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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/9/2014 11:05:46 AM

WOW... Destiny... sucks actually :(

I have to say, so far I am extremely disappointed with Destiny, so much so that I'm thinking about going back to Gamestop and asking for a refund or an exchange. I never buy video games except once a year or two because they're expensive and I just don't spend much time on entertainment, so I try to make sure what I do buy is definitely going to be great. And I've been a Bungie fan ever since Halo CE came out, so I felt sure Destiny was going to be really fun. But so far, I've made it to the moon a bit past finding the dead guardian... and Destiny has been boring. The multiplayer is terrible. It's like FC3 level quality, and FC3 didn't really even try much at all with their multiplayer. I also dislike how Bungie copied FC3's highlighted in red player who killed you mechanic. It just looks really bad and low quality. For a game like this, if some player who killed you indicator was necessary, then Bungie should have gone to the trouble of putting in a high quality kill cam mechanic, not FC3's low quality highlighter mechanic. However, I honestly don't see anything good at all in the multiplayer. In fact Destiny's multiplayer is so bad that it has me questioning if Halo 2 and 3 actually had as good of multiplayers as I always thought. I'm disappointed and surprised to be disappointed right now.

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  • If you have only just made it to the moon then you have a lot of game time still. To me the game started when I got to raid level. The challenge of nightfall and the hard raid keep me well entertained. The game has many obvious and glaring issues (PvP mainly bit I'm not a big PVP'er cos I suck at it in any game I play). Destiny may not be everyone's cup of tea but given time I am hopeful it will move on to greatness.

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  • Don't bother posting in these forums bro. All these kids think the game is good. (Because they aren't experienced gamers and don't know what really good games are..)

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  • Yeah, i'm completely bored with this game. Really nothing new to keep me going. I don't like the fact that is is imperative to go out in patrol mode and look for the resources to upgrade your weapons and armor. They should of just put more content and more challenges and be rewarded with powerful armor and weapons and not be required to go out and farm to make them actually useful. The story mode was far to short and anti- climactic. Really no emotion in this game at all either, npcs never show up in cut-scenes instead its a loading screen with the characters broadcasting to your ship, it makes you feel like the mission is an everyday job and not that the fate of mankind is in your hands.The multiplier seems very generic, its nothing new just another multiplier with few weapons choices. Overall this game is extremely repetitive.

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  • You just suck at the game. I recommend something more your speed; maybe something from Sesame Street?

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    3 Replies
    • Returning games because they failed to meet your lofty expectations is pretty low. There is nothing wrong with the product you purchased. You are the defective.

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    • Haha i read to i have to say then stopped

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    • All true

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    • Edited by N7Spectre: 10/20/2014 9:52:13 AM
      I have to agree, when I reached Venus and finally got a cut scene with a bit of story, it felt like the game was finally starting to give me some kind of plot, but then I reached Mars n beat the final boss n I was just left scratching my head. What happened? Was that it? What was the point of the story? Then I remembered the DLC... I won't get any kind of blam!-ing story till I dish out more money for expansions. Total disappointment. BUT!! Then I was hooked by the loot game, it became all about getting legendary n exotic armor n beating bosses n waves of enemies n ranking up etc. This actually kept me playing for a good while, as u can see on my profile. Of course the lack of content made it all start to get repetitive n then boring n then tedious. BUT! Then I had more friends get the game, and I started playing the crucible. And while playing with friends is really fun in this game.... The crucible is NOT. Crucible is one of the most frustrating multiplayer modes I've ever played. The fact that I've grinded n lvl'ed up to 28 n yet I can get one shot killed by a lvl 10 carrying an uncommon shotgun while I'm wearing all legendary/exotic armor is blam!-ing ridiculous. Who ever thought leveling the playing field between levels, in a game about collecting better n better gear, is a blam!-ing idiot! If they wanted to make it fair for all lvls to play, then there should have been lvl based matchmaking. I didn't have fun in crucible until iron banner started and my gear n lvl actually counted for something. Then there's the multitude of broken one hit kill options in the game. Shotguns kill in one shot, instead of one to wear out ur shield and another to take out ur health. Blade dancers super move is inescapable even while 15 ft in the air. Shockwaves from fist of havoc can kill u while in the air, even though its a ground based attack. Not to mention the rampant amount of team camping on large maps. Its just frustrating as hell and with nothing else to do until I have to drop more money on the game, I really can't find a reason to keep playing it.

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    • Welcome. Our community is undergoing a civil war and you chose the intelligent side. The rest believe this game is good. We don't have much and we cant provide much shelter after Bungie took away our Cave, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of having a higher IQ than the imbeciles on these threads.

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      3 Replies
      • I read this in a robotic voice... Destiny sucks akshually. Sad face. :(

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      • Much shorter campaign than I would have expected from such a big hype (so far), repetitive to the point of wanting to gouge my own ascendant energy from my own bones just to upgrade armour so I don't have to beat the Nexus a billion times (which 80% of the time is the default random boss I land on in a strike) The weekend vender selling you the same garbage week to week, the gunsmith NEVER selling you better weapons than what drops in basic to lame missions, rare item and legendary item engrams ALWAYS dropping green or blue, Vanguards never selling new AWESOME armour based on your level to salivate over and want to own, the crucible being UNHOLY INSANE for newer players to a PVP online like my young nephew who plays on my ps4 and only wants to get cool weapons and armour but is FORCED to do crucible to get exotic or even powerful weapons he happens to like, and the same for me, I respect the insane skill of some bizarre crucible players, but I just don't like crucible, but to get my exotic rifle, guess what.......crucible...a horribly uneven skill matching system in the crucible (whether you're an awesome player or a pure garbage player new to pvp, you should be able to find a place to hone your skillz if you are new and be able to learn the level maps and face foes at your SAME or RELATIVELY same skill set and not be freaking slayed around every corner by players who PVP every waking moment of their lives! sure skill is impressive, but if you want a game EVERYONE will enjoy or at least the MAJORITY, you need to make the matchmaking bareable for the younger or less experienced players or they will say screw you and goodbye, youth OR even just the desire to be entertained will guide people to discrad ANYTHING that may have taken a huge ammount of work to build, its people who want to escape the world and enjoy games that pay the game designers for exactly that, if they tire of the game......they will ALL leave and search elsewhere for something that fullfils that thirst.

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      • I busted one player 3 times in the head with a sniper rifle...he lit up red... zero damage.. one shot from him on the move and I am hit ... and dead... AMAZING... iF THEY GOT RID OF THE MAGIC AND SUPER POWERS AND PEOPLE DIED WITH ONE SHOT LIKE THEY DO IN REAL LIFE ... I WOULD SUGGEST THIS MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE A DECENT GAME... but that isn't about to happen... I just wonder if I went to xbox one instead of the 360 if so many players would be able to hit someone while on a dead run with a sniper rifle? Bet not... as there are no modded controllers for the xbox one ... yet...

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      • The campaign is palatable ... but barely so...​ most of the missions are completed before you go to the bounty board just to redo the mission again. What they lacked in obvious creativity they attempted to butter over with redundancy. The artwork is re-cycled ... all the caves, etc are identical... the on-line play sucks with some players seeming to have endless "super powers" and halo jumping ability and unbreakable shields. It takes nearly 3/4 of a magazine of bullets to bring the enemy down - maybe - while you can go down in or or two hits from similar weapons. The higher the rank the more super-human you become although it says all your perks are removed for live... BS!... all super powers do is make it easier for a cheat to hide the fact he found a way to cheat... I for one am happier than a frog in warm water that I did not get taken in with the map packs. Every mission is in the same map... going through the same building or area over and over and over and killing the same stupid aliens over and over and over with about 30 seconds before they respawn and you get to shoot them again... NO IMAGINATION ... and don't get me started on how they stole pieces of other games... it looks a lot like they found what people liked best in several games and just collated them together to pretend they created something new. What happened to plain old games that didn't have flying and super-human powers and a bullet killed you? Even the new Call of Duty Advanced Warfare has gotten into the Rocket Pack and cloaking craze... AND GUESS WHAT ... after seeing this waste of money I'LL BE DARNED IF I GIVE THEM ANOTHER 60 BUCKS....

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      • Stop thinking and ether go refund it or go play it. The hell do you want me to say to convince you to play? Sounds like you've already made up your mind it sucks and you need to go refund it.

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      • I agree, I'm lvl 26 warlock, got an exotic gun and gauntlets all legendary armour accept for boots, all I do is do the same strike missions over and over ,easy mode now, go on patrol to collect stuff for upgrades and I'm killing low lvl enemies ,fun? Less then a month and I'm getting that feeling that's saying, why am I still playing this? I've felt that way about games before but never this quick,especially for a game that's supposed to be awesome, I bought the version that comes with the expansions , i feel ripped off, 500 million to make this ? I call BS ,I'm very disappointment in tHis game, waste of money!

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        6 Replies
        • Unfortunately i am forced to keep the game as i blindly purchased it digitally. But hey even Bungie isnt invincible when it comes to game design. go read the thread about the Bungie employee releasing all the development and story details and you will really see what this game has become... its sad really..

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          2 Replies
          • You are welcome to an opinion, but next time make an argument. All I got from this topic is that Destiny sucks because enemies are highlighted in red when they kill you, and you are bored. Why? Convince us.

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            2 Replies
            • As a level 20 warlock that bought the Ghost edition I am also disappointed with the game and plan on getting a refund.

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              4 Replies
              • Just "lightly bend" your disc like that other kid on these forums who made a thread here called "crushed my Destiny disc" and take a picture of it

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              • Started a new topic: Destiny was a HUGE HUGE HUGE letdown...(1 Reply)

              • 500mil and they can not fix server issues online SAD..SAD....!

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                • Later

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                  1 Reply
                  • 60$ is actually cheap for a game. If you're old enough to remember, Sega Genesis games cost 50$, and that was in the early 90's.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Battlefield does that too, the highlighting the enemy who killed you so...

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                      • I agree with you. I don’t think they have put any thought into how bad this online play is going to be come Christmas. Think of all the kids getting this for Christmas who will never be able to compete online! This will have nothing to do with their ability or knowledge of the game, it will be from, being constantly over matched. People will be returning this game within a week or two. Whoever thought this style up should be fired and whoever approved this idea should be fired also. Unbelievable how bad the multiplayer is. Game Stop will give 40$ credit to anyone who wants to return it by Oct 6th.

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                      • Edited by DeathByM0nk3ys: 9/26/2014 6:30:54 AM
                        Heres my take. Compare this game (Destiny) to bungies most recent previous game (Halo Reach) and I think you'll find Destiny lacking. In reach you have many multiplayer game types, At least as much if not more campaign, The ability to create maps and game variants, A large pallette of objects, and firefight. Destinys world is very small compared. When the servers go off, crash, have maintenance, it doesnt even exist. Is this game worth as much if not more that Reach. Not in my opinion. Reach never stopped me cold from ranking up. Destiny and her developers love to try. If your an activision fan just look at their products. Pick your favorite. You'll still find things like prestiege and more than 50 levels of character development along with varied weapons. Destiny just doesnt feel finished and very restricted. If you dont believe me go download your free copy of Reach from xbox live gold on 360 and play the difference. Its pretty obvious. I'm a huge halo fan from back when california lan was around and we had lan tournaments. So it disappoints me to say after 4+ days of play time I find Destiny severly lacking and I think I might be done with it while I can still get good money for my copy. If this is the future of gaming I may not want to be part of it any more. They shut down the server your game isnt worth the plastic or magnetized bits it was recorded too. One last parting note. It feels as a consumer that bungie is always trying to take away from the player in this game. A specific example is that the queens armor is legendary. If she gives me something I already have and I dismantle hers bungie has now made it that I get no ascendant materials. Very sad indeed that they will do anything to keep the player from getting loot engrams armor. Thanks again for the cryptarch at level 16+ that still pays out 60% of the time in rare or uncommon on legendary engrams.

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