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originally posted in: An Audience with The Queen
9/24/2014 1:42:12 AM
My concern with this Queen "content" is it does not tie in with the "story" at all! We have already done all these things; I have already killed the gate lord and bought the Queen his head in the original story mode. Yet the Queen asks me to do it again??? Rather confusing and a lazy attempt to add extra things to do. The reef already exists as part of the game world, yet nothing is set there beyond a cinematic, so I was hoping Bungie would properly fill out that part of their world by having the Queen missions set on the Reef. And clearly the only way these Queen missions can fit in with the context of past missions is for them to be new and set elsewhere. Otherwise this whole thing makes no sense at all!! "Go and avenge my wrath by killing guys you have already killed." HUH??

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  • It fits in with the story perfectly. The Queen is the leader of her own Fallen, The House of Wolves. Her bounties have you killing Fallen from other houses like The House of Winter. Sounds like she's starting to wage some kind of war with the other Fallen don't you think? She is also calling for us to repay the debt that we owe her from the main story mission. I have a feeling that it won't be "just bounties" during this event and that maybe a new strike or story mission will unlock towards the end of the event to finish that plot line or set a bigger event in motion. But I'm just speculating here.

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  • Huh, when she asks you to kill the gate lord you are fighting Vex not Fallen. Fighting other Fallen in this context is fine, it does not contradict the story. But the gate lord mission does.

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  • I'll give that but then again the Vex want to turn all worlds into machines and are corrupted by the Darkness. So even if the Queen isn't technically on our side we have a common enemy there. Thin thread connection I know but that's all I can think of for now.

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  • If it makes you feel any better just do like I did think of it this way you're not killing the same guys you killed during the campaign these are their replacements the names are the same because all these groups are military based so technically it's not a name it's a rank and you're basically killing them so the queen stay at the top of the food chain by showing her dominance by showing anyone else that could have that rank that she could easily have them killed so play nice. If you think about it like that it kinda fits but I dont know

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  • Well thought and well said *two thumbs up*

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  • Have you never played an mmo? It's gonna be recycled content until the expansion. You just need to deal with it and gear yourself up. Every games story mode has an ending. You gear yourself and prep yourself for the next batch of content. Think of this queen event as a way for people who have had a hard time gearing a chance to get to the raid.

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  • Yeah I get it...The other recycled content is fine as it has no real relevance to past story events. These Queen's missions however are linked to the story so the plot needs to line up.

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  • Edited by MrTeknologi: 9/24/2014 1:55:04 AM
    Dude they only promised bounties. Please stop complaining. You are getting legendary drops FOR FREE. Don't need them? Disassemble them and get ascendant materials to level up your gear. Again this is FREE not dlc. Stop crying about it bro. BUNGIE is doing an awesome job with destiny.

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  • Edited by I3ridgeI3urner: 9/24/2014 2:10:37 AM
    Yes I get all that and the legendary gear is great. But this is linked to the story of the game. If Bungie introduce extra bounty mission options that exist in isolation from the story that is understandable and that works. But to link these to story, means they need to make sense as a part of that story. These do not, that is what I do not like.

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  • 1. In the very mission where you bring her the Gate Lord's head she specifically tells you that you "owe her" and she certainly struck me as the type of person to call in her debts. So while there may be no mission linking it to the story with cutscenes and the like, there was mention of it. Not so much on the context of revisiting old missions, unless you want to take it as just hitting high targets without it being the events of those specific missions. 2. You don't avenge wrath. Players are her 'wrath' in that her 'wrath' is her hiring the best murderers in the solar system to go take down her biggest enemies. Not sure I'd call it outright 'lazy', because for me it's an excuse to have some different bounties and things to do caught up in the mix, even if it does mean going back to some well-worn ground. To each their own.

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