 3.) Why is there no exotic leg armor for the Warlock? Every other class has exotic leg gear. That really feels wrong and makes me think like the Warlock is not finished. 4.)Why can't we have more members in our fireteam during Patrols? 5.) Are you trying to lose fans and money? This game is so beautiful with such promise and potential. You guys are ruining it. I'm starting to wonder if it's on purpose. Exclusive to the Xbox One players. I'm trying to stay committed to what this game could be and i keep trying to believe in the promises but I'm losing my faith in you/their ability to keep their word.

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      • Please make year 1 exotic be upgrade in TTK the players are piss im include )=|

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      • 1
        In the house of wolves expansion you could ascend old gear like raid gear, or faction gear. Does that take into account the trials of Osiris gear since those are already Max. Will we be able to upgrade those when taken king comes out. I enjoy my trials gear. I'm not a fan of faction gear never have and probably won't ever as long as destiny continues. So if this question can be answered that be great.

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        • What's your favorite color?

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        • Bump

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        • Does it get annoying to scroll through so many hate comments?

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          • Edited by Commander Tempu: 4/24/2015 7:15:19 AM
            Dear Deej and Bungie I hate to say this but Get off your lazy asses and fix your game! I refuse to play it as it is as i figured it was crap from the get go. If you want to compete with Halo 5 or any of the other FPS i suggest you guys start listening and quit counting the coffers. You are a paid liar, you mix truth with fact many times and even if you do tell the truth its nothing meaningful. If this is the new Bungie standard you guys lost touch with the community. Destiny 2 is too far away for fixes it needs it now. During Halo this never happened and while i have a big beef about why the game fails it needs real work. Not just keeping people from cheesing but RNG that makes sense. WOW is a much better game and if i were you i would adapt there model as you guys clearly made an overpriced game with too little content story and anything that remotely comes close to an end game. Your equipment is Recolors or other RNG equipment. Players cannot trade nor can they gamble or choose where they spawn. You clearly lost touch with your player base. What were you doing when you pulled people in to test Destiny ? Its a little kids game for AAA that just tells me you sold out. Not to mention you sold people files that should be on the game and that's called robbery. Its been nothing but excuses or silence from you guys. Get your heads out your ass quit robbing people and take Responsibility for mistakes then fix them. Never thought i seen the day when bungie would care more about money than its game community. Destiny 2 is too far off and you need a solution for the real in game fixes that need to be made. 400 team members and you cannot fix things for better enjoyment of a game ? Might as well sell it for free as Destiny will not last two years let alone all ten.

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            • Why do I get error code elk repeatedly when trying to do raids when I can PROMISE you, I am not hosting, nor trying to play on a WiFi Hotspot provided through my phone or other mobile device? I pay a lot of money for nice Internet each month, it hurt my feelings to see that 😢

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            • Hello DeeJ, I don't know if you will see this, but I am very excited for House of Wolves! I saw the twitch stream showing of the Reef and I am very pleased with the new ways to upgrade gear and selling ascendant materials. It is exactly what I wanted! I am also glad that you explained these features on twitch before the dlc came out so I wont be confused. Thank you! Keep doing what youre doing!

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            • I'm done with destiny the rng in this game is so random and annoying I can't stand it currenty rank 24 in dead orbit not a single shader or weapon besides the exodus RL (Ive gotten 9 of them with rank ups and 3 nightfalls in a row)and I love how my reward for ranking up has mostly been the cloaks ive been wearing to rank up 3 times you gave me both cloaks...rly?! That makes sense Also Whats the point of trying to win crucible matches I can go mvp and recieve nothing while a afk walking into the wall the whole game goes 0-20 gets a Last Word but who cares cause exotics are only powerful in the crucible in strikes, nightfalls or even the raid there a joke you spend all this time increasing the dmg of your weapon with materials glimmer and acendent energy just to get such a small dmg boost its barely noticed and the whole light lvling system is stupid instead of lvling though hard work,skill,teamwork,and progession it's based of one again luck so theres friends I can't play with not because there skill or progession in the game but because they opened up 5 legendary engrams and they were all for a class they don't use love how the game has the striker and bladedancer classes that are useless against strike bosses since every strike boss has a one-hit kill ground smash bet the titans love how the flash nade is now ineffective against bosses yea because everyone loves shooting at a unflinchable cabal armed with a minigun sniper rifile and has super MLG no scope auto aim even your bosses are just huge versions of enemies already in the game they even have the same weapons and fight the same way hell even Atheon's just gatelord with exploding minions but what do you care you've got my money for the limited edition so you got what you wanted from me cause in the end thats all that matters to you anyway It's the first FPS shooter lottery game Destiny: the only thing that gets better and stronger is the enemies that never have a break in fire and never reload and smack you with splash dmg all day

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              • 9 / 2 4 / 1 4 ? Please kill yourself...

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              • I can play for about ten minutes before either getting kicked off the servers or losing connection to Xbox live. You say that destiny is such a great game, then make it one. Every time I play I get kicked off because of your servers, I keep on getting things like beaver or groundhog. That says your problem has been reported immediately well guess what it's not it won't stop happening so if you're going tell me it's fixed than fix it. I preordered the game and it's been happening ever since I play. So fix it or I'm leaving, and I know I'm one in a million. But that million you so call love so much is going to leave within a year. For any of those who care I find playing between 9am and 12pm central is best. For the Xbox live problem, it started when I downloaded the game off the disks. Whoever is reading this please support me. Halo Reach is a great game better than Density will be if the functions and codes don't start working. Halo Reach is way better than the game Bungie said that Destiny is.

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              • Please consider the ability to use armor looks (for example I equip my light lvl 36 helmet but I see a rare or common helmet that I think makes my character look cooler so I use it as a cosmetic but still maintain my light lvl 36) would be so cool and would make each guardian unique and still be the highest level they can be. You guys said you wanted each of us to have a unique experience so why not let us have unique looks?

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              • Six man patrols would be cool

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              • You stopped comments on stuff on here so I guess u will get extra to read lol

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              • Dear Bungie, we are a group of friends playing Destiny basically since the launch of the game and unfortunately, even though the overall game experience can be defined as “good”, we really feel that there are some issues that sometimes really prevent the players to fully enjoy Destiny or that make them feel like they’re putting a lot of effort into something that actually don’t repay them properly. This doesn’t want to sound like a “cry-baby” email, it’s actually something we decided to write because we really do feel these adjustments can drastically improve the Destiny experience for all the players, not just our small group. Let’s get straight to the point: [b]THE VAULT OF GLASS[/b] Since the launch of Destiny, our fireteam has been able to clear the Vault of Glass several times and we found some really annoying bugs that not only caused us some problems in trying to finish this raid in a proper way, but also prevented us from getting the “Flawless Raider” trophy, which asks you to “complete a Raid without anyone in your Fireteam dying”, a nearly impossible task to achieve with this kind of problems - sometimes when you’re trying to get out of the portals during the Atheon fight, not only you still get teleported inside Mars or Venus, but you also have to run around it to try again to get out, or you’ll get teleported in front of Atheon and his harpies, while you should be teleported between the portal and the sync plate - the other problem inside these portals is the fact that sometimes, even if you destroy all the oracles in time and as fast as you can, you still get the warning “succumb to the oracles” (we tried several times to get a fourth guardian inside to look if all oracles were destroyed and couldn’t find any of them still intact) - since your latest update introduced the casual choice of the guardians that get inside the Timestream, if in our fireteam there are 3 guardians left (especially in Hard Mode Raid, where you can’t be revived) they’ll all be teleported inside the Timestream, leaving no one on the outside to open the portal and causing the consequential death of all guardians. This problem is actually really annoying when you’re basically a few shots away from defeating Atheon - in Atheon fight and even before, during the Templar fight, if the guardian who’s holding the Relic dies and another guardian immediately picks it up, you still get the red screen warning you’re going to die and does effectively kills you, even if the Relic was picked up in time - sometimes not all the members of the fireteam gets Supercharged when all oracles are destroyed and the Relic gets out of the portal, activating “Time’s Vengeance” [b]THE WEAPONS[/b] We know you’re working really hard to try to get the right balance of all the weapons available in the game as of today, but we really think you nerfed too much a weapon and didn’t consider at all the possibility of nerfing probably the most casual killing machine in all PVP - The Vex Mythoclast: we completely understand the choice of nerfing this weapon in order to prevent a slaughter by the owner of the Vex, but we now have the impression that the Mythoclast has really nothing special compared to other weapons, in PVE and PVP. We know you’re about to fix it in PVE, but why should I get involved in a Hard Mode Raid in order to drop (casually) a weapon that basically can lose a fight against a non-common weapon? The Vex should be the ultimate reward in Destiny (at the moment) and nerfing it by 34% was really excessive. It should be strengthen again and, if you don’t want it to be abused in PVP, put the “Level 30” limit use it in any mode, so that if you drop it, you still have to get to the top level in order to use it - The Fusion Rifles: talking about “overpowered weapon”, here is the most overpowered one in PVP. Not only this weapon kills you in one shot without even having to aim, but some of them have a ridiculous range of fire, which allows the owner to kill you basically from the opposite side of the map [b]CRUCIBLE[/b] It must take a lot of effort to keep so many players online at the same time, but there are still several problems in the Crucible when you try to play a 6-vs-6 mode. If in Skirmish (3-on-3) that’s really not the case, in Control, Clash and other type of 3+ multiplayers team it’s nearly impossible to play without being kicked out of the match at least once, causing some real trouble in trying to have fun with our friends for at least a couple of matches “online” We would have love to ask other few things, like the possibility to play Patrol with more teammates, but we feel the ones above are the most evident and annoying problems that are affecting our game experience at the moment. We do hope to get your attention about these problems and maybe that some of our suggestion could be get into consideration to improve the experience of all Destiny players.

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