As I can see that a lot of people are getting in to farming as opposed to grinding for loot, exploiting the repetitive spawning patterns of certain enemy types to gain glimmer and loot, I would like to see Bungie's opinion on this? As the loot system is new to a Bungie game, I'd like to know how lenient they are towards it or if they have plans to either ban people or simply patch away the exploits (hopefully the latter!).
Obviously I prefer to actually play the game as intended rather than performing the same tasks over and over and over but hey that's just me.
EDIT: For those of you that think I have a problem with people going around the map and grabbing spinmetal or other resources, that's not what I meant by exploits - more like [url=]this[/url].
Don't think it's exploiting to farm. Destiny has always been about allowing people to play the game how they want and not to be forced into any one mode. Personally I do kind of shake my head when I read all kinds of threads obsessing about farming routes. To me these are probably the same people complaining about how the game is so repetitive and not fun. I just don't get this generation of gamers. I feel like people rush through as fast as they can, find out the fastest way to get the highest level and best gear, but at the expense of fun. I actually read someone saying if they weren't high enough to do the raid the day it launched they may quit. Blew my mind. I have all the time in the world to do that. Probably won't attempt for another month at least. Personally I find the 'most efficient' means are often the least fun and the game becomes more of a job or chore. After I hit 20 I will still likely just run missions or strikes and whatever I get, I get. Spend too much time worrying about not getting certain items and it will kill the game for me. I would say it's ok to mix in a bit of that, but not all the time.