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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by o______________o: 9/14/2014 10:35:49 PM

Ridiculous defenses I have seen of Destiny so far.

I love bungie, I loved halo, but let's face it. Destiny was a let down. There is no way you can objectively justify the lack of a story, the redundant missions, the horrible dialogue, etc. Yet people try to justify it anyway. I'm putting together the most ridiculous defenses of Destiny's mediocrity I can find: 1. The dialogue is supposed to be short and to the point. 2. Destiny is not an MMO, so don't expect to have more than 3 players or voice chat 3. Destiny is an MMO, you better get used to it. MMOs rarely come with the whole story. 4. The campaign is just a prologue. It will be much better when they release DLC. 5. The missions are supposed to be repetitive. 6. The missions aren't repetitive at all! 7. Go play call of duty you cod fanboy. 8. go play halo you halo fanboy! 9. Yes, halo had interesting campaigns, but this is not Halo! Go play halo if you love it so much. 10. I think bungie did a really really good job 11. The ghost is a ROBOT! He is supposed to sound emotionless. 12. the ghost has a lot of personality, you just don't understand Peter dinklage's deadpan delivery. 13. Destiny is really really good! You are just a troll. 14. bungie has a plan! 15. You haven't even played the game! 16. It's an RPG! RPG'S aren't supposed to be about action. 17. Destiny is not an RPG, it's a shared world shooter. 18. You are just butthurt because you keep dying. 19. The story is in the grimoire! Just open your computer or mobile app during the game! 20. The game starts after you beat it. Face it guys, I really wanted Destiny to be fantastic. I like it a lot, but it was nowhere near my expectations. Expectations bungie had me believing. Feel free to add your own.

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  • Bump

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  • For me this game wasn't a disappointment, mainly BC I didnt fall for PR bullshit(E3, trailers and what bungie said the game was). So when it came out I wasnt planning on buying it until most of my friends convinced me to get it. One year later im still playing it daily. Also I got it for free when I purchased my X1

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  • to be honest i agree that we are still playing the beta, areas in the trailer still not in the game a year later and so few strikes and raids on release ( and there are not big at all). i wasnt following this game more than watching trailers and talking to 1 friend about it but a game with that kind of budget should have been ALOT bigger and the fact that i have to go on my pc or phone to get the story behind the stuff i just did is rediculous, that being said i do enjoy the game ( what little we have anyway) but just looking around and remembering the trailers i cant shake the feeling that ill have to invest $100 or more to play the full game. another thing eating at me is the continued ps4 only content, i have nothing against exclusive content at all but the fact that they start off with more for the same price and then ( as i understand ) get more in the DLC for the same price that xbox players play seems to be passive prejudice. and keep in mind im not a halo fan, i enjoy the lvl grinds and struggle for gear and im used to the mark system they are using from other games and even the fact that they limit how fast you can get them. my biggest problem is the feeling that they made a game that could be the biggest thing in console gaming since online play and cut it into sections then plan on selling us it piece by piece for more profit

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    2 Replies
    • I miss long face

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    • Wow, I can't believe I almost forgot he was a thing.

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    • We miss you bro :(

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    • Being jealous of people who are enjoying the game is lame. They aren't "justifying" anything; they are simply enjoying it and that causes you extreme angst. The irony here is that your post is in itself a justification; you want to justify your feelings of disappointment and shattered expectations by diminishing the enjoyment that others are experiencing while concurrently rallying similar negative-minded people and encouraging them to post in your thread. That unity gives you power, makes you feel less alone, and gives you the justification you need to overcome your disappointment. I would wager the darkness within yourself that prompts you to put down others in order to bring up yourself has roots that are much deeper than a video game. But you'll have to figure that out for yourself. No one else but you can give you happiness and satisfaction.

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      • Necro

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        8 Replies
        • The fact that these pathetic Bungie white knight sheep have to come here and constantly defend the game speaks for itself. Your list is only the best responses and they ridiculously contradict each other. And to all of the "go play something else/quit playing crowd", the game must be pretty uninteresting if you would rather spend your time doing damage control for Bungle for free.

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          • get a life long face. dont feed the troll everyone.

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          • Dude, you're a hard troll.

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            2 Replies
            • Step 1. Return game Step 2. Buy Hammer Step 3. Bash console repeatedly with hammer Step 4. Never play video games again... please? For all of us... Just in the off chance you make another game purchase in the future. However... in all fairness, in the spirit of constructive criticism, I'll add a solid rebuttle... 1. The dialogue is supposed to be short and to the point. - In the spirit of a true FPS, yes, I can see this. And yet there were length cut scenes, plenty of optional lore, and I feel the mandatory spoken dialogue (albeit, not the best acted) I feel fit perfectly. 2. Destiny is not an MMO, so don't expect to have more than 3 players or voice chat - Trial and error? So it doesn't have a "community chat" out the gate. Would it have been that great hearing everyone complain all day like they are in the forums? Party chat? LOTS of other games have used group/party chats over "public" flooding. Personally, I typically end up muting half the randoms in FPS games anyway cause they're all whiny ragers. 3. Destiny is an MMO, you better get used to it. MMOs rarely come with the whole story. - And most games come with the "whole story" until DLC is added... then there's more story. Or holes get filled with DLC, etc, etc. Destiny is trying something that hasn't been done. Personally, I like that the "whole story" isn't there yet, cause it leaves something to be desired in the future. 4. The campaign is just a prologue. It will be much better when they release DLC. - See above statement 5. The missions are supposed to be repetitive. - Have yet to see this anywhere to merit it making a list of defenses... However, in what way is this "repetition" different than most other popular titles? Assassins Creed, Halo, CoD, Battlefield, GTA, etc... 6. The missions aren't repetitive at all! - Contradictory to above statement. Still, the story missions aren't, unless, you break them down the triggers. Go here, plant ghost, defend. Or, you add in the "defend from what", "this mob spawns", "teammates doing this", etc. 7. Go play call of duty you cod fanboy. - If you're only comparing it to CoD and complaining it's not like CoD, this is valid. 8. go play halo you halo fanboy! Same as above, albeit Halo 9. Yes, halo had interesting campaigns, but this is not Halo! Go play halo if you love it so much. - Again, see above... 10. I think bungie did a really really good job - And how is this not valid? This is purely personal opinion. Don't judge. 11. The ghost is a ROBOT! He is supposed to sound emotionless. - Again, opinion? And personally, I feel like the ghost DOES have a personality. 12. the ghost has a lot of personality, you just don't understand Peter dinklage's deadpan delivery. - And again, opinion. 13. Destiny is really really good! You are just a troll. - I could classify this under opinion, and situationally could be valid, as blatantly trolling is abundant in these threads. If someone's trolling and not producing more than "this game sucks"... Troll. 14. bungie has a plan! - Well, they do... 15. You haven't even played the game! - I mean, if you haven't, you can't really have an opinion on the game. That's like a vegan hating the taste of steak. 16. It's an RPG! RPG'S aren't supposed to be about action. - I must have missed the classification where Destiny is an RPG. It does, however incorporate RPG styling and methodology. And RPG doesn't classify the amount of "action" involved. Skyrim is an RPG, plenty of action. WoW is an MMO RPG, lots of action. Halo, and you can flame for this, is an FPS RPG, as you assume the role of another to progress through a fictional story. 17. Destiny is not an RPG, it's a shared world shooter. - Again, classification break down. And Destiny is pushing the envelope trying to create somethin new. 18. You are just butthurt because you keep dying. - Well if this is the case, which it will be in some cases as the game isn't your standard point and shoot and everything dies kind of game. 19. The story is in the grimoire! Just open your computer or mobile app during the game! - And there is a TON of story in the grimoires, much like TONS of other games. I've yet to see a game where the entire story is strictly in the cut scenes. 20. The game starts after you beat it. - Obviously an oxymoron, yet a lot of the game does open up after you "beat it" by getting sufficient levels and progressing through the story. Personally, love the game. Is it the best thing in history? No. At least not yet, it could be, which is a lot to live up to, but I think Destiny could pull it off for me. And i'm not even a huge shooter fan. But my opinion is my own, and the only reason, the ONLY reason, i'm posting anything at all instead of simply playing the game is because i'm bored in my last hour of work. Until someone can somehow make a list of facts (not opinion.. FACTUAL evidence) that this game sucks (which... mind you... is opinion in itself, therefore an infinity loop) you guys keep typin, I'm gonna keep playin. Least till Inquisition comes out... then i'll alternate.

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              20 Replies
              • The shooting works. I can shoot things with my friends. My guns and armor level up. My guns and armor can be used in pvp and pve. That's all I wanted from the game.

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              • I don't have the gun SO NERF IT.

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              • Edited by Madman Asunder: 9/14/2014 9:22:57 PM
                Here is my argument: I am having a lot of f*cking fun.

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                7 Replies
                • Well if it didn't meet your expectations it didn't meet your expectations. If you don't like it, take it back. And if you got a digital copy, well guess you're SOL. But it fit into mine. I knew it was going to be Borderlands, Halo, and Mass Effect rolled into one game. I prepared for the shortcomings of those games as well as the epic moments. And it turned out to be that. And that happens to be how I like my coffee... All in all if you make a thread like this put it into feedback.

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                  • D:

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                  • Why do so many people reply to this guy? He clearly spends too much time talking crap about video games. Instead of typing a short story about how he should break his console and kill himself, just don't reply! :)

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                  • I laughed cuz I saw every remark u made somewhere else on the forums so it's very true but I still like the game I guess because I felt like I knew it was gonna be like this so my expectations weren't as high as others were

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                  • I like it. It needs a lot more content though. If every planet in our solar system was there on launch that would be more acceptable. The amount of content in the witcher 3 and DA inquisition is going to make bungie look awfully lazy.

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                  • Edited by HankTheYank27: 9/15/2014 12:38:49 PM
                    All of this was so true it hurts XD I'm not too disappointed because I was very cynical about Destiny from the start but the lack of story and some of the broken ass elements like engrams, color customization, or PvP just kill it for me. I still enjoy the gameplay though!

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                  • Its good but not spectacular. I for one would have liked a clan tab or any way to interact with other players so we could team up in game instead of psn or the outside app but hey. It is what it is.

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                  • Most ridiculous criticism I've seen is from kids who hate the game wasting their time coming here to post long ass topics no one cares about

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                  • It sickens me that people are defending mediocrity so hard. This game can be so much better if more people want it to be, but everyone is sitting here thinking it's good enough when it can be so so so much better.

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                  • Bros listen! This guy is trying to help, we all love destiny, we all want it to be great and get greater as we play more of it. This dude is just saying what he believes needs to be fixed and he's not wrong. He's giving helpful feedback. If he didn't care for destiny or didn't think it was a game worth playing he wouldn't post here to try and help out.

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                    • Opinions are like ass holes, everyone has one and no one else wants to "see" it. Well almost

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