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Edited by Stackguy2581: 9/15/2014 5:59:18 PM

couldn't be happier legendaries are hard to find

I can't be the only one that is enjoying how hard it is to find legendaries right? I don't want the best items to be handed out and think it's pretty ridiculous that people would want it differently. This instant gratification-mentality seems so silly only a week into the game--sit back and enjoy the experience! And sure, it'd be frustrating to find a purple or gold Engram and have it be something for a different class, but it'll make it that much better when you finally do find something. Here's to the more searching and grinding ahead! Cheers! Edit: Hey guys, just wanted to thank you all for the great feedback! As I'm sure you've noticed, it's reassuring to read so many like-minded players who realize that legendaries should be just that--[b]legendary[/b] . Anyway, I'm a level 21 warlock looking for other players for fire teams and eventually raids. I play in MDT time zone and prefer people who have and use mics. Feel free to add me as I'm open to all game types! Cheers!

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  • I would agree accept its very frustrating to see someone get an exotic don't their first engram and mean while I'm doing 2-3 a day and getting nothing

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    • Edited by MysticJon: 9/15/2014 9:08:27 PM
      Everybody needs to understand that there is a middle ground between 'getting a lot of great items' and 'getting very few.' Right now, the loot tables lean heavily towards the 'get very few great items' side and that's the problem. I need to be getting new and better items. I need to feel that I improving myself. That I am advancing my character. I don't feel that at all when I play. I'm not saying hand me everything on a silver platter, but I need, need, need to be getting better items or else there is no reason to be playing at all. Every one of my legendary engrams has produced a rare item. Every single one. And I'll win a crucible match or beat a high level strike and sometimes get no reward at all. No one can sit there and tell me that this is all OK. You just can't.

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      • I'm glad about it too, and I like that you can't just trade your way to the best gear, but it's really discouraging when already rare-to-find Legendary engrams keep turning out to be lackluster Rares. On the one hand it adds a sense of urgency and the unknown, but it's also aggravating at the same time. Maybe it ought to be like it is. Statistics aren't my forte and I haven't seen the drop tables anyways, so I guess I don't have an objective stance on it. It's better than most systems I know of, though. I do appreciate the actual legendary [i]feeling[/i] of getting Legendary loot.

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        • Edited by leChevalierSieg: 9/15/2014 9:01:04 PM
          Legendaries don't seem that difficult to come by; I've been pretty lucky so far and have found two legendary weapons (sniper and Auto, wish I had a scout or pulse though...), an exotic rocket launcher, and bought the legendary vanguard gloves and cloak. I have also found an exotic chest (for titan though, so can't even use it) and legendary (for warlock unfortunately...). As far as players I have checked (which I usually check about 80% of my groups just out of curiosity), it seems that about 1 in 8 or so have had at least one piece of legendary gear (only a handful had legendary weapons). I have yet to see another player with an exotic (which is surprising considering you could buy exotic pieces pretty easily from that vendor that appears on weekends or something...). Given another week or so we'll see a lot of players with legendary gear if not nearly equipped completely in legendary because you can buy the legendary gear from vendors without too much effort. Although, it might be another week or two before we see players that haven't lucked out on drops with legendary or exotic weapons.

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        • It's good an all but it's complete bull SHAT when for example in crucible you can be lead scorer and get a blue and someone at the bottom gets an legendary or exotic

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          • While I do like the fact that Legendary items are hard to come by, I find it a little ridiculous it's based solely off luck. It's no different than playing a slot machine. Players who excel should have higher percentage chances to find legendary items, mainly in the crucible. I've logged a ton of hours and have yet to get a single legendary item. I play PVP a lot and all my friends have got legendarys and exotic items already. These people are always on the bottom of the scoreboard every single game, but they are getting much more items than me. I do not find that to be "fun" or rewarding. There is no incentive to do well on PVP other than to rank up your crucible rank, in which case after you get to rank 3 (which doesn't take long) it makes NO DIFFERENCE if you win/lose do well or do bad. Drops should not be based on a system like that. Similarly low lvl monsters should not have the same chance to drop items as a high lvl monster. A Axis or any high lvl monster should be the ones dropping good gear. This prevents people from farming low lvl spots for hours on end, as right now that is more rewarding than playing high lvl missions the way they were meant to be played. I have no issue with legendarys being rare, but there should be an incentive to do better.

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          • I also like the idea of hard to find legendaries, but Crucible Marks seems as an easy way to get some gear. It did not take me long to hit the weekly limit. Had it not been for that I might have purchased 3 pieces of legendary gear over my 1st weekend with Destiny.

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          • Just found a legendary chest piece from a rare engram. Was not expecting that after getting rare gear or of legendary engrams

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            • I agree with that. The loot percentage has to be really low which is nice for exotics and legendaries. Does make you grind out rep and marks to get what you want. Those lucky enough to have full legend gear already are just that RNG favored. And that's OK. Its not about who has what gear IMO its about how much you enjoy what you have and continue to get better. I definitely am enjoying my exotic weapon thorn bounty. Making me charge its power only to have to break its bond and corruption from Xyor. Gotta go kill that fool now lol. Wonder how long it takes for him to spawn while fighting phogoth's minions. Lol. Been fun so far.

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                I have gotten three legendary engrams but two of them became uncommon, which is bull$hit, and I have gotten most of my legendary equipment from blue engrams. Hoping for the day I get a exotic engram.

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                • Seems like the issue is 3 fold and not quite as simple as this post is making it seem. With engrams you have to: 1. get the engram 2. actually get the legendary item to drop 3. hope you get a legendary for your class There are good elements to their drops and bad elements this is strictly negative in the psychological arena. Sure I can use the blue or whatever for parts/glimmer but it also takes some of the thrill out of the drop. You effectively have to win the lottery 3 times.

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                  • Edited by BigWyrmmm: 9/15/2014 7:35:08 PM
                    The Loot table is all -blam!-ed up in this game right now...its one thing to have a chance to drop a legendary, but to have to take a chance again to get a legendary engram that 99% of the time is a blue or a green is ridiculous..Which bring me to my next point....I honestly don't think this is how they intended it to work maybe its throttled back since its only week one. Also i think that another reason that its impossible to get these items is because the loot table may not big finished...Has anyone noticed that pretty much every weapon is the same model and stat wise. Armour looks all the same as well. Maybe this limitation on the loot table is so they can boost it up some.. because itll be pretty lame to see everyone with the same legendary..

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                    • I like the grind and am awaiting my first legendary engram and gear. I've recently started getting more blue engrams and hope to get lucky one of these days (RNG is RNG). I'm ahead of most of my friends so I feel stuck in a way as I cannot find a group to complete the weekly heroic strike(s) >< If anyone is on PS4 and wants to add me, inmyspot is my tag and I'm a lvl 21 hunter (closing in on 22)

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                      • This is Destiny, not Diablo 3. Legendary items need to be exactly that, as you said.

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                      • I don't think people have a problem wig the difficulty per say. I think people have a problem with the reward system. It doesn't incentivize anyone. For instance in the crucible, being the top scorer provides no real reward besides your own satisfaction for being the best. I understand the concept of rewarding random players because it makes the experience more enjoyable for the casual gamer. However, the hard core grinders can easily put 40 hours into this game and find themselves stuck at level 24. Which to me is the real level cap lol. There is really no motive to grinding when you can't confirm what you're grinding towards. It's a gamble, in which you're using your time instead of money. But Wavelay what about heroic stuff?? Yes those do provide guaranteed rewards. But to even get high enough to participate in such events is the real issue.

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                        • I'm just trying to earn Vanguard marks and rep so I can get Legendary gear.

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                          3 Replies
                          • I understand how you feel about being stuck at level 24. But I think the point that they were trying to get at after hitting that level 24 was that you should try to go see Future War Cult, Dead Orbit, or New Monarchy to do your missions for one of those factions and turn in Vanguard points for their armor and weaponry. That's the only way to get that extra level so far (until at least the Raid opens up)

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                            • I think it's brilliant and what makes it better is they already announced events got first of many raids tomorrow and more of the story to come I'm glad they are holding some stuff back so people can't complete in the first hopefully they will keep raising the light level Cap in later updates and some more different variations of armor I got two legendary helms for my warlock and though the names are different the only difference in the helm is slightly lighter colouring though to be fair there probs is more in there just hard to come by

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                            • Good to see others like me...

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                            • love this thread

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                            • I am too, then again I also have an exotic hand canon, an exotic auto rifle, legendary gauntlets and legendary boots lol I do take issue with how much of a grind it is to get to the point that you can buy legendary stuff. Like I'm OK with how long it takes, I just hate that getting up in Vanguard or Faction rank requires you to do the same menial repetitive patrol missions over and over and over and over again. I wish there were more varied patrol missions to make the wait at least enjoyable to an extent.

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                              • Edited by Blatantfool: 9/15/2014 7:24:59 PM
                                I'm fine with the rate I'm earning stuff. I do have this to say though.[i] I don't very much like the fact that the game didn't just explain to us how Cryptarch ranks work right off the bat.[/i] I mean, that's incredibly important info. I want to game to be up front about that sort of stuff, not leave me to find out eventually through a grapevine. I think Destiny has just a small clarity problem. It isn't up front enough with information regarding whats truly important, which is our stuff and how to achieve owning more stuff. In a loot heavy endgame like Destiny's current set up I find it incredibly important that accurate information about how loot works DOES exist somewhere for the community to base their farming strategies off of. After all - that's the unavoidable truth about Destiny right now. You're gonna have to farm. Quite a bit.

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                                • To an extent I agree with you. However, personally I'm going on 40 hours and I've yet to find a legendary or exotic. My patience is starting to wear thin.

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                                  • Definitely will make earning them, let alone exotics, so much more rewarding. I got Legendary arms and I was very happy to get them.

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                                  • I agree with it being hard to find legendary items but the fact that lvls are tied to equipment is what makes it ridiculous. The raids are about to open bit can't do them because I have not been lucky enough to find the need equipment to lvl to 26. Also to get the equipment u must do the same missions over and over with no variety. That's the problem with this setup

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                                    • Edited by TriggaMan402: 9/15/2014 3:57:43 PM
                                      I'm a titan and found a purple engram. I rolled a gold/exotic helmet but it's for a hunter... Has that happen to anyone else, Y would bungie do something like that?

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