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Edited by ForzafanS34N: 9/18/2014 6:57:18 AM

Destiny please listen to this thread

Please do not listen to request to change things that make the game what it is. Moans from children on line ruin so many great games. those of us who really love the game enjoy it for everything that it is. The loot system, lack of trading, no match making in places and so much more are all there for a reason and make the game the chalanging Gauntlet that it is. Destiny is a work of art and I can't wait to see where it goes and moves forward not backwards because people don't understand the reasons behind decions. comments below please edit """a lot of people agreeing with this thread. From what I can see people that agree say thier bit then leave and go about thier day, complainers seem to be on a mission to prove that they know best and stick around posting from day to day. This is a place to praise bungie for all the good in destiny with good feed back not complain that "you don't get enough loot" or that "the chat system isn't how you like it" or that "matchmaking should be in every area of the game" or the more common complaining the the game has no identity and is so much like so many games then proceeding to complain where it is different to those games in the same sentance which is just plain silly. Enjoy the game for what it is and be a little less focused in picking holes in a game most of you have spent an insane amount of time playing in a week alone. """"Please like if you agree"""" """"Edit 2"""" I will not be replying to this post any more. Words do not describe how some of the responses outline the problem in gaming at the moment. Young minds and silly I want requests that ends up being a full time job to keep replying the same thing to them. Thank you again for all the good comments from those of us able to see past our noses

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  • What a kiss ass! Shut the -blam!- up

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  • Kinda guess all this was irrelevant . Change is a comin' ...

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    3 Replies
    • Destiny IS great , it's easy to overhype ones self though , expectations met or not met usually fall to the individual . I was stoooked for it, playing the hell out of it still , will to the end . But ... I played Pong , had an Atari and everything in-between . I've played video games since they were created . A game may be perfect for one , but since so many people exist ( reality is dependent upon the person perceiving that reality , thereby won't be the same ) it's bound to not be by someone else . And that makes it imperfect to whatever degree. My issue isn't w really any of this , I hate pvp , I'm sucking it up on the loot system , have been forced to get used to communicating by playstation's ios app , Destiny companion app , and AND getting a new damn headset , that's working weird w my gamer chair . Whatever it's a lot but I'm used to it now. My issue is this - not all things should be left in the devs hands . WE all are paying , investing , waiting for our individual payoffs . If someone feels they didn't get their money's worth they DO have a right to say it , after all , they PAID for that right . I can understand if u want to only have positive feedback but this public and just doesn't work like that . If we were not meant to give Bungie our feedback good / bad in-between , we would not have been given this forum , our microphone . Bungie KNOWS they have flaws , the BETA ( & ALPHA ) was not just a run to see if the servers would hold ( as many in here mine too has crashed and booted me 15-20x's since launch ) Every time I was booted I manned up and ran downstairs , restarted my damn wi-fi etc. etc. They not only want our 1. Opinions 2. Concerns 3. Ideas 4. Experiences 5. Questions 6. FEEDBACK That's right bro ... I like Bungie , and I LOVE Destiny , I ignore the flaws ( with faith , for now ) but if we can't ALL get on here ie. ANY one of our threads , and respect each other's varying opinions , same as arguing at the dinner table over politics , religion , sex , race and someone's Momma , then not only will this audience suffer but this unfinished unrealized potential masterpiece ( 'ish ) will never have it's day to BE*O*E LE*E*D ( yeah I'm not going to cheese out like that ) the POINT is this - lighten up bro , this is a big toyroom we all get to share here ... We're all worth it . If YOU can talk , WE can talk . Best wishes guardian , see u on the flip side ...

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      2 Replies
      • Totally agree, well said. I love Destinay and so does everyone in my clan of 15 good friends. It's the best game I've played easily and so much fun to play with your friends

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        • And now you've become an ignorant, self-important jackass.

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          • BUNGIE, wants positive feed back not some guy claiming to be more mature than the people complaining about the actual problems the game has. Yes the game is still great but there is much room for improvement. It is understandable since this is the first game where BUNGIE and activision came together. By the way check your spelling before making a thread that's important to you.

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            3 Replies
            • I dont come to complain, I have followed this game since it was just a thought and I am incredibly disappointed on how bungie has neglected the hardcore gamers who "praise' themas one of the greats. The game has a ten year least release enough content to make it fun for hardcores or utilize the amazing true skill rank system that they coined, if both of those seem unreasonable at least give us a private mode to play GB with.......that is a huge slap in the face to any competitive gamer.

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              • Agree. Agree. Agree. Don't turn this into a Dark Souls 2 nerf-fest. Nothing balance wise is game breaking. Sure some user-friendly features can be implemented and things can be polished up a bit.. But complaining that every single weapon or class is OP? Alright guys.. Alright..

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                2 Replies
                • The biggest problems with Destiny are fundamental. Bungie are afraid to do anything outside of generic space shooters. Theyre the kids with an endless supply of legos but they only want to build space ships and nothing else.

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                  • Just saying hello to Forzafans34n! We don't talk enough now that your thread is so popular... Just don't forget to remember the little people! :D

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                  • Classes are perfectly balanced, my only complaint is that I can't trade and that I can't chat with everyone.

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                    12 Replies
                    • Edited by Uncle Thursday: 9/17/2014 9:56:32 PM
                      Your lack of paragraphs makes this wall of text a chore to get through. That said, certain aspects of this game are horribly broken, [i]especially[/i] the loot system. The simple fact that engrams have a far higher chance of dropping lower rarity gear than the engram rarity, itself, should speak to that. Over 90% of the blue engrams I have found have dropped greens. Less than 5% have dropped blues. 1 gave me a legendary machine gun. The rest have been coins. That's a horrible percentage. I'm not asking for purple items all the time, but if an engram is blue, I expect a blue to come of it, not a green. As it stands, I now expect greens from blue engrams; and that's just wrong. Engrams should not drop items of a lower rarity than the engram itself. Keep the low percentage for something better, but it's gotten to the point where engrams are no longer something worthwhile to see. The two legendary engrams I have gotten dropped a blue and a coin. Making then also hardly worth having. The simple fact that doing strikes has a far higher probability of yielding each player nothing for their efforts is also a problem. Bosses don't drop loot. The after mission RNG is set to a very high percentage to give everyone nothing. The rep and marks are, overall, minimal. Strikes are barely worth doing most of the time. Hell, you get more marks for doing an easy public event than a level 24 strike. Do you see a problem here? Or are your rose tinted glasses blinding you to these issues?

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                      4 Replies
                      • Edited by nuclearpengu1nn: 9/18/2014 4:54:24 AM
                        The classes are perfectly balanced imo and should be left alone. But, there are some flaws in the game like: #1 No option to trade gear with friends or other players #2 no in-game chat #3 The rewards in the crucible are a bit unbalanced/unfair among people who actually do well and those who don't. For example, I was in clash today and the guy who got top kills got no rewards, while the person who did the worst, got the most deaths and cost the team to lose the match was rewarded with a LEGENDARY ENGRAM.

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                        • The game is good, I didn't expect perfection and I agree (hope) it will grow. But it is an MMO, RPG, FPS. Bungie covered MMO and FPS but the RPG part is lacklustre. Therefore to make this game great they need to expand the RPG part that includes more social elements (communication, trade, NPCs. I know there's more to come but I think I may halt my playing for a while if the on-release elements aren't expanded quite soon. Farming (and owning) the same 6 strikes for a week is getting a tad on the boring side. I'm 35 BTW so I'm not a moaning child, I'm an adult expressing constructive criticism.

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                          5 Replies
                          • I agree I think it's a great game. I just think it would be cool to walk up to some people and be able to chat with them by proximity. You bring up a good point of screaming twelve year olds and such. I guess thinking about it now inviting people to a fire team kind of takes care of that. And not having an overflow of chat is probably good in game. Good call Bungie.

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                            • People that post on this forum day to day complaining about what this game is are people that watched the trailers, listened to bungie and believed they were going to be getting a game that they did not. Please do em a favor and go back and watch all the dramatic cinematic previews and tell me if the game you currently own is anything at all like what these previews seem to be teasing. Furthermore, listen to some of the things bungie claimed we would experience in this game and tell me how many of them you have experienced. Please search this game throughout for the "cinematic storytelling" and tell me where you find it because i would love to see it. Lastly but most importantly, please tell me at the conclusion of this campaign and a great number of hours into this game if you feel at like like you have had an opportunity to "become legend" .

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                              5 Replies
                              • Id like it if you put spaces and sht in your wall o text

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                              • Please, explain how the loot system is great? How the lack of matchmaking in the Weekly Strikes are great? How we can't team up with people in a matchmaking way on the repetitive annoying missions is great? Honestly, the only one I care about is the Loot System. Think of it like this, I'm going to assume you've played Diablo 2, if not you should give it a try, Its not the godsend everyone says, but its a solid, good game with an enjoyable loot system. Anyway In it, you can get Normal, Magical, Rare, Legendary and Set items. [We'll change those to Common, Uncommon, Rare, Legendary and Exotic]. Now, Legendary, Rare and Exotic items have to be identified. What if you constantly found a sword or shield that would fit perfectly on your character's play style, and it happened to be a rare or legendary. Every time you went to town to identify it, you CONSTANTLY got the tier below it [Legendary gave you rare, and rare nearly always gave you Uncommon.] With only a few times the beat actually skipped, and it gave you items that were worse than the one you get from BEATING THE CAMPAIGN. That is not challenging. That is starvation. The game, and Bungie [though no direct fault of its own] is starving you and forcing you to go ill-equipped until you've farmed your needed quota of Beaver Tails. WoW Has a more enjoyable grind system. If I wanted a Farming Simulator, I'd play Farmville. If I wanted a Farming Simulator in a SciFi Setting, I'd play Legacy of a Thousand Suns. I mean, there is so much useless crap in this game, or so much that should be fixed. Why can't the Class Items actually DO something. If they are cosmetic, why are they so dang small? Why can't leveling the Cryptarch give better chances to get better items from the Engrams? Logically speaking, you are helping him get better and more respected at his job, which means he should, logically, be getting you better stuff by learning how to decode the Engrams better. As it stands, the 20+ Decoherent Weapon Engrams, with only about 5-6 blues from them, and then the fact only about 2 of those from that group are even on the same level as my other stuff. Honestly, then there is the simple fact that you spend up to an hour of your time [Summoning Pit, literally the worst part of the game] On these Strikes, doing your best to stay alive and help your team kill stuff, trying to push your ability to even handle mobs 2-3 levels higher than you just to get DECENT drops. And guess what, You get some.... FOR ANOTHER CLASS, Or they are too weak to even compare to the stuff you already have. You cannot seriously tell me you ENJOY this broken farming simulator. I can ignore the rest of the flaws the game has, ALL OF THEM, even Summoning Pit, If we can just get some better dang drops. Hell, Keep the drops as they are, and make all of those useless-otherwise Levels we've been feeding the Cryptarch actually MEAN something. As it is, it is as useless as the Motes of Light, the Speaker's Shop, and Class-Slot Items.

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                                11 Replies
                                • Edited by SJohnson1021: 9/16/2014 5:36:06 PM
                                  Challenging gauntlet..? What? I'm sorry I've played all of the missions that allow a heroic mode on heroic, and the only time I've found the game anywhere near a 'challenging gauntlet' is during the strikes. And even then for most if not all of them there's several safe spots where you can get a team member to stay as a respawn point while the other two unload clip after clip into the monotonously repetitive bullet sponge that is the 'boss'.

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                                  7 Replies
                                  • False. This game barely has an identity and doesnt know what it wants to be. This is the most bland, generic, game ive played in a while that could have been its own thing if Bungie has any balls to do anything outside of Halo.

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                                    3 Replies
                                    • *walks up to podium* *clears throat* [spoiler]shotguns, that is all.[/spoiler] *walks off stage*

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                                      • You're wrong, everything bar the gunplay is a shambles and needs serious work.

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                                        10 Replies
                                        • I look at this game in its current state like a pot of liquid steel. It has yet to be forged into a magnificent weapon. I love Destiny. Most fun I've had with a game in a looooooong time. I am here for the long haul. But, saying the game is perfect is nonsense. They have a good foundation for what is to come. That's why people are disappointed. They had the illusion of this perfect game in their minds. They bought into the hype. I didn't. I did know that this game is exactly the kind of game I've always wanted. I am not at all disappointed. If anything I am more excited for what's to come. I agree with you that they should stick with their core vision for the game and not make sweeping changes based on input from immature teens and "adults". I think Bungie bit off more than they could chew for a new IP. Jack of all trades, master of none. But, it will improve.

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                                          • Read this as: loot system sucks, no social / group building tools, and countless other issues with the game... but my head is so far up bungie's tailpipe that I can't tell the difference between lazy, poorly implemented crap and art.

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                                          • I like this post because I believe a lot of things should not change, but I do not see the problem in adding things (ex: trade, matchmaking, quick and easy chat, etc). I just do not agree with the idea of taking things away (ex: nerfing characters) or modifying things (ex: loots for crucible, engram drops, etc).

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                                            1 Reply
                                            • [quote]Please do not listen to request to change things that make the game what it is. Moans from children on line ruin so many great games. those of us who really love the game enjoy it for everything that it is. The loot system, lack of trading, no match making in places and so much more are all there for a reason and make the game the chalanging Gauntlet that it is. Destiny is a work of art and I can't wait to see where it goes and moves forward not backwards because people don't understand the reasons behind decions. comments below please edit """a lot of people agreeing with this thread. From what I can see people that agree say thier bit then leave and go about thier day, complainers seem to be on a mission to prove that they know best and stick around posting from day to day. This is a place to praise bungie for all the good in destiny with good feed back not complain that "you don't get enough loot" or that "the chat system isn't how you like it" or that "matchmaking should be in every area of the game" or the more common complaining the the game has no identity and is so much like so many games then proceeding to complain where it is different to those games in the same sentance which is just plain silly. Enjoy the game for what it is and be a little less focused in picking holes in a game most of you have spent an insane amount of time playing in a week alone. """"Please like if you agree""""[/quote] I sooooo agree with this I hate how people are trashing destiny so hard and it's barely even been out, I have complete faith in bungie they have always delivered in my eyes

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