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9/19/2014 4:57:23 AM
Ah, but this is the case in every video game. You are asked to do the tasks that everyone else is doing, and if you don't immerse yourself in the game then you say "but I am only one of millions doing the same thing." And yet, you are the featured character in every cutscene. Even if you are in a group, you are alone when you talk to the Queen or the Mysterious Exo. So even if there are other Guardians out there, from your own perspective, you are special. It is you who is the key to fighting the darkness, and the story mode would reinforce this illusion. Consider; You paly out the first arc on Earth and after you complete the last mission you have a cutscene where the Speaker talks to you. You haven't achieved greatness yet, but the Speaker implies that he senses something within you. Now you move on to the Moon. Again you play through the missions, and at the end another cutscene has you interact with the Speaker. Other Guardians are going to Venus on their own missions, yet it is you that he entrusts with finding out the mystery of this stranger from the wild. You don't need to identify your character by name, for you know who you are. The Speaker doesn't (and shouldn't) identify you by name, for in doing so he breaks your sense of immersion. And yet, after each milestone event, it is reinforced that it is you who stands out. Among all of the other guardians, it is your legend that is beginning, and having short, seminal moments with the Speaker would reinforce this. It doesn't matter that every other player is seeing the exact same story, for you don't experience those scenes from their perspective, but instead only from you own. Additionally, you are never introduced to your class trainer. Why? Why not have a short intro scene to play out when you meet them? You got a cutscene when you got your first ship. Isn't your sense of class identity just as important? Why not have a scene where the Cryptarch wants to speak with you during your time on Venus? Isn't Earth's history important enough to warrant his interest? All of these things could have been added into the game to increase the depth of the story. Maybe they aren't all good, and maybe people wouldn't like them, but at least they are attempts to get a bit more involvement in the story, and if I can come up with this in the span of 10 minutes you can bet a real, professional game's writer can come up with more given at least a few days or more.

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